The Six Immortals

Chapter 212 Mischievous Zi Wei

Chapter 212 Mischievous Zi Wei

As Bi Fan returned to his room and thought about the way Zi Wei talked and reacted, he couldn’t help but have a hearty laugh.

“This young girl is not only very strong, she also has the innocence of a child which is very rare to find in grown-up people.”

It was awfully rare to come across girls like Zi Wei in this world, or it was at least the first time that Bi Fan had met such a person.

It was expected that the Bai Sheng Palace would have shaken up after Zi Wei’s escape, and they were likely to send numerous strong fighters to bring her back.

In case these people were to find Zi Wei, then Bi Fan wouldn’t know whether to fight for her or to let them take her away.

Bi Fan cared about Zi Wei since she had displayed the powerful ‘Xuannv Ninth Heaven Sword’. He wanted to spend some more time with Zi Wei so that he could get an opportunity to see this martial skill again.

Although still stuck in the confusion, Bi Fan finally calmed himself down and started his practice.

Time flew by and the next morning Zi Wei knocked Bi Fan’s door.

“Bi Fan, get out of your bed!”

Bi Fan ended his practice, combed his hair, washed his face and opened the door.

“Have you rested properly, Zi Wei?” Bi Fan smiled.

“Yes, I have rested enough. Although it was not as comfortable as my home, but I won’t nag about it.” Zi Wei shook her head.

At this time, Zi Wei had already resumed her dress-up of a man and looked quite handsome. If any gay man saw her dressed up as a man, he’d immediately fall in love with this handsome youngster!

Bi Fan and Zi Wei treaded downstairs. Jing Feng and others weren’t present in the lobby yet, therefore Bi Fan ordered breakfast for all of them.

Soon afterwards, Jing Feng and others joined them in the lobby.

“Bi Fan, Zi Wei girl, you both got up early.” Jing Feng greeted them.

“Jing Feng, don’t call me a girl here….” Zi Wei immediately snapped at Jing Feng.

“What else should I call a girl?” Jing Feng smiled.

“You should call me ‘brother’. Have you ever seen such a handsome young man?” Zi Wei raised her head high and puffed her chest in pride.

“No, I certainly haven’t…..” Jing Feng shook his head.

Zi Wei was almost perfect at dressing up as a man, but she was so beautiful that her beauty betrayed her dress up.

Zi Wei turned to Bi Fan and asked, “Bi Fan, where are we going for shopping today?”

“You can go and shop; I have no time to accompany you since I’ll be going to watch the martial arts matches.” Bi Fan replied.

“No, you have to accompany me, and anyway those matches are so boring!” Zi Wei tried to convince Bi Fan.

“You go. I don’t have any time to roam here and there.” Bi Fan flatly refused.

An angry expression surfaced on Zi Wei’s face seeing that Bi Fan had turned his face away, and was no longer paying any attention to her.

Jing Feng and the others, who had been gossiping amongst themselves quieted down immediately since they didn’t wish to provoke her.

Zi Wei was an innocent young girl and being sad or angry didn’t suit her nature since her words or acts could be malicious even though she didn’t intend them to be as such.

Bi Fan paid no attention towards the angry Zi Wei and gulped down his breakfast.

Zi Wei didn’t even touch her food and instead kept sulking the entire time.

Jing Feng and the others wanted to laugh out loud, but since they couldn’t, it was getting more and more difficult for them to hold back their laughter with each pa.s.sing second.

Therefore they ate their breakfast quickly and departed in haste.

As Bi Fan also started to leave, Zi Wei quickly caught up with him, and shouted angrily: “Bi Fan, wait for me! Wait for this girl…err…your brother!”

“Aren’t you going out for shopping?” Bi Fan smiled.

“Going alone is of no use.” Zi Wei sulkily replied.

Bi Fan shook his head but still didn’t pay any attention to Zi Wei. After exiting the hotel, Bi Fan made his way towards the arenas so he could watch people fight, and started watching the matches earnestly.

The fighters contesting in these arenas hailed from different places and hence displayed a wide range of martial skills.

This was a golden opportunity for Bi Fan since he could now memorize several new martial skills every day.

Since these martial artists belonged to different cities, they’d all inevitably contest fiercely in order to enhance their personal reputation and that of their native city. However, since they weren’t desperate for a victory, they’d often refrain from exhibiting their best skills.

Bi Fan however, was still delighted since he could still learn a wide range of skill sets.

Zi Wei was unable to figure out why Bi Fan was so interested in just watching these matches, even though he didn’t seem very interested in contesting in person.

“Bi Fan, why don’t you go and fight in the arena? Are you afraid of getting beaten up?” Zi Wei asked with a smile.

“Hey…yes, my strength is so low that I’m afraid I’ll be thrashed.” Bi Fan replied back.

Zi Wei was a bit disappointed to see that her remarks weren’t sufficient to provoke Bi Fan.

Her eyes started gleaming with the thought of another idea since she had failed to provoke Bi Fan directly.

The ongoing match in the arena had ended rather quickly, and ‘transformation’ layered contestant who had won this match had a.s.sumed the position of the Lord.

“Is there anyone else who wants to challenge me? Deng Bai Chuan is eager to teach you a lesson!” The man roared atop the stage.

“My brother wants to!” Zi Wei shouted loudly.

She shouted out and then pointed towards Bi Fan!

The people surrounding Bi Fan and Zi Wei immediately looked at Zi Wei, and then redirected their gaze towards Bi Fan.

“Your brother Deng Bai Chuan is waiting for you little brother!” The man replied back as he cupped his hands in greeting.

Bi Fan shook his head and reluctantly made his way towards the arena, but gave Zi Wei an angry glance before entering the arena.

Zi Wei stuck out her tongue, and then broke into laughter.

She wanted to see Bi Fan’s prowess, but he wasn’t interested in showcasing his skills, and therefore she decided to take this step knowing that he wouldn’t back out of a challenge in front of everyone.

“You haven’t challenged me yet, brother!” Deng Baichuan spoke up again.

“I am Bi Fan, nice to meet you!” Bi Fan greeted him by folding his hands.

“Brother Bi Fan, I see, you are just at enormous strength level. You shouldn’t fight me.” Deng Bai Chung said.

Deng Bai Chung had some ethics of his own, and therefore he didn’t deem it fair to fight someone weaker than him since it would be tantamount to bullying.

“Since I have entered the arena, I request that you fight me. Even if I lose, I will learn something from you.” Bi Fan said: “Brother, please start the fight.”

“Then I shall fight only with my fists.” Deng Bai Chuan stated. Since he was facing an opponent with a lower strength level, he decided against using a weapon against this opponent.

Bi Fan thought to himself, ‘Wan Zu’ fist was an ordinary skill, and possibly useless; but the ‘Prancing Tiger’ fist might be too strong. Since Deng Bai Chuan was a kind hearted person, he didn’t want to hurt him. Finally, Bi Fan decided to use ‘Swimming Dragon’ fist to display his prowess.

Bi Fan employed the ‘Swimming Dragon’ palm and ‘Babu Swimming Dragon’ technique, and his entire body transformed into a whirlwind of tornados.

Although Deng Bai Chuan was stronger than Bi Fan, but he wasn’t very skilled, and was therefore quite impressed with Bi Fan.

“Brother Bi Fan, good footwork!” Deng Bai Chuan said with a big smile.

“Thank you brother.” Bi Fan stated: “Now watch this!”

Since Deng Bai Chuang had been generous to him, Bi Fan decided to end the fight quickly since he didn’t wish to make a show out of the man.

Therefore, he launched another attack, but this time he attacked with all his strength.

“Bang! Bang!….” Deng Bai Chuan was forced to retreat a few exchanges later since Bi Fan’s display had completely shocked him.

“You’re very impressive Brother Bi Fan…. Deng Bai Chuan admits defeat!” Although Deng Bai Chuan’s expression was bit unsightly at this point, but he didn’t hesitate in admitting his defeat.

“Thank you for letting me win, brother.” Bi Fan folded his hands in greeting.

Seeing that Bi Fan had won the match, Zi Wei opened her mouth in surprise: “How could this happen? Bi Fan’s strength is much lower than Deng Bai Chuans’, then how could he win? Did Deng Bai Chuan let him win intentionally?”

After receiving the prize spars, Bi Fan refused to continue fighting and exited the arena.

“Let’s go.” Bi Fan was unable to remain angry with her after watching her adorable ‘stunned’ expression.

“Bi Fan, how did you win? Did you bribe Deng Bai Chuan?” Zi Wei bombarded him with questions.

“I’m not going to tell you; why don’t you go and ask Deng Baichuan?” Bi Fan smiled.

Although he cared about Zi Wei, but he thought it better not to tell her the truth.

Zi Wei had a rather mischievous nature, and hence it was difficult to guess what she’d do next.

Bi Fan continued to watch the matches and kept memorizing the martial skills. However, he refrained from contesting in the arenas since he didn’t wish to practice skills just yet.

Moreover, if the news of fighting ability got out, he’d have a difficult time in maintaining his ‘low-key’ profile.

Anyway, the opening of the Storehouse would be the ideal opportunity to test out his skills.

Zi Wei still couldn’t figure out how Bi Fan won, so she kept trying to make him blurt out his secret, but Bi Fan was cleverly dodged her each time.

“Bi Fan, you are such a coward! You have been watching the matches all day long and yet you couldn’t gather the courage to fight in the arena!” Zi Wei sneered.

“I am so weak…. my strength level is so low. I don’t want to die here.” Bi Fan replied humbly.

“You…you rascal!” Zi Wei simply could not have her way with Bi Fan.

Every time Zi Wei would try some trick to make Bi Fan spill the beans, Bi Fan would ingeniously ruin her plans. This naturally made her angry, and she kept raining curses at Bi Fan incessantly.

Since Bi Fan knew that he couldn’t do anything about it, so he pretended to not hear her remarks.

It was only because Bi Fan was aware of her nature that he was maintaining his composure, had it been anyone else, Bi Fan would’ve already taught the said-person a good lesson.

However, Bi Fan couldn’t manage to get angry at Zi Wei since he was seeing her as a spoilt little child.

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