The Skilful Cook

Chapter 76

Egyptian Puree or Lentil Soup.

_Ingredients_--1 pint of Egyptian lentils.

1 good-sized onion.

Carrot and turnip.

3 sticks of celery, or one dessertspoonful of celery seed tied in a piece of muslin.

2 quarts of water, or liquor from a leg of mutton.

Pepper and salt.

_Method._--Wash the lentils thoroughly.

Then boil them in the water with the vegetables, cut in small pieces, from two to three hours, stirring occasionally; when quite cooked, rub through a wire sieve; season to taste.

Make the soup hot in a stewpan, stirring all the time.

Serve with fried _croutons_ of bread.

Note.--This soup is much improved if it is rubbed through a hair sieve, after it has been through the wire sieve.

Pea Soup.

Make according to directions given in preceding recipe, subst.i.tuting split peas for lentils.

Calf-tail Soup.

_Ingredients_--4 calves" tails.

1 carrot.

1 turnip.

1 onion.

1 sprig of thyme, parsley, and marjoram.

A little celery.

1 small clove of garlic.

1 dozen peppercorns.

4 oz. flour.

2 quarts of stock.


_Method._--Cut the tails into joints.

Put them into a stewpan, with the water; when it simmers put in the vegetables, &c., and cook very gently for four hours.

Remove the pieces of tail, and let the stock get cold.

Then remove the fat, and thicken the stock with the flour.

Serve with the pieces of tail in it. A winegla.s.s of sherry may be added if liked.

Ox-tail Soup.

_Ingredients_--1 ox-tail.

3 quarts of stock.

1 carrot, 1 turnip, and 1 onion.

Half a head of celery.

1 slice of ham.

1 sprig of parsley, thyme, and marjoram.

2 bay leaves.

3 cloves.

Pepper and salt.

2 oz. of b.u.t.ter.

1 winegla.s.s of sherry.

A few drops of lemon juice.

4 oz. of flour.

_Method._--Cut the ox-tail into joints.

Fry them in the b.u.t.ter, with the vegetables, cut in pieces.

Put the tail and vegetables into a large saucepan with the stock, pepper, salt, and cloves.

Boil for very nearly four hours.

Then strain the stock.

Remove the pieces of tail, and put them on one side.

When the stock is quite cold, remove the fat perfectly and put the stock in a stewpan on the fire to boil.

When it boils, stir in a thickening made of the flour.

Stir, and cook the flour well.

Then add the sherry and lemon juice. Serve with the pieces of tail in it.

Sheep"s-head Soup.

_Ingredients_--1 sheep"s head.

3 quarts of water.

1 large carrot.

1 large turnip.

1 large onion.

1 sprig of parsley, thyme, and marjoram.

1 head of celery.

4 oz. of flour.

1 teaspoonful of minced parsley.

2 tablespoonfuls of bread-crumbs.

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