The Skilful Cook

Chapter 49

Almond Cakes.

_Ingredients_--Genoise pastry.


The white of 1 egg.

1 oz. of castor sugar.

_Method._--Stamp out the Genoise pastry into small cakes, with round cutters.

Beat the white of egg, mix it with the castor sugar, and spread it over the cakes.

Sprinkle them well with almonds, blanched and chopped.

Put them in a moderate oven to take a pale fawn colour.

Cheese Cakes.

_Ingredients_--Some remains of puff pastry.

2 oz. of sugar.

2 oz. of b.u.t.ter.

1 lemon.

Half a sponge cake.

1 whole egg and 1 yolk.

_Method._--Cream the b.u.t.ter in a basin.

Add to it the castor sugar.

Beat well together, adding one by one the yolks of the eggs.

Then mix in the grated lemon peel, and the lemon juice and the sponge cake, rubbed through a wire sieve.

Lastly, stir in lightly half the white of the egg, beaten to a stiff froth.

Roll out the pastry.

Stamp into rounds with a fluted cutter dipped in hot water.

Lay the rounds in patty pans, and put a little dummy of dough or bread in the middle of each.

Bake them in a quick oven.

When nearly cooked, remove the dummies and fill their places with the cheese-cake mixture.

Return them to the oven until the pastry is cooked and the cheese-cake mixture has taken a pale colour.


_Ingredients_--The remains of puff paste.

Some preserve.

_Method._--Roll out the paste, and stamp into rounds with a fluted cutter dipped in hot water.

Lay the rounds on patty pans.

Place in the middle of each a dummy, made of dough or bread.

Bake in a quick oven.

When the pastry is cooked remove the dummies, and fill the places with jam.

Plainer tartlets may be made with short, flaky, or other pastry.

Cheese d"Artois.

_Ingredients_--Remains of puff paste, or some flaky crust.

1 oz. of b.u.t.ter.

1 whole egg and 1 yolk.

2 oz. of Parmesan cheese.

A little cayenne.

Pepper and salt.

_Method._--Cream the b.u.t.ter well in a basin.

Beat in the eggs, and add the grated cheese.

Season with pepper, salt, and cayenne.

Divide the pastry into two portions, and roll them out as thinly as possible.

Lay one piece on a greased baking-sheet.

Spread it over with the cheese mixture, and lay the other on the top.

Mark it with the back of a knife in strips, one inch wide and three inches long.

Brush over with beaten egg, and bake in a quick oven, until the paste is cooked. Cut out the strips with a sharp knife.

Dish them on a folded napkin, and sprinkle them with grated cheese.

Cheese Straws.

_Ingredients_--2 oz. of flour.

2 oz. of b.u.t.ter.

2 oz. of grated Parmesan cheese.

The yolk of an egg.

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