The Skilful Cook

Chapter 11

Strain the stock into a large stewpan, and boil it rapidly down to a glaze.

Put the veal on a hot dish, remove the string, and pour the glaze over it.

Place round the veal some carrot and turnip, cut in fancy shapes and cooked separately.


_Ingredients_--8 oz. of flour.

2 eggs.

1 pint of milk.

1 lb. of ox kidney.

A little salt.

_Method._--Put the flour into a basin.

Make a well in the middle.

Put in the eggs; mix gradually.

Add the milk by degrees.

Beat well, and add the salt.

Cut the kidney in pieces, lay them in a well-greased Yorkshire-pudding tin; and pour the batter over.

Bake from one and a quarter to one and a half hours.

Irish Stew.

_Ingredients_--2 lb. of potatoes.

1 lb. of scrag end of mutton.

lb. of onions.

Pepper and salt.

_Method._--Peel and slice the potatoes and onions, and cut the meat into small pieces.

Put a layer of meat in the bottom of a saucepan, then a layer of potatoes, then one of onions.

Season with pepper and salt, and continue placing the ingredients in the saucepan in alternate layers.

Pour in half a pint of water and stew gently, stirring occasionally, for about one hour and a half.

Sea Pie.

_Ingredients_--2 lb. of steak.

2 onions.

1 carrot.

1 small turnip.

lb. of flour.

lb. of suet.

1 teaspoonful of baking powder.

Pepper and salt to taste.

Cold water.

_Method._--Cut the vegetables and meat small, season them with pepper and salt, and put them into a large saucepan.

Put it by the side of the fire for the contents to simmer gently.

Chop the suet finely, add it to the flour and baking powder, and mix with cold water to a stiff paste. Roll it to the size of the saucepan.

Place it over the meat, and simmer gently for two hours.

For serving, remove the crust with a fish slice, put the meat and vegetables on to a hot dish, and place the crust on them.

Roast Bullock"s Heart.

_Ingredients_--1 bullock"s heart.

Some veal stuffing (double the quant.i.ty given in the recipe).

_Method._--Wash the heart in salt and water, and cleanse it thoroughly.

Wipe it quite dry.

Cut off the flaps and fill the cavities with the stuffing.

Grease a piece of paper with dripping, and tie it firmly over the top of the heart to keep in the forcemeat.

Roast it according to the directions for roasting meat; it will take about two hours.

Gravy for the Heart.

_Ingredients_--1 pint of stock.

The from the heart.

1 onion.

1 oz. of b.u.t.ter.

1 oz. of flour.

A little Harvey"s sauce or catsup.

A little burnt sugar, if necessary, for colouring.

_Method._--Put the into a saucepan with the onion and water, and simmer gently while the heart is cooking.

Then melt the b.u.t.ter in a stewpan.

Mix in the flour smoothly; add the liquor strained.

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