The Six Immortals

Chapter 202 – Devil’s Transformation

Chapter 202 – Devil’s Transformation


Yan Yu Si and Xuan Yuan Po Jun’s battle was reaching its climax, and both fighters were completely focused on it since neither could afford to be careless at this point.


The two of them were fighting in close quarters now, and if it weren’t for their high-end defense equipment, both would have surely sustained some heavy injuries.

However, Yan Yu Si and Xuan Yuan Po Jun didn’t really seem bothered about their own safety at the moment, and were desperately trying to win the match.

Neither fighter wanted to concede the fight. But their strengths were comparable and they were overly familiar with each other’s style, which was making it very hard for either to overpower the other.

Soon enough, their outer clothing was adorned with seven or eight holes in it.

Fortunately, Yan Yu Si was wearing high-grade defense armor on the inside, or else she would have started leaking blood by now.

Yan Yu Si’s face was as cold as ice as she continued to launch one wave of attacks after the other, but Xuan Yuan Po Jun’s expression was becoming increasingly gloomy.

Xuan Yuan Po Jun had been practicing very hard these last three years, and had also learnt several new and high level martial skills. However, his spirit weapon was of a slightly lower grade than Yan Yu Si’s, otherwise he would have beaten her by now. His ego obviously couldn’t accept that he might possibly lose to someone slightly weaker than him.

“It seems that it’s necessary to use my secret law now.” Xuan Yuan Po Jun’s eyes suddenly become sharper than his sword.

“Devil’s Transformation!” Xuan Yuan Po Jun casted-out his secret law, which turned out to be a Devil’s law, capable of increasing the strength of the user by almost three times. However, this law had one limitation: the pract.i.tioner would be rendered incapable of fighting any further once the law’s effect wears off!

Xuan Yuan Po Jun’s entire body started to change under the effect of the law, and started becoming bulkier, while his eyes became completely red.


Xuan Yuan Po Jun roared loudly as he charged towards Yan Yu Si with his sword held high.

Xuan Yuan Po Jun moved so fast that Yan Yu Si was unable to dodge him, and ended up falling prey to his strike.

“Bang!” A loud noise sounded as Yan Yu Si was sent out flying into the air, vomiting blood from her mouth along the way.

“Time to die!” Xuan Yuan Po Jun followed after her at an extremely quick speed, making it obvious that he intended on killing her in one swoop.

Xuan Yuan Po Jun was obviously a very cold hearted man; it takes someone extremely cold to even think of killing a beauty like Yan Yu Si.

Yan Yu Si immediately realized his intention, and acted decisively; she opened her mouth in mid-air: “I concede the fight!”

Then, Yan Yu Si didn’t even try to break her fall, and instead made sure that she landed outside the ring to be sure of her safety.

Xuan Yuan Po Jun shook his head vigorously, while his red eyes reflected the regret of his heart.

Missing out on the opportunity to kill Yan Yu Si was as good as losing the battle in his eyes.

On top of that, he had already exposed his secret in front of Yan Yu Si, which meant that she would certainly be prepared to face him better in the future.

Obviously, killing Yan Yu Si would be a lot harder for him in the future.

Since she had sustained a serious injury, Yan Yu Si refused to collect her prize, and straightaway made her way towards her Sect’s dressing room.

Bi Fan wanted to go out and a.s.sist Yan Yu Si, but decided against it.

“Xuan Yuan Po Jun, I will kill you one day!” Bi Fan secretly swore.

Despite her loss, many of the spectators still cheered for Yan Yu Si.

Xuan Yuan Po Jun was handed over his prize, which turned out to be a high-end weapon.

The Jiu Yu Imperial List was basically over now since the remaining few contests, which were scheduled for the following day wouldn’t affect the rankings much.

Xuan Yuan Po Jun had been ranked one again, followed by Yan Yu Si at two, while Hong Hu was awarded the third position.

“Who would have thought that Xuan Yuan Po Jun would possess such a secret law? And that too something so powerful that it could defeat Miss Yan Yu Si in one single strike!” even though Jing Feng was quite amazed by the display, he also seemed very frightened by it.

Xuan Yuan Po Jun was already considered extremely powerful, but the addition of such a law to his a.r.s.enal practically made him invincible in the eyes of people like Jing Feng.

“I couldn’t have imagined that Xuan Yuan Po Jun would actually be possessing the secret to this law….. the secret to ‘Devil’s transformation’ law has been lost for thousands of years now, which is one of the major reasons behind the decline of the Devil’s way. Nowadays even the best of the Devil’s following sects aren’t in the top ten Sects anymore.” Ling Xin Ya smiled.

“Xuan Yuan Po Jun was already too strong, and now that he has such a law under his belt, it will be even more difficult to beat him in the future.” Mo Nan’s head was hanging down from his chin.

“I’ll beat him…..”

Bi Fan spoke up from the corner of the room.

“You’re so egoistic! You haven’t even reached the ‘emerging from the womb’ layer yet, and you’re already talking about beating the likes of Xuan Yuan Po Jun…. you should really step down from your cloud nine!” Luo Sheng hated Bi Fan enough to have him killed; he obviously wasn’t going to miss out on an opportunity to slander him.

Bi Fan replied: “Whether or not I beat him, time will tell; but I’ll do whatever it takes to bring him to down to my feet, but I don’t think that he’s even worthy of kissing my feet.”

Bi Fan had opened his mouth after a long time, but no one had expected him to talk this dirty.

Yan Yu Si entered the dressing room pale-faced with blood dripping down from the corner of her mouth.

Bi Fan was obviously very concerned: “Miss Yan Yu Si, are you alright? …. Can I do anything….?”

“Nothing. I’ll be back to normal after a few days of nursing my injuries. Unfortunately I missed out on the championship…..I doubt that I will get another chance of partic.i.p.ating in this contest….” Yan Yu Si replied.

Since her defeat had been very convincing this time around, Yan Yu Si didn’t have much to complain about.

Seeing that Yan Yu Si seemed more or less out of any immediate dangers, Bi Fan’s heart calmed down. In case Xuan Yuan Po Jun had really killed her in the fight, Bi Fan would have surely acted out recklessly.

The contest had come to an end for the day, and the audience started to leave the arena, whereas the Wu Ji Sect set out celebrating their victory.

The Quinyang Sect decided to wait for everyone to leave first as usual, which obviously allowed Yan Yu Si some time to tend to her injuries.

Yan Yu Si ignored everyone and went to one corner, ingested a long Dan pellet and started meditating.

The Quinyang Sect waited a long time, almost until the entire arena was empty.

Bi Fan had been staring at Yan Yu Si’s face the entire time, and only found his relief once her cheeks restored to their usual rosy shade.

“I apologize for making you all wait this long.” Yan Yu Si ended her practice once she had temporarily suppressed her injuries.

“You’re too polite Miss; as soon as we return to the hotel, we’ll a.s.sist in nursing your injuries.” Luo Xian Tian said.

“Let’s go then.”

The Quinyang Sect delegation was the last to leave the arena. Luo Xiong and Yan Yang’s contests were also over, but the two men had received mediocre ranks.

The Quinyang Sect wasn’t intending on returning the following day to watch the remaining of the contest since they all needed to take a break.

As soon as they reached their inn, Yan Yu Si went straight to her room in order to meditate.

Bi Fan was still quite worried about her health, and naturally didn’t feel like eating his meal.

As for w.a.n.g Zhong and the others, they were all discussing the magnificent displays of the day in high spirits.

There were very few secret laws in the world which were capable of effectively increasing the strength of a pract.i.tioner in an instant for any length of time.

Naturally, everyone wanted to learn such laws since such a law would obviously come in handy in a tough spot.

Unfortunately, such laws weren’t just secrets of the trade, but were also extremely rare. In fact, the Quinyang Sect didn’t have any such law in their records.

Even the Jiu Yu Da weren’t known to have any such laws in their records either. However, the Devil’s Sect schools weren’t just known to practice physical strength, but were also known for such laws as well.

“ ‘Devil’s transformation’…  the secret to this law would make us all invincible!” w.a.n.g Yun Fei said with a smile.

“I don’t think so….. being invincible isn’t that easy.” Mo Nan interjected.

Ling Xin Ya was also listening in to their conversation: “Yes, there’ no point in knowing such a law if you don’t have enough physical strength to use it. These laws are obviously more suited for the Devil’s way since they practice physical strength as opposed to the Buddhist way, which prefers the practice of life’s essence.”

He paused for a moment, and then continued: “If you wish to practice methods such as the ‘Devil’s transformation’ law, then you must first work on uplifting your physical strength, otherwise these laws will be useless for you… even if you knew one.”

Ling Xin Ya’s words were obviously quite sensible, and everyone was even more inspired to work on their physical strength after understanding his point.

Even if Jing Feng and the others were able to procure a Shock Rune similar to Bi Fan’s, they still wouldn’t be able to use it properly.

However, if Yan Yu Si possessed one, then she would have beaten Xuan Yuan Po Jun with ease.

These ideas were mere dreams for everyone, expect Bi Fan; for him, it was lying in his Tian Yuan ring.

“Brother Bi Fan, what are you thinking?” Jing Feng asked.

“Nothing, you guys carry on.” Bi Fan shook his head.

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