The Six Immortals

Chapter 62

Bi Fan quickened up his footsteps, owing to this new, unexpected, unknown, strong arrival, and quickly incorporated the body of the Chief Komodo into his Yin Yang pouch.

The man stepped out in the open; he had a bearded face, with net-like sideburns, and looked as if he was, at least, in his thirties.

“Whisker w.a.n.g!” Lone Leaf was shocked.

Blue Dragon was curious, and so he asked: “Do you know him?”

Blue Dragon was pointing his finger in the direction of this new entrance, the bearded man.

“w.a.n.g Zhong. He’s very famous. He goes by the name Whisker w.a.n.g. He is one the most popular geniuses of the young generation, and well deserves his reputation.” Lone Leaf answered.

Lone Leaf explained further, but it sounded like he was talking more to himself than Bi Fan and Blue Dragon, as his voice wasn’t really coming out, due to fear: “w.a.n.g Zhong has no loyalty to any Sect, nor does he have a master. He’s only twenty-three, but he looks as if he’s in his forties. He is one of the strongest of our generation, so much so, that he has even beaten some of the renowned young martial artists of the Jiu Da Sect, with just a wooden sword. He’s a formidable young talent, and exceptionally difficult to beat.”

“Who are you? I have never heard of you before.” The bearded man grinned, his voice sounded almost demeaning in its tone.

“Bei Ming’s Lone Leaf, you wouldn’t have heard of me.” Lone Leaf replied.

Lone Leaf seemed prepared for w.a.n.g Zhong to attack him at any moment, and his arms were tightly clenched.

“Indeed. I have never heard of you before. Get out of the way.” w.a.n.g Zhong walked right past Lone Leaf.

He was marching straight towards Bi Fan, at a brisk pace, and his eyes seemed filled with a murderous aura.

“Hand over the body of that Komodo dragon, or I’ll kill you, and then take that carca.s.s off yours.”

w.a.n.g Zhong had a very deep and powerful voice. His every step demonstrated his momentum, and power, and was beginning to oppress Bi Fan with his sheer presence.

w.a.n.g Zhong’s inner energy was. .h.i.tting the pinnacle of the ‘transformation’ layer. And on top of that, he seemed quite strong physically as well.

Bi Fan could feel his tremendous energy, and his formidable physical strength. But it wasn’t just that, there was something else about him, it was the way he was walking, and the way he was talking. Powerful and confident; like he had nerves of steel.

This guy wasn’t the same as Gou Ming, w.a.n.g Zhong was a very experienced fighter, and had experienced countless battles. It reflected in his body language, which reeked of fighting spirit, and murderous intentions. He was definitely a stronger opponent than Gou Ming; a much stronger opponent.

On the other hand, Bi Fan had just settled a battle, and a very fierce one at that. Although he had already ingested a recovery Dan pellet, it would still be a while before he would be able to fully recover his strength.

If he engaged in combat with w.a.n.g Zhong at this time, then he would surely start at a very great disadvantage.

Bi Fan’s mind was racing; he needed to find a way to stall w.a.n.g Zhong; he needed to find a way to buy himself enough time to recover his energy and strength.

“w.a.n.g Zhong, isn’t that right? So, you want the Komodo’s carca.s.s huh? Why don’t you come and get it?” Bi Fan challenged.

Bi Fan was holding his purple-feathered Sword in his hand, look-ready for a fight. No matter how strong the opponent is, he should never appear weak; he needed to keep w.a.n.g Zhong guessing.

Bi Fan’s cool contempt got to w.a.n.g Zhong, and his heart started to doubt itself.

Truth be told, w.a.n.g Zhong wasn’t really sure if he would have been able to kill off those two Komodo dragons all by himself, and with as much ease, as Bi Fan had displayed. So naturally, he wasn’t sure as to what Bi Fan was really capable of doing, and what other tricks he could have up his sleeves. On top of that, Bi Fan had just emerged from a tough battle, and was still ready for another one; w.a.n.g Zhong simply couldn’t dare to take a big risk without a.n.a.lyzing the situation first.

w.a.n.g Zhong had been practicing by himself for a long time now, and he had learnt to trust his instincts well.

“Trying to scare me huh? That’s not so easy boy.” w.a.n.g Zhong continued to approach Bi Fan, but his pace had slowed down now.

Bi Fan smiled: “Whisker w.a.n.g, are we just going to stand or are we going to have a contest? Are you afraid that I’ll beat you, or are you afraid of dying?”

Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf had also exhausted most of their energy, and wouldn’t be able to provide much a.s.sistance to Bi Fan at the moment, which Bi Fan was well aware off. He knew that he was on his own here.

“A contest? Looks like we are talking of a bet now?” w.a.n.g Zhong suddenly sprouted interest in a bet.

w.a.n.g Zhong believed that life was a gamble, and he, absolutely, loved gambling; so much so, that he was known to gamble with his life during fights.

He thought of himself as a gambler; a natural born gambler.

Now, he could see the hint of gamble in Bi Fan’s challenge, and he would certainly be very happy to accept it.

Bi Fan noticed this change and stated: “I see that you’re a big man, quite strong too. Ah, you can definitely fight. Let’s have ourselves a contest. Whoever wins the fight, wins the rewards, of course, unless, you have any other proposals?”

“What’s at stake?” w.a.n.g Zhong’s eyes were squinty.

“If I lose, you can take the Komodo’s carca.s.s. If I win, you leave us alone, and the never bother us again.” Bi Fan stated.

“The stakes are too small; there is no point in such a small bet.” w.a.n.g Zhong shook his head.

w.a.n.g Zhong could make out that Bi Fan too, was a little cautious of him, and even a little scared. And, so he too, was trying to get under Bi Fan’s skin.

Bi Fan needed to raise the stakes, for he was afraid that if he didn’t, w.a.n.g Zhong might attack them without any hesitation, in which case, he could easily kill the three of them off, and then take their wealth.

There was only one law here; the Law of the Jungle.

w.a.n.g Zhong, especially, had a very profound understanding of this idea, and if given the chance, wouldn’t hesitate to take advantage of it.

w.a.n.g Zhong had no backers, no background, and no master. His practice was solely dependent on the resources that he looted.

He really wouldn’t mind killing a few people for the sake of his strength’s enhancement.

“Yes well, then, let’s raise the stakes!” Bi Fan sneered: “What do you say? Do you dare to raise the stakes?”

“Game on!” w.a.n.g Zhong’s facial expression was constantly changing, as he was trying to ascertain Bi Fan’s true intentions.

“Nah, you won’t be able to.” Bi Fan condescended in a cold voice.

He needed some more time, he had managed to restore a good amount of energy, and would be able to make a stand against w.a.n.g Zhong at this point; but he still needed more time, to be certain of a victory.

w.a.n.g Zhong laughed: “Who says I cannot? How about this huh? If I win, all three of you become my loyal subordinates, and follow my orders to the letter. You would do exactly as I’d tell you to.”

Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf’s faces suddenly changed colors, they were both considered emerging talents of their generation, and they most certainly wouldn’t be willing to allow themselves, to become stakes for a gamble on another man’s bet, especially, not at the cost of their freedom.

Bi Fan said: “w.a.n.g Zhong, you raised an unfair bet. I can only promise on my part. They are just my friends; I cannot call shots on their lives.”

“That’s alright, I’ll kill you first. And then I’ll kill them, and then I’ll just take all your riches. Plain and simple.” w.a.n.g Zhong smiled.

Lone Leaf retaliated out of anger: “Whisker w.a.n.g, don’t show me such arrogance. You will not last long once the Bei Ming School comes for you.”

w.a.n.g Zhong pointed at Lone Leaf: “Are you threatening me? But this simply what it is like, if you do not agree, then, I’ll kill you first, and then deal with him later on.”

Blue Dragon, looked back and forth, at Bi Fan, then at w.a.n.g Zhong , and then at Bi Fan again; and then eventually spoke up: “I believe in my Brother. I’ll put my faith in Bi Fan’s strength.”

Lone Leaf’s teeth dug deep into his lips, and his fleeting eyes flickered and flashed, reflecting the predicament of his mind.

Bi Fan spoke up: “Thank you brother, for trusting me. And believe me, that I will not take your freedom as a joke…”

Bi Fan thanked Blue Dragon with the hope of tempting Lone Leaf, he needed as much weight as he could possibly get.

In a real fight, Bi Fan would have a difficult time, but a contest was different, there was no threat to life, and words had a way of affecting such fights.

Lone Leaf finally made up his mind, and spoke up: “Well, I promise as well. I’ll agree to Bi Fan’s terms.”

“w.a.n.g Zhong, here, we have all promised. Now, if you lose, you will submit yourself to my leadership, and vice-versa; this is our blood oath. The stake is a blood oath, so no one can back out of it later on.” Bi Fan stated.

After his remark, Blue Dragon, Lone Leaf and w.a.n.g Zhong, all three of them were taken aback; and their expressions reflected it.

Lone Leaf and w.a.n.g Zhong, especially, were suddenly taken aback, as they never really intended on fulfilling their promises, and would have gone back on the bet whenever it suited them, which had completely changed now.

Once a Blood Oath is drawn out, there is not much room to back away to.

In this world, a Blood Oath was a very powerful and mysterious vow. If one decided to violate a Blood Oath, then initially, things would carry on forward as normal, with no reflections of the violation. But as time progresses, the defaulter’s life would eventually be turned upside-down and everything would start going against the same.

Bi Fan had completely turned the tables, with the help of the Blood Oath card, and had successfully managed to buy himself an awful lot of time.

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