The Six Immortals

Chapter 194 – No Arrogance in Victory, No Despair in Defeat

Chapter 194 – No Arrogance in Victory, No Despair in Defeat

(Mustang: Regular Chapter.)


As the contest proceeded, most people were only concerned with Blue Dragon and Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu’s match.

They were both contesting for the third place, so their contest was obviously expected to be quite entertaining.

As far as Bi Fan was concerned, he’d finally get an opportunity to see Blue Dragon’s progress.

Even though Blue Dragon was quite strong, Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu would still prove out to be a real challenge for him since she was fairly strong even without the support of the ‘Fiend Fright Burst’. Plus, she also had her Phoenix Beast pet for support.

Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu was already shouldering the heavy responsibility of rescuing her Sect’s campaign, and in case she lost the fight, the Wu Ji Sect would truly face a lot of shame.

The contest began.

Blue Dragon started out with the ‘Hegemon Blade’ while Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu cast out ‘The Yin Yang Sword’ and the ‘Fiend Fright Burst’.

Both sword plays were at par with each other.

It appeared that Blue Dragon was well aware that dragging the fight would be detrimental to his objective.

Blue Dragon was attacking with all his might right from the start, and his combined strength was already lingering on the border of the ‘emerging from the womb’ layer.

Even though Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu was quite powerful, she was having a tough time in keeping up with him.

As a last resort, Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu summoned her green colored Phoenix, even though the bird hadn’t fully recovered since she needed to stabilize the situation quite desperately.

Once the situation was stabilized, Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu started spending more and more of her energy to cast out the ‘Fiend Fright Burst’ in order to suppress Blue Dragon’s overbearing momentum.

Blue Dragon kept attacking with all his might still, but Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu started finding it easier to deal with his majestic strength.

‘The Fiend Fright Burst’ eventually started playing a big role in their fight and started weakening Blue Dragon’s strength.

The battle continued to excite the audience for a while, but then Blue Dragon eventually lost the battle. However, he still won the crowd’s appreciation.

“Brother Dragon lost, but he did his best still.” Bi Fan stated.

“Yes ah, Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu’s ‘Fiend Fright’ burst is very hard to compete against, and it’s very difficult to beat her unless you’re far stronger than her.” Jing Feng forced a smile on his face.

Once the contest was over, the final rankings were announced. Bi Fan received the first spot, while Wu Ji Xuan was awarded the second. Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu was number three, Blue Dragon was four, Jing Feng was positioned at five, with Mo Nan right behind him at number six, while w.a.n.g Feng was awarded the seventh place.

The City Sect was quite depressed by w.a.n.g Feng’s position in the final list since it wasn’t at par with his previous tournament’s ranking.

As for Jiang Wen and Hong Yun Tian, their rankings had dropped out of the top ten this time.

Even though Li Qian Xun had made a big impact in the beginning of the tournament, but his performance had gone completely downhill after his match against Bi Fan.

The Jiu Yu Hidden Dragon List tournament had just ended, when the announcement for the Jiu Yu Imperial List was made.

The number of contestants in the Jiu Yu Imperial List was much lesser in comparison, but the contest was still expected to be more exciting since there was obviously no comparison between the outer and the core disciples’ strength and expertise.

Moreover, Xuan Yuan Po Jun and Yan Yu Si’s inclusion in the list of partic.i.p.ants made the contest even more exciting since they were both considered leading figures in the entire world.

The Quinyang Sect was busy celebrating their victories in the Jiu Yu Hidden Dragon List.

Three of the top of seven disciples in the list belonged to the Quinyang Sect, which was the Sect’s best ever performance in their entire history.

While the Quinyang Sect was enjoying their position, the Ba Gua and the Wu Ji Sect looked overly dejected by theirs.

Even though the City Sect and the Tian Shui Sect weren’t happy about their results, they were still happy to see that the Wu Ji Sect and the Rising Sun Sect had suffered heavily as well.

After the proceedings of the tournament were over, the Quinyang Sect, the Tian Shui Sect and the City Sect’s leaders sat down to have a discussion.

Bi Fan, Mo Nan, Jing Feng, Ji Ying Lan and the rest of the Quinyang Sect disciples decided to use this time to talk amongst themselves for a while.

“Brother Bi Fan, Brother Jing Feng, Brother Mo Nan, Brother Ji Ying Lan… you guys have gotten such good results; I really envy you.” w.a.n.g Yun Fei stated.

Jing Feng smiled: “…. There’s no reason to envy us, even my results aren’t as good as the last time’s….. Brother Bi Fan, you said that you’ll help us in learning some methods to improve our physical strength, and I hope that you will not back off on your word.”

“Of course, that’s not a problem, but tempering physical strength is very time consuming, and its takes a lot of time for the changes to reflect, so it’s better that you all prepare yourself mentally for the hard work that you will need to put in.” Bi Fan smiled.

These disciples were unaware that Bi Fan wanted them to learn and grow so he could one day turn them into the backbone of the Quinyang Sect.

“Brother Bi Fan, we know that tempering physical strength is very difficult, but we’ve seen you, Blue Dragon, Li Qian Xun in action, so we all know that these practice methods have a lot of benefits. So matter how difficult the road is, I’ve decided that I will strive for it.” Mo Nan stated.

“Yes, we will all strive to practice.”

“No matter what kind of hardships we have to bear, we must enhance our strength.”

Bi Fan could see the enthusiasm and the determination in the eyes of the others, so he didn’t say much, and started giving them the basic instructions to practice the basic methods of his modified ‘Blood Devil’ law.

Jing Feng and the others listened very carefully since Bi Fan was instructing something very important which they all believed would help them in becoming more powerful in the future.

“Brother Bi Fan, you’ve really impressed us. If we are ever in a position to help you in the future, then we’ll do our utmost to be of help to you.” w.a.n.g Yun Fei stated.

“Yes ah, Brother Bi Fan, no matter the strain, we will always be there to support you.”

In the Tian Yu world, cultivation methods were regarded as top secrets, and even a master never imparted his entire knowledge to his disciples. In a world such as this, it was very rare to come across people like Bi Fan, who would openly impart their knowledge to others.

“We are all fellows of the same Sect, so there’s no need for me to hesitate. We must work together in the future and help our Sect flourish.” Bi Fan stated.

Jing Feng: “We must all go back and practice this method, but we mustn’t bother Brother Bi Fan too much about it.”

Once they returned to their hotel, everyone went straight to their rooms, and started practicing, allowing Bi Fan to peacefully conduct his training.

Bi Fan had already decided to use the next half month to comprehend and perfect all the martial skills that he had seen and learnt so far.

Bi Fan knew that he couldn’t get complacent about his victory, and knew that he would need to practice and prepare himself for the next level of compet.i.tion.

People who always compete with the ones who are stronger than them, are usually the ones who find success in their life.

Since Bi Fan had already tasted the sweetness of physical strength’s benefits, he had decided to pay more importance to the methods described in the Jade Book.

In fact physical strength had become so important for to Bi Fan, that he was even willing to compromise on internal energy for its sake.

The devil’s way of martial arts was very well suited for physical training since the number of methods available was much higher.

Even though Bi Fan followed the Buddhist way of life, he was still very interested in practicing these methods since he wanted to avail the benefits of these laws.

Since he was interested in availing these gains, he had started growing a fondness for Devil’s laws.

Even though the Devil’s way of life was despised by the Buddhist culture, a lot of people still practiced these evil laws since they were quite unique.

As far as physical strength was concerned, the Devil’s laws were far more versatile and productive.

In fact, a lot of disciples from the Buddhist-oriented Sects were known to practice Evil methods, and were never prosecuted for it as long as they continue to live peacefully in the society.

Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu, for example, was openly using the ‘Fiend Fright burst’, which was a known law of the Devil’s martial style, but she had never been boycotted by the community for it since she had never caused a menace in the society.

Moreover, since she belonged to such a powerful Sect, no one dared to question her since her own Sect was allowing it and was supporting her in achieving her goals.

Bi Fan too was willing to practice the Devil’s way of martial arts in order to increase his strength, and wasn’t afraid of facing the world as long as his conscious was clear.

Thus, Bi Fan immersed himself in his physical training.

Although Bi Fan was already being considered as one of the top outer disciples in the Jiu Yu City, he wouldn’t be able to enjoy the same fame on a world-wide scale yet.

When it came to the entire Tian Yu world, apart from the Jiu Yu Da, there were several other small and big sects who had some very talented youngsters of their own; and then there were also the Devil’s followers.

Bi Fan knew that he couldn’t afford even the slightest of relaxation time since he had his heart set on pursuing Yan Yu Si, and knew well that he’d have to defeat several extremely strong opponents to get to her, such as Shuai Ying Tian, who was obviously far stronger than him.

Anyway, enhancing strength had always been the most important thing for Bi Fan.

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