The Skilful Cook

Chapter 90

Melt the gelatine, and add it to the custard.

Flavour it, and, when sufficiently cooled, mix the custard and cream thoroughly together.

Pour at once into a wetted mould.

Bohemian Cream.

_Ingredients_-- pint of sweet jelly of any kind.

pint of double cream.

_Method._--Beat the cream stiffly.

Mix with it the jelly, which should be melted, but cold.

Pour into a wetted mould.

Wine Jelly.

_Ingredients_--1 oz. packet of either Nelson"s or Swinbourne"s gelatine.

1 pint of water.

pint of sherry.

to lb. of lump sugar, according to taste.

The juice of two lemons.

The rind of one.

The whites and of 2 large eggs.

_Method._--Soak the gelatine in the water with the thin rind of a lemon for three quarters of an hour, if possible.

Then add all the other ingredients.

Clarify and strain (_see_ To clear Jellies).

When quite cold pour into a wetted mould.

Calf"s-foot Stock.

_Ingredients_--2 calf"s feet.

4 pints of water.

_Method._--Cut each foot into four pieces.

Blanch them by putting them in cold water and bringing them to the boil.

Throw the water away, and well wash the feet.

Put them into a saucepan, with four pints of water, and boil gently for five hours.

Then strain the stock from the bones, and set it aside until the next day.

The fat must then be carefully removed, or the stock will not clear.

To turn this into Calf"s-foot Jelly, add--

Half a pint of white wine.

The rind of 2 and the juice of 4 lemons.

lb. of lump sugar.

The whites and of 4 eggs.

Clarify and strain (_see_ To clear Jellies).

Pineapple Jelly.

_Ingredients_--1 pineapple.

1 oz. packet of gelatine.

1 pint of water.

lb. of lump sugar.

The thin rind of 1 lemon, and the juice of 2.

The whites and of 2 large eggs.

_Method._--First soak the gelatine in the water.

Cut up the pineapple and bruise it in a mortar.

Add it, and all the other ingredients, to the gelatine.

Then clarify (_see_ To clear Jellies).

Note.--The Grated Pineapple, sold in tins, is excellent for jellies or creams.

Aspic Jelly.

_Ingredients_--1 oz. packet of gelatine.

1 pint of good stock.

pint of taragon vinegar.

pint of sherry.

A small carrot, turnip, and onion.

A sprig of parsley, thyme, and marjoram.

2 bay leaves.

3 cloves.

1 dozen peppercorns.

A piece of celery.

A blade of mace.

A clove of garlic.

1 shalot.

The whites and of 2 large eggs.

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