The Six Immortals

Chapter 50

Bi Fan, Jing Feng and the Blue Dragon managed to hunt down a lot of beasts in a short period of time and, eventually returned to Xi Guan.

Their venture had been a very rewarding one, and they had managed to procure an excellent selection of fur, hide, meat and herbs, which they managed to sell in the open market.

Bi Fan didn’t sell out the meat that he had procured in the devil’s territory, as he needed it to feed the Chimera, but the other items that he had gathered fetched him a total of roughly three thousand spars in total.

Bi Fan had killed a lot of demons, but he still didn’t find a single nucleus inside the he had collected; a clear indication of just how rare and precious a nucleus is.

Jing Feng and the Blue Dragon, likewise, didn’t find any nuclei in their share of the loot either. Anyway, since, their Yin Yang pouches weren’t as s.p.a.cious as Bi Fan’s storage equipment; they didn’t have an awful lot of items to sell, comparatively.

“Blue Dragon, brother, what do you intend to do next?” Jing Feng asked.

The Blue Dragon responded: “I will continue to train, I need to prepare for next year’s Jiu Yu List; I need to improve my standing.”

“It seems to me that you’re going to be a difficult opponent to face this time around.” Jing Feng smiled: “I’m going to re-enter the devil’s territory, I need to practice some more as well. What about you Bi Fan?”

Bi Fan thought for a while, and considering his options, before he answered: “I will have to go back to Quinyang now, pay my respects to my new teacher, and learn some new skills.”

“It seems like we will have to part ways now, but hopefully, we will meet again at next year’s Jiu Yu List tournament.” The Blue Dragon seemed a little disappointed.

The Blue Dragon didn’t have any friends. He had finally managed to find two people, with whom he could form a congenial relationship; but unfortunately for him, all good things come to an end.

After the trio parted ways, Bi Fan quickly made his way towards the Quinyang Mountains. He was so eager to get back to Quinyang, that he even used the divine essence seals.

Bi Fan had completed the mandated time in the devil’s territory and now, was finally ready to become a real student.

He was going to be accepted as a student by the Ling Xin Ya, the deputy of Quinyang schools, and he was certain that it would be very beneficial for him. But, Bi Fan also needed to resolve some other issues, including his former employer, Zhu San.

After three days, Bi Fan finally reached the Quinyang Mountains and immediately set course for Yunufeng.

He had been away for so long, so he felt necessitated to go back and meet Xiaofeng once.

Once he reached the peak, Bi Fan discovered that the girls in Yunufeng were quite busy, almost as if they were playing hosts to a very distinguished guest.

“Is Miss Yan Yu Si back?” This was the first thought that came into Bi Fan’s mind and his spirits started soaring sky high.

Almost immediately, the image of Yan Yu Si’s n.o.ble appearance popped up inside his mind; as clear as crystal.

Bi Fan’s heart started racing faster and faster, even his face turned a shade of blush.

“What’s wrong with me?” Bi Fan softly patted his cheeks.

“…. Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun, why is everyone so busy, what’s going on here?” Bi Fan called out to one of the girls.

Xiao Yun was quite the beauty herself; small in stature, pink cheeks; she was quite cute.

“Xiao Fan (Xiao means little), you came back! The Miss has also returned. You must go and pay your respects.” Xiao Yun’s face visibly lit up, and a dimple studded the corners of her mouth.

Bi Fan nodded and followed after Xiao Yun.

Yan Yu Si’s residence was distinctly apart from the rest of the bamboo huts in Yunufeng. As Bi Fan approached her residence, he could hear the sound of laughter coming from within her house.

Yan Yu Si’s house seemed to be hosting the presence of a man, an actual man! And his voice was quite magnificent and resonant.

“Xiao Yun, is there a man in there?” Bi Fan asked involuntarily, knowing well enough that it was none of his business, or his place to ask this question.

Xiao Yun said: “That man in Miss’s senior, he looks awfully strong, just don’t provoke him.”

“Senior?” Bi Fan whispered loudly; his heart, a little gloomy once more.

Bi Fan was even more careful now; he knew well that he didn’t need any more trouble in his life.

Soon, Bi Fan arrived before the Bamboo house.

Bi Fan hadn’t spoken anything yet, but Yan Yu Si had already sensed his arrival.

“Bi Fan, come in.”

Yan Yu Si had already heard a lot about Bi Fan from Xiao Feng and Bi Fan’s status had already improved, a lot, in her eyes.

Bi Fan entered the Bamboo house and quickly glanced at, the garish and beautiful, Yan Yu Si; Xiao Feng was also present inside the house.

Yan Yu Si was sitting next to a man, whose nose was hooked like an eagle; his eyes seemed as sharp as a falcon’s and he had a very st.u.r.dy, imposingly overbearing figure.

Bi Fan’s eyes briefly met with that man’s and he could sense the murderous intentions in that man’s eyes.

Bi Fan was quite puzzled; he had just come back and hadn’t yet done anything to provoke Yan Yu Si’s senior.

“Bi Fan pays respect to Miss.” Bi Fan saluted Yan Yu Si.

Yan Yu Si looked at Bi Fan for a minute as she measured him up, and then said, smilingly: “Bi Fan, very good, very good, you’re progressing very quickly.”

“Thank you for the complement Miss!” Bi Fan felt at ease now, and his face, reflected the pride his heart was gleaming in.

“Humph!” The man wasn’t quite impressed, in fact, he seemed a little cold. He got up and walked over to Bi Fan.

Bi Fan simply couldn’t react in time enough; he felt as if a hammer had rammed into his stomach, he went back three steps, as he almost vomited blood.

This man was far too strong and far too quick. Bi Fan never stood a chance against a man like him.

“Not so strong, simply not strong enough. A disgrace.” The man ridiculed Bi Fan with his opening sentence.

Yan Yu Si’s face turned grave as she spoke up in a cold voice: “Shaui Ying Tian, senior, that was a little too much, and quite frankly, unwarranted.”

“Sister, don’t take offense, I was simply trying to test his strength. I didn’t expect him to collapse in the first blow so easily.” Shaui Ying Tian smiled.

Bi Fan’s face was pale as he secretly vowed; One day, I will repay you for this humiliation, tenfold.

He didn’t reveal his heart’s resentment, as he was well aware that it would only succeed in getting him killed.

“Shaui Ying Tian, please be reminded that this is Quinyang, not Xuannu palace.” Yan Yu Si reminded his senior, her voice, as cold as ice.

Shaui Ying Tian’s eyes were still full of a murderous aura, but he flashed a smile as he stated: “Naturally sister, but I tend to not differentiate.”

“Humph!” Yan Yu Si groaned coldly: “Bi Fan, go take some rest.”

“Miss, Bi Fan requests your permission to leave.” Bi Fan tried to hold back his body’s pain while concealing the enmity of his heart, and slowly backed out of her chambers.

“Patience! Tolerance! He is too strong; I won’t be able to match him.” Bi Fan was obviously aware of his position.

However, this didn’t mean that Bi Fan had thrown in the proverbial towel, for, he knew that he had just started practicing, and as long as he continues to progress, there’s always a chance that he’d be able to avenge this humiliation.

Bi Fan returned to his bamboo and started practicing in order to restore his injuries.

Shaui Ying Tian’s attack carried such an intense momentum, that the arteries and veins inside Bi Fan’s body’s core had crumbled under the force.

Longevity burst tends to take its time, but with the help of the White petals of the Yin Yang Lotus, Bi Fan was able to heal his injuries quickly.

In just an hour, Bi Fan had managed to complete the process and his body had been restored to its original state, but the flame of hatred that had been smoldering inside his heart had only grown hotter.

“Shaui Ying Tian, one day, I will pay you back for this humiliation, tenfold.” Bi Fan was carrying a very resolute look on his face.

Bi Fan was mad with fury, so much so, that he didn’t really care about his enemy’s background.

Bi Fan took rest that night, and early the next morning he ventured down the mountain. He needed to see Ling Xin Ya as soon as possible, pay his respects to his new master, and hope that he could learn some new skills and techniques.

Yangshan was located on top, of one of the main peaks, of the Quinyang Mountains.

Lush green cliffs, studded with abundant flora, waterfalls, birds and animals out in the open….

The road to Yangshan was nothing short of a walk in paradise.

But Bi Fan was not in a frame of mind to appreciate the beauty of the nature, and he kept staring at the token that he had received from Ling Xin Ya, until he arrived at the summit.

“Hey look, that’s Bi Fan! Remember him from the selection tournament? He was the number one; looks like master has accepted him as a student here.”

“Ah, yes, I reckon that master might take him as a direct student, an apprentice, in which case, it would be very useful to have him as a friend.”

Bi Fan’s arrival had attracted a lot of attention, and a lot of people seemed to be talking about him.

There were many disciples under Ling Xin Ya, some had a higher status than others; but only the ones who received direct training from him, could be considered his true students.

After the performance that Bi Fan had exhibited at the selection tournament, he had certainly managed to acquire Ling Xin Ya’s attention, so it was possible that he might accept Bi Fan as a direct student.

“Bi Fan, young brother, please follow me, master wants to see you.” A sincere looking middle-aged man came up to him and stated.

One look at the man and Bi Fan could tell that there was a big gap between the two of them. The man in front of him was at least in the ‘emerging from the womb’ layer.

“Thank you brother, please lead the way.” Bi Fan replied and started after the man.

“Turns out that big brother Yang Feng, has decided to escort Bi Fan to the master personally; he’s definitely going to be accepted as an apprentice.” Many of the students exclaimed.

“Yes, ah, big brother has been taking care of the master’s affairs; he acts on his direct command.”

Yang Feng asked: “Bi Fan, young brother, you must have already completed your mandated time in the devil’s territory by now?”

“Yes, brother.” Bi Fan answered courteously.

“You’re strength had made an amazing progress, you’ve already reached the ‘brave’ layer.” Yang Feng was rather surprised.

Bi Fan replied diplomatically: “As the master had accepted me as a student, I simply couldn’t afford to slack off; I don’t want to bring master a bad name.”

“Very good! Excellent! If you need any help, please don’t shy away from asking me, and I’ll try my best to a.s.sist you.” Yang Feng smiled.

“Thank you big brother!”

Pa.s.sing past several caves and numerous houses, Bi Fan followed Yang Feng into the deepest part of the mountain, the master’s chambers.

“Little brother, these are the master’s chambers, and generally people aren’t allowed to come here.” Yang Feng stated.

Bi Fan looked around, it was a little dark, but he could feel the strength in the air; and it was quite strong.

“Ah, Bi Fan, come in.” Ling Xin Ya’s called and Bi Fan recognized his voice in an instant, clear, deep, and forceful.

“Little brother, don’t just stand there frozen, go in quickly; I won’t be accompanying you any further.” Yang Feng urged.


Bi Fan proudly walked into the master’s chambers.

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