The Skilful Cook

Chapter 42

Some sp.a.w.n or coral.

Egg and bread-crumbs.


_Method._--Remove the flesh from the body of the lobster, and cut it up.

Pound the coral in a mortar, with half an ounce of b.u.t.ter, and rub it through a hair sieve. (If sp.a.w.n is used it need not be pounded.)

Melt 1 oz. of b.u.t.ter in a stewpan.

Mix in the flour; add the water; stir until it thickens.

Then add the coral, and b.u.t.ter, and cook well.

Next the cream, lemon juice, cayenne, pepper, salt, and lastly the chopped lobster.

Spread the mixture on a plate to cool.

When cool, shape into cutlets.

Egg and bread-crumb, and fry in hot fat in a frying-basket.

Put a piece of the feeler in each, to represent a bone.

Garnish with fried parsley.

Lobster Cutlets in Aspic.

Shape some of the lobster-cutlet mixture into cutlets.

Roll in dried and powdered coral, and put a piece of feeler in each.

Pour a little aspic jelly into a clean Yorkshire-pudding tin, or frying-pan.

When set, lay the cutlets on it, and pour in, gently, enough aspic to cover them.

When firm, cut them out with a border of aspic to each, and serve on chopped aspic.

Fried Sole.

_Ingredients_--A sole.




_Method._--Remove the dark skin, and notch the other, here and there, with a knife.

Dry the sole well in a floured cloth.

Brush over with egg, and cover with bread-crumbs.

Flatten them on with a broad-bladed knife, and fry the sole a golden brown in hot fat (for heat of fat _see_ French Frying).

A fish-fryer, or a deep frying-pan, should be used for the purpose; and there should be sufficient fat to cover the sole, so that it will not require turning.

When cooked, drain on kitchen paper.

Dish on a folded napkin.

Garnish with fried parsley.

Sole a la Parisienne.

_Ingredients_--1 sole.

1 winegla.s.s of sherry.

pint of good second stock.

A few drops of lemon juice.

1 teaspoonful of Harvey"s sauce.

1 teaspoonful of anchovy sauce.

Pepper and salt to taste.

_Method._--Remove the dark skin, and notch the other with a knife.

Lay the sole in a baking-pan, and pour over it the stock and sherry.

Cover with a dish, and bake for twenty or thirty minutes in a moderate oven.

Place it on a hot dish.

Boil the stock rapidly down to half the quant.i.ty.

Add to it the sauces, lemon juice, and seasoning, and pour it over the sole.

Fillets of Sole a la Rouennaise.

_Ingredients_--2 or more soles.

Lemon juice.

Lobster-cutlet mixture.

Some white sauce.

Chopped truffle.

_Method._--Remove both skins from the soles, and fillet them.

Spread some of the lobster-cutlet mixture on the half of each fillet, and fold over.

Place on a greased baking-sheet; sprinkle over lemon juice and salt, and cover with b.u.t.tered paper.

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