The Six Immortals

Chapter 213 – Love at first sight

Chapter 213 – Love at first sight


It had been two weeks since Bi Fan had been in the Tong City but the Tong Tian Sect’s secret storehouse hadn’t been opened until now; on the other hand, more and more strong youngsters were swarming in to the Tong City every day.

Bi Fan would go to the Martial Street every day to watch the matches. Occasionally, he would even contest a match, but he only used his boxing techniques while fighting there since it was useless to display his real strength.

In the recent days, Bi Fan had watched the matches of some genuinely strong youngsters, some of whom had already reached at ‘Gold Dan’ layer.

Those inside the ‘Gold Dan’ layer were extremely strong and Bi Fan was well aware that he couldn’t compete with them.

Therefore, Bi Fan was striving hard to maintain a low-key presence and even urged Jing Feng and the others to try not to fight with anyone in order to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Jing Feng, w.a.n.g Zhong and the others always followed Bi Fan’s advice, and no matter how strong their urge to fight was, they did their best to restrain themselves.

Zi Wei followed Bi Fan all the time. She knew that Bi Fan had an unfathomable secret and was actually more powerful than he showed. Even Jing Feng and w.a.n.g Zhong, who were much stronger than Bi Fan on the surface, always seemed to listen to Bi Fan which only increased her curiosity to know more about him.

“What is the Bi Fan’s history? He must have enhanced his physical strength, that’s probably why he is stronger than he seems. Of course, he is powerful….. If he wasn’t, then why would strong martial artists like Jing Feng and w.a.n.g Zhong follow him?” Zi We was still puzzled.

Zi We had asked Bi Fan, Jing Feng and the others a number of times, but instead of answering her incessant questions, they would only smile at her.

Zi We had decided not to leave their company and had vowed to find out more about Bi Fan. Obviously, she didn’t have any malicious intentions behind this, she was just overly curious.

Another ten days pa.s.sed by, and by this time, Jing Feng and the others had become habitual of having Zi Wei around them, and even Zi Wei wasn’t ready to leave them, so naturally they couldn’t do anything about it.

Moreover, Zi We was always innocently smiling when she was around Bi Fan, whether it was intentional or unintentional, but it made Bi Fan quite happy.

These six youngsters always treated Zi We like a spoilt little child; and acted as if they needed to take care of her.

Since more and more powerful people were now contesting at the Martial Street, every time Bi Fan would go to watch a match, the others would accompany him instead of going separate ways; so just in case they encountered some trouble, they could help each other.

“Bi Fan, let’s go out for shopping instead of going to watch those matches again. You have been watching those boring matches every day from the past two weeks! Let’s go shopping today instead!” Zi We sneered.


Jing Feng smiled and said: “Brother Bi Fan, let’s go and have a stroll in the city. It’s a bad idea to watch matches every day.”

“Yes, he’s right!” Mo Nan added.

Mo Nan simply couldn’t refuse since Zi Wei had looked pitifully at him, and he simply couldn’t dodge her childish charms.

Once Zi Wei looked pitifully at them, Jing Feng and the rest of the company could never refuse to any demand she was making.

Bi Fan was the only one capable of immunizing himself of her charms, and hence was the only one capable of refusing her.

Bi Fan looked at Jing Feng and the others, and finally nodded in agreement.

When on the road of cultivation, it is important to take breaks at regular intervals. Fanatically practising can cause more harm than good.

Since they all had decided to go out and have some leisure time, Bi Fan opened up and was enjoying every single moment.

“This mask is so nice! I will buy it.”

“This dress is so pretty! I will buy it.”

“Son, this dress is meant for girls. Do you really want to buy it?” The shopkeeper inquired.

Zi We was immediately reminded that she had dressed up like a boy, and hence she snapped back at the shopkeeper: “Of course I want to buy it. Can’t I buy my girlfriend a nice dress?”

“Oh! I am sorry, son.” The shopkeeper hastily packed the dress.

Bi Fan, who was accompanying Zi We, had nothing to buy from these shops, and was left bitterly shaking head as the only job he had now was to carry Zi Wei’s shopping bags.

On the other hand, Zi Wei was interested in anything that she came across, irrespective of whether it was meant for her or not, she continued having a look at the goods in the shop.

“It is so refreshing to be here. It’s been a long time since I last bought something for myself, so now I will buy all the things that I like.” Zi We laughed since she was having a good time.

“Oh! Such a handsome young man is shopping for girls…..” A pleasant voice sounded from behind.

One could judge by the sweet voice that the speaker was a charming young lady.

Soon the person approached towards them. It was indeed a pretty and young woman, almost of the same age as Zi Wei. Her white teeth were peeping behind her rosy lips and her eyes were as bright as pearls. She had an exquisite stature, and a graceful body which made her figure even more appealing.

“She is really very beautiful!” Jing Feng exclaimed while swinging his jade fan.

Bi Fan and the others could not help but steal some glances. This girl was really very beautiful and was no less than Zi Wei in terms of appearances.

The girl approached Zi Wei and started staring at her; mesmerized.

She was already regretting her mocking remark.

“Girl, can’t a boy go and shop?” Zi Wei looked at Bi Fan who was already staring at the girl, and her face turned sour.

“No, no! I admit it, I shouldn’t have said that.” The girl waved her hands as she spoke up.

The girl was staring lovingly at Zi We; perhaps she had fallen in love with Zi Wei at first sight! She was really unfortunate since she didn’t know that the young man she had fallen in love with was actually a girl disguised as a boy.

“Bi Fan, let’s go, I don’t want to stay here anymore.” Zi We made an ugly face.

“Mister, can I have the honour of knowing your name? My name is Hong Yan.” The girl asked in a pressure manner.

Jing Feng smiled and commented in an undertone: “Zi Wei is looking so charming while dressed up as a man that her charm has abdicated this girl’s sanity.”

Blue Dragon shook his head and said: “You are right, and it’s getting more and more interesting.”

Zi We looked at strange manner in which Hong Yan was staring at her, and couldn’t help blushing.

“Let’s go back to the hotel. I don’t want to shop anymore today.” Zi Wei announced.

Bi Fan and the others, who never wanted to go out for shopping in the first place, happily agreed.

But just as they all left the place and started walking, they noticed that Hong Yan was following after them.

Zi Wei said coldly: “Stop following us or get ready to face the consequences!”

Hong Yan realized that Zi We was getting really angry which this left her terrified, and she hastily said: “Fine, I will not follow you from now on.”

Zi Wei and the others reached the hotel soon. Since it was afternoon already, they all ordered lunch and had a good meal, and thereafter decided to stay in and rest in the hotel itself.

Just when they were about to exit the lobby to return to their respective rooms, Hong Yan unexpectedly entered the hotel!

“Oh! What a coincidence!” Hong Yan pretended to be surprised.

“Yes, what a coincidence! Miss Hong Yan is also here.” Jing Feng said with a smile.

Bi Fan clearly understood that Hong Yan had followed them all the way to the hotel and hence couldn’t help bursting into laughter.

However, Zi We was not much experienced with people and hence she really believed that Hong Yan was there just by chance, which made her face a little distressed, but she didn’t get angry this time.

“Young men, this was not a mere coincidence. It clearly proves that we are destined to be friends. It’s a pity that we haven’t been formally introduced yet.” Hong Yan said with a smile.

“My name is Jing Feng.”

Jing Feng, Bi Fan and everyone else introduced themselves to Hong Yan. It was only Zi We who seemed reluctant to tell Hong Yan her name.

“May I have the honour of knowing your name, young man?” Hong Yan asked Zi Wei. It was Zi Wei’s name that Hong Yan wanted to know the most. She knew Bi Fan and the others were constantly looking at her, so she waited first for them to finish introducing themselves so that she could finally ask Zi Wei’s introduction.

“My name is Zi Wei.” Zi Wei noticed that Hong Yan was extremely happy at knowing her name.

“Zi Wei! Zi Wei! What a pleasant name!” Hong Yan looked rather overjoyed.

Hong Yan came and sat down beside Zi Wei, already having made up her mind against leaving her alone.

“Young men, have you also come to this city to compete for the Tong Tian Sect’s secret storehouse?” Hong Yan asked.

“Well, since most of the other youngsters have arrived in the Tong city to hunt for the Tong Tian Sect’s hidden storehouse, we naturally can’t be exceptions.” Jing Feng said with a smile.

“That’s great! Then I will join you.”

Jing Feng and the others stared at her with their eyes wide open, simply unable to find their words.

Zi Wei looked rather embarra.s.sed as she said: “Hong Yan, you are a girl. You shouldn’t stay with us.”

“Ha ha ha!……” Jing Feng could no longer contain his laughter!

Zi Wei was a girl dressed up as a man and she had caused Hong Yan to fanatically follow her – this was just too much for him.

Zi Wei heard Jing Feng’s laughter and was afraid that he might spill the beans, and therefore she flashed a glare in his direction.

“Why are you laughing? Have I cracked a joke?” Zi Wei snapped at Jing Feng.

Hong Yan smiled and said: “What difference does it make if I am a girl? To gain respect in this world of martial arts, one has to be powerful irrespective of whether the person is a boy or a girl.”

“You are getting me wrong; what I meant was that it would be inconvenient for you to stay with seven young men.” Zi Wei stated.

“What inconvenience would that cause for me? At the worst, I would have to dress up like a man.” Hong Yan surprised Zi Wei with her come back.

This time, Bi Fan and all his other five companions broke into laughter in unison. Zi Wei had finally met someone who was as persistent as Zi Wei herself, which was obviously very amusing for Bi Fan and his companions.

“It’s not right; I’m telling you it’s not right!” Zi Wei retorted resolutely.

Hong Yan said firmly: “I live in this hotel; I am not following you.”

Hong Yan went straight to the reception to get herself a room since she had decided to stay there.

Zi Wei made an ugly face since she was completely helpless now.

“Bi Fan, can’t we change our hotel, ah?”

“I’m afraid that won’t be possible. Right now every hotel in the Tong City must be fully occupied. If we left this hotel, we might have to spend the night on the road!” Bi Fan stated as he shook his head.

Zi Wei was left extremely dejected by his reply, and therefore she hurried back to her room sulking.

“It seems that the show is over for now!” Jing Feng said, still unable to control his laughter.

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