The Six Immortals

Chapter 90

“Brother Bi Fan, the Chimera seems to be gone a long time now…?” w.a.n.g Zhong asked.

Bi Fan’s face exposed a sinister smile: “I dispatched the Chimera on purpose; he has a big role to play in this one.”

“A sneak attack!” Blue Dragon exclaimed: “Brother Bi Fan, you’re becoming more and more cunning.”

Indeed; Bi Fan had been becoming, more and more, sly with every pa.s.sing day, and was, unwittingly, at ease with this new change in his nature.

However, as they say, everything is fair in war; it was nothing personal; just business.

In this world, a soft heart, muddled with lenient emotions, was sure to be struck down by others in time.

Moments later, a blood-curling shriek echoed from the back. Apparently, the Chimera had registered its first kill.

The ones, who were at the back, were obviously the weakest, which meant that the Chimera could easily deal with them, especially when they weren’t expecting an attack. So naturally, the Chimera could easily kill them off without anyone noticing anything, and then quickly leave before anyone spotted him.

“What was that?” Gu Feng was forced to stop for a moment.

“It seems that little Kobayashi was killed by some beast.” One of the Jian Shen disciples spoke up.

“What a waste….. Take his body; we will need to take it back with us for a proper burial…. Let’s continue to move.” Gu Feng said angrily.

Gu Feng’s eyes were full of Ogre flower petals; everything else was invisible to him. Avenging little-Kobayashi wasn’t going to get him what he wanted, so naturally he wasn’t going to waste any time on it.

Gu Feng’s delegation continued to move forward, and the Chimera slowly returned back into the fold, and behind them, looking for its next target.

The Chimera had always been a very clever beast; and the addition of Bi Fan’s guidance had turned him into a very cunning, and ruthless, killing machine.

Bi Fan’s plan was very simple; the Chimera would sneak up and attack someone at the back, and then quickly retreat into the shadows once again. Bi Fan was sure that Gu Feng wasn’t going to chase after it.

“Ah….” Another scream echoed from the back; the Chimera had registered its second success for the day.

“Take the body; we will continue to proceed forward.” Gu Feng was even more straightforward this time around.

“Brother Gu Feng….” One of the disciples under his command tried to raise his concern hesitantly, but was cut off by Gu Feng.

Gu Feng stated in a cold tone: “Do you want the Ogre Flower petals or not?”

“Brother, we shall continue to chase them!” The lure of the benefits that lay ahead, were exposing the voids in the falsehood of their friendships and brotherhood.

Gu Feng said: “Hurry up, and the ones at the back need to be more careful. We have no time to tarry; the enemy is getting away from us.”

“Yes Brother!”

The Jian Shen team picked up pace; the ones at the back were trying even harder than they had been earlier, as they were afraid of falling prey to Devil’s Race Beasts. They were all desperately trying to stay in front of each other, as no one wanted to be the last in the line.

The Chimera quickened its pace as well, and caught up with them soon, once again.

The Chimera was in no hurry; he was well aware that he needed to pick the right moment to make his move in order to kill off the enemy without being detected.

w.a.n.g Zhong said: “The Chimera is really turning into monstrous beast; he has already killed two men in quick succession. Do you think he will be able to get a third one?”

“Anytime now, the Chimera isn’t overly fond of holding back.” Lone Leaf laughed.

“Dirty….” Blue Dragon said in a low voice, almost to himself: “However, the Chimera does come out to be handy in tough spot.”

Bi Fan remained silent, as he simply couldn’t dare to come up with anything in reb.u.t.tal.

“Ah…..” Another scream provided more music to their ears.

Bi Fan and his party continued to smile.

Since another disciple from his Sect had been killed by the Devil’s Race, Gu Feng finally acknowledged the problem; if he didn’t take any action now, then the others in his platoon would soon start panicking.

Gu Feng was forced to stop for a moment, and chase after the Chimera, but was unable to catch up with it.

“That creature is too fast, we cannot chase after it.” Gu Feng said helplessly. “We will continue to move forward after those men. Tie Fei Yun, you will be stationed at the back from now on; I doubt that the creature will be foolish enough to come after you.”

“Hey…. I was thinking the exact same thing. I only wish that he tries to take a go at me.” Tie Fei Yun grinned, revealing the two rows of his yellowed teeth.

Gu Feng controlled his vomit that was incited by the bad odor, as he thought to himself: “This kid’s bad breath is seriously making it very difficult to live around him.”

Gu Feng’s platoon continued to move forward, and the Chimera didn’t reappear; he had already overtaken them from within the shadows he had been concealing himself in.

Once the war started, the Chimera might be required to reveal himself at any moment. He would be more than happy to oblige to Bi Fan’s command to do the very same.

Bi Fan had been expecting this. He knew that after a few of their men died, the Jian Shen Sect would certainly take the step of rearranging their formation, which would make it impossible for the Chimera to continue attacking them sneakily.

Gu Feng and the other picked up speed, and soon were able to see the backs of Bi Fan’s four man team.

In reality, Bi Fan and the others had intentionally slowed down to allow the Jian Shen platoon to catch up with them.

It had come to point where it was kill or be killed. Killing one, or ten, was the same thing here. However, the rewards they were to obtain were likely to go higher with the increasing number of enemy causalities.

Anyway, they had already picked a fight with the Jian Shen Sect, so there was no point in backing down now.

Even Lone Leaf was ready to fight now: “These guys are so dead!”

The men, who come looking for a kill, should always expect to find the same treatment for their own self.

Bi Fan was making these men chase after him, even though he had no intention of outrunning them. The plan was simple; to make Gu Feng and his men consume as much of their energies as possible before the battle begins.

Bi Fan and his men were already prepared, and since they had a head-start, they made sure that weren’t as tired as their opposition.

They always managed to maintain just enough distance to tickle the hearts of the Jian Shen platoon, so they would continue to chase after them without thinking twice.

Their plan was working flawlessly, and they had already managed to tire some of their opponents.

The weaker ones, in the Jian Shen Sect team, were already a little fatigued, and were visibly breathless.

Bi Fan, along with the rest of his team, deliberately slowed down a bit, and intentionally wore a tired look on their faces.

“Come on, they have almost run out of energy.” Gu Feng said loudly out of sheer exhalation.

Although most of the men in his party were already fairly tired, the dream of the Ogre Flower petals provided them the inspiration to accelerate their pace further.

Soon enough, owing to their revived spirits, Gu Feng’s remaining fourteen-man team managed to catch up to Bi Fan’s party, and quickly surrounded them.

As soon as he saw the sweat studded faces of Bi Fan’s party, Gu Feng started laughing: “Haha…. Finally… you were unable to outrun us; you’re going to die this time around.”

“Gu Feng, if you, or your Jian Shen boys, attack us, then I will report this to the management of Bei Ming Sect upon my return.” Lone Leaf said in an angry voice.

Gu Feng sneered: “You will first have to go back from here. Now that I know that you’re a Bei Ming student, do you think I will be stupid enough to let you live?… let alone allow you to return to your School.”

The look on Lone Leaf’s face changed; the resolve within his heart was even more firm now.

Since the other party had looked down upon the Bei Ming School, he wasn’t going to consider their patriarchy anymore; Jian Shen faction or not, they had insulted his School now.

“Very Well! Very Well! I had always heard that the Jian Shen was a righteous Sect, I guess that was all just a bunch of false rumors.” Lone Leaf exposed an enraged smiled.

Gu Feng reb.u.t.ted: “We have always been an embodiment of justice, and we are going to kill you because you are evil-doers.”

“….For someone with the intention of robbing us, you guys surely have an admirably pompous pretext” w.a.n.g Zhong laughed: “But you’re not fooling anyone here; you’re no better than an average goon. At least drop the act, and accept it, because you sound very hypocritical right now.”

Gu Feng’s face turned ashen as he said: “Whisker w.a.n.g, am I right? I know you have quite the reputation, but a little later, I’m going to have you down on your knees, begging me for mercy, while my fists will enlighten you with the mistake that you’ve just made…..”

“Well, I’m game. But I don’t think you’re going to get what you’re looking for.” w.a.n.g Zhong said in calm and undisturbed voice.

Blue Dragon laughed: “I can tell that he doesn’t have what it takes, I mean, just look at him… he already looks terrified!”

“Hahaha….” Bi Fan and his companions burst into laughter.

Gu Feng’s, and his men’s, face turned red with anger the moment they heard Blue Dragon’s words.

“Boy, I don’t care who you are, or which Sect you belong to, but today you’ve forged the path to your doom.”

“Oh, you want to kill? Why don’t you come at take a swing at me?” Blue Dragon retaliated in defiance.

Ever since the recent surge in his strength, Blue Dragon had been aching to find a strong opponent to test himself out.

“Brother Dragon, you can’t just keep s.n.a.t.c.hing my game ok…. He belongs to me!” w.a.n.g Zhong said, pointing his finger at Gu Feng.

“Well…. I guess you can have him, but I’m taking the next strongest.” Blue Dragon started scoping out the rest of the enemy delegation.

Gu Feng seemed like he was angry enough to pull his hair out; he wasn’t used to being treated in this manner.

“Kill them! No one leaves alive!”

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