The Skilful Cook

Chapter 57

A little milk.

_Method._--Put all the dry ingredients into a basin.

Mix with the egg, well beaten, and the milk.

Boil in a well-greased basin for an hour and a quarter.

Rhubarb Fool.

_Ingredients_--14 sticks of rhubarb.

lb. of moist sugar (more, if necessary).

pint of water.

1 gill of milk.

The thin rind of half a lemon.

_Method._--Cut the rhubarb in small pieces.

Stew gently with the sugar and water until quite tender.

Rub through a sieve.

Add the milk, and serve cold.

Sc.r.a.p Pudding.

_Ingredients_--Some of bread.

lb. of moist sugar.

lb. of finely-chopped suet.

The grated rind of a lemon.

2 eggs, well beaten.

pint of milk.

Some preserve.

_Method._--Dry the bread in a slow oven until it is hard.

Pound it in a mortar, and measure 6 ounces of the powder; mix it with the suet and sugar.

Add the lemon rind; pour over the milk, and add the eggs.

Beat well for a few minutes.

Then put the mixture in layers in a pie-dish alternately with the preserve.

Let the top layer be the pudding mixture.

Bake in a moderate oven until the mixture is set.

Bread-and-Cheese Pudding.

_Ingredients_--6 oz. of dried and powdered bread.

lb. of grated cheese.

pint of milk.

1 egg, well beaten.

Pepper and salt.

A little cayenne.

_Method._--Mix all the ingredients together, and bake in a pie-dish until the mixture is set.

Mould of Rice.

_Ingredients_-- lb. of rice.

1 quart of milk.

lb. of moist or castor sugar.

_Method._--Boil the rice with the sugar in the milk until it is perfectly soft.

Then put it into a mould.

When cold, turn it out, and serve it with jam.

Norfolk Dumpling.

_Ingredients_--Some bread dough.

_Method._--Make the dough into small round b.a.l.l.s.

Drop them into fast-boiling water, and boil quickly for twenty minutes.

Serve immediately, either with meat or with sweet sauce.

Sago Pudding.

_Ingredients_--1 pint of milk.

2 tablespoonfuls of sago.

2 tablespoonfuls of sugar.

1 egg.

_Method._--Simmer the sago in the milk until it thickens.

Add the sugar and the egg, well beaten.

Put it into a pie-dish, and bake in a moderate oven for half an hour.

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