The Skilful Cook

Chapter 87

Roll out, and cut into small round cakes with a cutter.

Place them on a greased baking-sheet.

Bake in a moderate oven from fifteen to twenty minutes.

Oatmeal Biscuits.

_Ingredients_--7 oz. of flour.

3 oz. of oatmeal.

3 oz. of castor sugar.

3 oz. of lard, dripping, or b.u.t.ter.

teaspoonful of baking powder.

1 egg.

1 tablespoonful of water.

_Method._--Put the flour, oatmeal, sugar, and baking-powder into a basin.

Mix them with the fat melted, and the egg beaten with the water.

Knead lightly into a dough.

Roll it out, and cut into round cakes.

Place them on a greased baking-tin.

Bake in a moderate oven for about twenty minutes.


_Ingredients_-- lb. of flour.

1 oz. of castor sugar.

2 oz. of b.u.t.ter.

_Method._--Put the flour and sugar into a basin.

Melt the b.u.t.ter, and mix them with it.

Knead lightly.

Roll out, cut the paste into cakes with a knife, and bake for half an hour.

Yorkshire Teacakes.

_Ingredients_-- lb. of flour.

1 gill of milk.

1 oz. of b.u.t.ter.

1 egg.

oz. of German yeast.

_Method._--Put the flour into a basin, and rub the b.u.t.ter into it.

Make the milk tepid, and blend it with the yeast.

Strain it into the flour.

Add the egg.

Beat all well together for a few minutes.

Knead lightly.

Then divide the dough in two.

Make each part into a ball, and put them in floured cake-tins.

Put the cakes in a warm place to rise for one hour, and then bake them for about twenty minutes.

Brush them over with a syrup of sugar and water to glaze them.

Ginger Biscuits.

_Ingredients_-- lb. of flour.

2 oz. of b.u.t.ter, lard, or dripping.

oz. of ground ginger.

2 oz. of castor sugar.

1 egg, and a little milk.

teaspoonful of baking powder.

_Method._--Rub the b.u.t.ter into the flour until it is like fine bread-crumbs.

Add the sugar and baking powder, and mix with the egg, well beaten, and as much milk as necessary to make it bind.

Roll out, and cut into small round cakes.

Put them on a greased tin.

Bake in a moderate oven for about twenty minutes.

Lemon-rock Cakes.

_Ingredients_--1 lb. of flour.

3 oz. of b.u.t.ter.

5 oz. of castor sugar.

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