The Skilful Cook

Chapter 63

Place them in a b.u.t.tered pie-dish, and pour the sago over them.

Bake in a moderate oven for about one hour.


_Ingredients_-- lb. of flour.

2 eggs.

1 pint of milk.

Some lard, or dripping, for frying.

_Method._--Put the flour into a basin, add to it a pinch of salt.

Make a well in the middle and put the two eggs into it; mix them smoothly with the flour; and add the milk very gradually.

Melt the lard, or dripping.

Well season a small frying-pan, about the size of a cheese plate.

Put into it a teaspoonful of the melted fat, and let it run well over the pan.

Then pour in enough batter to cover the pan thinly, and fry it brown, shaking the pan occasionally to keep it from burning.

Then toss it on to the other side; and, when that is fried, turn it on to kitchen paper.

Sprinkle with sugar and lemon juice and roll it up.

Keep it hot while the remainder of the batter is fried in the same way.

If the maker cannot toss the pancakes well, they may be turned with a broad-bladed knife. If they are fried in a larger pan, more fat must be used.

Railway Pudding.

_Ingredients_-- lb. of flour.

2 oz. of castor sugar.

2 eggs.

pint of milk.

2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder.

_Method._--Mix the flour, sugar, and baking powder in a basin.

Beat the eggs well with the milk, and mix the pudding with them.

Pour into a well-greased Yorkshire-pudding tin; and bake for about thirty minutes.

When done, turn out and cut into squares.

Dish in a circle, with a little jam, or treacle, on each.

Poor Knight"s Pudding.

_Ingredients_--Some small square slices of stale bread.

Castor sugar.

_Method._--Fry the bread in hot fat (_see_ French Frying).

Drain on kitchen paper.

Dish in the form of a wreath, the one leaning on the other, and put a little jam on each.

Gooseberry Fool.

_Ingredients_--1 quart of gooseberries.

lb. of moist sugar.

pint of water.

1 pint of milk or cream.

_Method._--Take the tops and stalks from the gooseberries, and boil them with the sugar and water until soft.

Rub them through a hair sieve.

Mix in the milk, or cream, gradually; and serve on a gla.s.s dish.

Apricot Pudding.

_Ingredients_-- lb. of finely-chopped suet.

lb. of bread-crumbs.

3 eggs.

8 tablespoonfuls of apricot jam.

1 gla.s.s of sherry.

2 oz. of sugar.

_Method._--Put the suet, bread-crumbs, and sugar into a basin, and mix with the eggs, well beaten, apricot and sherry.

Put the mixture into a greased pudding-mould and boil for two hours.

Stale-Bread Pudding.

_Ingredients_-- lb. of bread.

1 quart of boiling milk.

2 eggs.

2 oz. of sugar.

lb. of currants.

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