The Six Immortals

Chapter 58


“Bi Fan, Blue Dragon, Brothers, surround and kill him; we cannot allow him to get away!”

Lone Leaf had shouted their names out so loudly, that it became clear, that he had intended Tian Feng to hear them as well. And now, Bi Fan and Blue Dragon, were left with no other alternative but to do as Lone Leaf had commanded, and hunt Tian Feng down.

Bi Fan and the Blue Dragon’s hearts rained curses at Lone Leaf, as they charged after Tian Feng. Their pace didn’t slow down one bit, as they made their way through the flock of the Devil’s Race.

The Chimera still stayed away from the fight, as he waited for Bi Fan’s command.

Tian Feng said: “Bi Fan and Blue Dragon, it’s still not too late. There’s still time for the two of you to turn around and leave, or else I will make you pay for this later.”

Tian Feng was smart enough to realize that Bi Fan and the Blue Dragon, weren’t awfully close to Lone Leaf, and a wedge could be driven between them.

Lone Leaf, suddenly, became very nervous as he was afraid that Bi Fan and the Blue Dragon might turn around and run away.

But fortunately for his cause, Bi Fan and the Blue Dragon, were the kind of people, who, if once their sights on something, wouldn’t cower easily.

Bi Fan and the Blue Dragon continued to kill and behead the beasts, as they made their way towards Tian Feng.

Lone Leaf calmed down as he realized that his allies weren’t going to abandon the mission so easily, and he immediately increased the pace of his pursuit.

The expression on Tian Feng’s face changed again, as he realized that he couldn’t drive a wedge between these allies so easily, as it meant that he was still in a whole lot of danger.

Tian Feng was covered in blood, and had no idea as to how many beasts he had already slaughtered. But what he did know was the fact, that he had used up and awful lot of energy doing just that.

With Lone Leaf and his two allies, closing him down, Tian Feng’s chances of survival weren’t looking too good.

Therefore, he decided to change the direction of escape, and maneuvered his way towards Blue Dragon, as he realized that the Blue Dragon was surrounded by the maximum number of beasts, which would give him the best chance of making an escape.

Unfortunately for him, the Blue Dragon was awfully strong, and smart, and as soon as the Blue Dragon realized his intentions, he increased his pace, and started to clear his surroundings even faster, which meant that Tian Feng was being encircled even faster now.

Seeing that he was being hemmed down quickly, with Bi Fan closing in the fastest, Tian Feng, unexpectedly, drew out a purple-hilted sword and with the help of this new weapon; he started to slice his through the beasts at a very fast rate.

Tian Feng had just created an opportunity for escape, owing to this new, exceptional, weapon.

“That is not a fetus layer sword! How could that be? That sword cannot be united with a pract.i.tioner unless the pract.i.tioner has reached the ‘emerging from the womb’ layer.” Lone Leaf was shocked for a moment.

“That’s sword definitely isn’t a fetus layer sword, and it’s so terrifyingly strong! How did he ever manage to get that?” Bi Fan exclaimed.

“Some powerful swords can be used even if they haven’t yet bonded with the pract.i.tioner by blood, which seems the case here. The effect of the sword won’t be the same, but it’s still going to be quite difficult to deal with.” Lone Leaf explained.

The Blue Dragon stated: “Who cares, let’s just kill him and take his sword!”

The three of them charged like hungry wolves to hunt their prey down, but Tian Feng was making his way through the beasts much faster than them at the moment.

Tian Feng was too fast, and the trio simply couldn’t keep up with him. They just watched, helplessly, as he made his through the flock of beasts, and away from them.

“Bi Fan, Blue Dragon, no matter which schools the two of you belong to, I will find out and make the two of you pay for this.” Tian Feng laughed.

Bi Fan sneered: “Trying to get away? Well, no so easy. Chimera, get him! But be careful of his sword.”

As Tian Feng was charging his out, through the Devils’ Race creatures, the Chimera suddenly appeared in front of him, and puffed out his dark fire.

Tian Feng had noticed that the Chimera is awfully strong, but he didn’t know much about it, other than that, so he quickly decided to take shelter.

“WOOOO!!…” Tian Feng ducked out the way, and the flame hit the Devils’ Race beasts that stood behind him. These beasts simply couldn’t dodge their way out; they screamed, and wailed, as they were reduced to ashes.

A chill ran down Tian Feng’s spine as he saw the fire’s effects. He simply couldn’t imagine being subjected to something like that.

Tian Feng immediately took a U-turn, as he simply couldn’t dare to go past the Chimera.

The Chimera’s involvement had changed a lot things; he had mistakenly thought that the Chimera was a random beast and belonged to the Devils’ Race’s side.

Tian Feng rushed in the other direction and soon opened up a path from himself.

But as soon as he was ready to make a dash, the Chimera appeared right in front of his escape route.

“d.a.m.n it! How did this beasts figure out my intentions?! I quickly need to find another way now; I can’t believe that this is happening to me.” Tian Feng cursed out, in a very gloomy voice.

Tian Feng changed his route once more and started to slash his way past the beasts.

The Purple-hilted sword was very powerful, but it also consumed a lot of Tian Feng’s energy while in use. Tian Feng was stuck in crossroads, and he needed to find a way out quickly, or else he would be in a lot of trouble.

Just as he had begun to carve out another b.l.o.o.d.y path, out of the battlefield, the Chimera showed up in front of him once more.

Tian Feng was furious: “Die you Beast!”

Tian Feng raised his sword high, as he charged for the Chimera.

The Chimera dodged Tian Feng’s attack, and simultaneously, belched out another spray of flames, which obstructed his path, making it impossible for Tian Feng to escape past him.

This delay was all that Bi Fan, Blue Dragon, and Lone Leaf needed to catch up to Tian Feng, and now, Tian Feng was completely surrounded.

“Tian Feng, there’s no way out now, just admit your defeat.” Lone Leaf exposed a complacent smile.

“f.u.c.k you! If I’m going to die, then I’ll take someone with me!” Tian Feng spurned.

Lone Leaf smiled: “Then it’s time for you to die at my hands.”

Lone Leaf attacked forestalls, but Bi Fan and the Blue Dragon weren’t slow to respond either; and the three of them charged at him, almost at the same time.

Tian Feng suddenly turned towards Bi Fan, and charged at him.

Bi Fan’s strength would appear to be the weakest amongst the trio, so naturally Tian Feng tried to carve his through Bi Fan.

Even if he was able to push Bi Fan back, just a little bit, then, there was still a chance of making an escape.

His Purple-hilted sword pierced through the air, at lightning-fast speed, as it made its course towards Bi Fan’s throat.

The Immortal Finger – Two Finger Trick!

Bi Fan waited till Tian Feng’s sword was almost upon him, and then, instantly his right hands’ two fingers sprung up, and caught the sword in between them.

Tian Feng, unexpectedly, found his sword clamped between Bi Fan’s fingers. He anxiously, and desperately, pulled at his sword, in the hope to setting it free.

But his sword remained stuck; motionless. The look on his face began to change as he simply couldn’t understand, as to why this was happening; human body is as soft as a fruit, not hard as an iron.

Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf were equally shocked, as this was the first time that they had seen this stunt; the first time up close in Blue Dragon’s case. Even they were quite surprised and scared, as they could only imagine what Bi Fan would do to their weapons, in case they ever attacked him.

Tian Feng let go of his sword, and launched a melee attack at Bi Fan.

Tian Feng attacked with full force; the strength was so amazing, that the gale which accompanied it, made Bi Fan’s clothes flutter.

Bi Fan collected the sword with his right hand, as his left hand formed a punch to meet the incoming attack.

“Boom!” A loud noise erupted as their punches met, and Tian Feng was pushed back a few steps. Bi Fan, however, stood his ground; he didn’t even shake.

On the face of it, it would appear that Bi Fan was only hitting the pinnacle of the ‘brave’ layer, but in reality, owing to his physical strength, he was inching closer to the ‘emerging from the womb’ layer.

Tian Feng had made a mistake, which had left him completely bewildered; he simply hadn’t realized that Bi Fan would have such amazing physical strength.

Tian Feng had made a very critical mistake at a very critical time, and this could prove out to be a lethal one.

He was still retreating from the collision, when Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf charged towards him.

“Bang!….” Tian Feng took two successive blows to his body; he spat out blood, as he was thrown to the ground.

“Tian Feng, time to die!” Lone Leaf howled, as he charged for his nemesis, with his sword raised, ready to deal the final blow.

Out of nowhere, a loud voice interrupted Lone Leaf: “Lone Leaf, how dare you? How dare you try to surround and murder a Jian Shen Student, huh?”

The expression on Lone Leaf’s face changed all of a sudden, as he recognized a familiar voice; the voice of Gou Ming, Tian Feng’s senior.

“Everyone stop! Now’s not the time to kill Tian Feng.” Lone Leaf calmed down in an instant.

Gou Ming’s arrival had changed the dynamics of the situation, and Lone Leaf simply couldn’t callously murder Tian Feng anymore. At the moment, if he decided to push forth with his original intentions, then the news of this incident was sure to leave this Abyss, and things could get really troublesome for him later on.

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