The Skilful Cook

Chapter 45

_Ingredients_--1 lb. of flour.

lb. of b.u.t.ter or dripping.

A pinch of salt.

Enough cold water to mix the paste.

_Method._--Rub one half of the b.u.t.ter into the flour, as for short crust.

Mix with the water, and roll it out very thinly.

Put the remainder in little pieces on the paste.

Fold in three, and then in three again.

Roll out to the size required.

Rough Puff Paste.

_Ingredients_--1 lb. of flour.

lb. of b.u.t.ter, lard, or dripping.


Cold water.

_Method._--Break the fat into the flour in pieces.

Add a pinch of salt.

Mix with a little cold water.

Turn on to a board.

Roll and fold four times.

Flaky Bread Crust.

_Ingredients_--1 lb. of bread dough.

Some b.u.t.ter, lard, or dripping.

_Method._--Roll out the dough very thin, and spread with the fat.

Fold in two.

Spread again with fat.

Fold in two, and spread once more with fat.

Fold again, and set aside for one hour.

Then roll out and use.

Beef-steak Pie.

_Ingredients_--2 lb. of nice beef-steak.

lb. of bullock"s kidney.

1 lb. of flaky or rough puff paste.

1 tablespoonful of flour.

pint of water.

Pepper and salt.

_Method._--Roll the paste to a quarter of an inch in thickness.

Invert the pie-dish, and cut the paste to the size and shape of the under side of it.

Roll out the remainder, and cut a band one inch wide.

Wet the edge of the pie-dish, and place this round it.

Cut the beef into thin strips.

Dip them in flour, and season with pepper and salt.

Roll each of the strips round a tiny piece of fat.

Put them into the pie-dish alternately with pieces of kidney.

Raise them in the middle of the dish in a dome-like form, and pour in the water.

Wet the edges of the paste lining of the dish, and lay the cover over.

Press the edges lightly together, and trim round with a knife.

Make a hole in the middle of the paste to let the gases from the meat escape.

Brush the crust with beaten egg, and decorate with leaves cut from the

Bake for about two hours.

The pie should be put into a quick oven until the pastry is cooked; the heat must then be moderated to cook the meat thoroughly without drying up the pastry. If possible, finish cooking the meat on the top of the oven.

Some people prefer stewing the meat before using it in the pie. If this is done, it must be allowed to get cold before the pie is made.

It is an improvement to the pie to put layers of oysters, bearded, alternately with the rolls of beef.

Rabbit Pie.

_Ingredients_--1 rabbit.

lb. of salt pork

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