The Song Of Spirits

Chapter 16

Chapter16 Canyi and Princess Lotus

Ye could tell Canyi’s gaze at Lotus was filled with love, meanwhile, Lotus walked around him and bowed deeply to Canyi, “Canyi, thank you so much for saving him for me.”

The Blood Bat Master’s eyes looked a little sad as he watched Lotus, “I just wish I could have helped you more...” Looking at Ye a bit, he sighed and turned to leave.

Ye gritted his teeth and blurted to Lotus, “Pardon my rudeness, I didn’t realize you were the princess of Blood-Gone Cave!”

Lotus shook her head. “Princess? You know that I’m just a prisoner here.” She looked down with sadness.

Ye looked at Lotus with confusion, while Bilin answered. “Don’t blame Lotus. Her father was the clan leader of the Blood-Gone Cave, but he died a year ago for some mysterious reason. Afterwards, the greedy Black Finger became the clan leader and locked Lotus here...”

Before Bilin finished talking, Lotus uttered, “Mom said Dad was definitely killed by Black Finger, but knowing this does nothing. He’s too powerful, my mom and I are no match for him. That’s why my mom and I left the clan.”

“You saw what happened later. We didn’t get away from Black Finger, we were captured and brought back here. He locked my mom up, threatening me, telling everyone that my mom killed herself out of a broken heart. With my mom under his control, I had to do what he told me, I had to say that my dad died from illness, that my mom committed suicide, and that my dad once said Black Finger was the heir to the clan...”

“Now, everyone in the clan believes Black Finger and works for him. Only Canyi knows the truth. He pretends to be loyal but is helping me in secret. He helped my mom and I get away from the clan before too. He... he’s a good person... and my only hope for the future.”

Ye didn’t agree with Lotus’ opinion of Canyi. To Ye, Canyi was the enemy and the person who captured Yuesong. He wanted to speak up, but seeing Lotus’ melancholy, he was sympathetic. He could feel emotions surging in his chest, making him walk toward Lotus, pick up her hand and say, “my mom told me that no matter what, we can’t lose our confidence and hope! We’re both prisoners, we have to help each other. One day, we will save your mom and Yuesong!”

Bilin watched Ye as if mesmerized. This kid looks incredible to her, and she could feel her heart shaking.

Lotus didn’t realize Ye would say something like this. The tragedies and partings over the past year have made her mature beyond her years; her peers were still kids, but she was a grown-up. At that moment, she felt as if Ye was an older brother to her and someone she could depend on.

Her voice shook as she asked, “can we really save them?”

“Yes we can!” Ye’s gaze was filled with determination. “At least we’re not in jail, right? As long as we stay alive, we’ll find a chance to save them! How powerful could Black Finger be?”

Lotus remembered how, on that day a year ago, the same boy used his body to shield her from Black Finger’s grasp. Lotus gripped Ye’s hand and shook her head in solidarity.

Since that day, Ye became the Princess’ servant and stayed inside the Black City in the desert. His room was next to Lotus and Bilin’s room, with the rooms connected by a secret door. The three lonely kids often spent time together and sought solace among each other.

Five years pa.s.sed. During this time, Canyi often visited Princess Lotus. He rarely spoke during these visits, only looking at Lotus with a tender gaze. Lotus seemed to enjoy this attention and would talk to him non-stop. Ye would stare at and silently curse Canyi, and fantasized about killing Canyi one day to save Yuesong. Canyi ignore Ye, while Bilin always watched Ye thoughtfully.

Ye continued to work hard and to improve his physique. He was a handsome boy and now he was more good-looking than ever, with a toughness inherited from his father, giving him a masculine air. He used every chance he had to memorize the layout of the Blood-Gone Cave’s Black City, but he has never risked looking for the jail as guarded by Guju. He still remembered Yuesong’s advice that he not be rash, and to wait for the perfect opportunity.

One day, when Ye finished practicing and returned to his room, Lotus and Bilin came over. Lotus said, “Ye, I have an idea.”

Ye was surprised, “idea, what idea?”

Lotus spoke softly, “in two weeks is my fifteenth birthday, and that’s my initiation ceremony, if I asked Black Finger to do the hairpin ritual for me, we could use the opportunity to...”

Ye slapped his thigh, “perfect! He wouldn’t say yes to other things, but the Princess’ hairpin ritual is something he can’t deny. Guju wouldn’t be watching the jail as closely then, maybe we could win!”

Bilin said, “right, and we can get away...”

Lotus said, “let me talk to Canyi about it...”

Ye looked unhappy as soon as Canyi was mentioned, but he couldn’t refuse right away. He only said, ”let’s not say anything to him now. He’s always by Black Finger’s side, and if Black Finger noticed anything, our plan wouldn’t work.”

Lotus hesitated and finally nodded.

The three of them discussed some more before Lotus went to look for Black Finger about the upcoming ceremony. Black Finger, Canyi, and Guju were discussing clan business and agreed to the Princess’ request. They promised to have an elaborate ceremony fitting Lotus’ Princess status.

Lotus was overjoyed as she left. Guju looked doubtful, he said, “Clan Leader, I don’t know what you’re thinking here. They’re both getting older and we still have them living close together, what if...”

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