The Song Of Spirits

Chapter 20  Lotus’s True Love

Chapter 20  Lotus’s True Love

Ye thought the day came far too soon. He wanted to cry, but he had no tears. He wanted to yell out, but he found himself lacing the nerve. His brain was empty and his whole body felt like it was out of control. His legs were as soft as noodles and he fell down to the ground, and then lay there, looking at the ceiling, not knowing how to react to this reality.

Bilin called him several times, but got no response. She was so worried about Ye that she asked the guards to take a look. The guards went near to look in through the door window, only to find Ye sitting on the ground with his eyes open, though without focus. “He"s still alive!”

Bilin was still upset about him, and she urged the guards to open the door and let her in. The guards didn’t want to be entangled with her, and drove her away.

When she was forced back to her small room from the underground prison, she was at a loss and knew of nothing that she could do to help. Finally, she went back to Lotus. When she had just entered the yard of Lotus’ house, she heard Canyi’s voice came out from Lotus’ living room: “Lotus, I am not willing for you to marry Black Finger. You are the only one I love.”

Lotus answered, “But what can you do? Can you stop him? Canyi, if you love me, take me out. We save Ye and go to the Uncles of our clan to ask for their help.”

Canyi kept silent for a while, and then he said, “The two Uncles are hard to find. How about we fight for ourselves? Lotus, allow me some time to destroy Black Finger’s army, and we can get revenge for your parents.”

Lotus replied in a poor tone, “You can’t do this in a short time. The wedding is only six days from now. Do you want me to marry him?”

“Our goal is to get revenge. Can you just bear this marriage for some time? He only wants the position as your husband to persuade the Uncles, so he won’t force you to live with him, if this is what you worry about.”

Lotus was irritated by his words, and said angrily, “Stop it! You go your way. I will marry him in six days, and bring offspring for him in the future. Don’t you regret it!”

After a while, Canyi came out. He was occupied with many thoughts in mind and did not notice Bilin was there.

Bilin felt how unfair the circ.u.mstances were for Ye, and she entered the room to yell at Lotus. “Sister, do you really love Canyi? Don’t you have any feeling for Brother Ye?!”

Lotus was stunned by her sudden question, and she carefully thought for a while before saying, “They both helped me, and they both saved my life and accompanied me to endure these difficult years. I love them two. But, only Canyi make me feel something. My heart beats for him, and I miss him day and night. So I think, I think that he is my true love.”

Bilin began to cry. “But how about Brother Ye?”

“I am always happy with him. However, I don’t have any special feelings for him. Maybe, I consider him as my brother and best friend.”

“But Brother Ye loves you. Without you, he can’t live.”

Lotus gave her a desperate smile. “How can I see him suffer here for any more time? I won’t marry Black Finger. Trust me, I will make this Cave a wasteland. If Black Finger wants to marry me, he’ll marry me in h.e.l.l.”

Bilin was frightened by her words. “Lotus, what are you talking about?”

Lotus answered her slowly, “For thousands of years, the Blood Gone Cave has been despised by the Martial World, and many clans would like to destroy us. However, it has endured for many years. Do you know why?”

Bilin had a difficult question, and she could not guess what Lotus wanted to tell her. “Because our cave is in the desert? People can’t find us easily?”

Lotus asked her another question instead of answering her. “In the desert, it is hot during the days but cold during the nights. However, our Blood Gone Cave City is as warm as always in the spring. Do you know why?” This time, she didn’t wait for her answer, and spoke out frankly, “Because in the Tower, a treasure was hiding, the "Heart of Breaking" it is called, a primordial instrument left by Yunyao. This instrument made the Cave unseen from outside, and it formed a decoy formation to stop all enemies from breaking in. And it is also this instrument that makes our city warm and suitable for living.”

“Then what shall we do?” Bilin asked.

Lotus replied in desperation, “Canyi can’t save me; he has given up. My life is meaningless now. Bilin, would you do me a favor? Pretend to be me on the wedding day, and I will go steal the instrument. With this instrument, I can save Ye and destroy Black Finger’s powers.” She smiled at her and added, “Bilin, then you can take care of him in the future.”

Bilin was surprised by this advice. “How can I? Sister, Canyi is not treating you with a sincere heart, or he would not leave you at this special time. However, Brother Ye loves you, indeed. He can’t live without you. I beg you to love him and go with him. I will steal the instrument for you on the wedding day.”

Lotus was stunned, and soon she broke into tears. “Sister, don’t be silly. I know you like him, and you are the best match. I . . . I can’t forget Canyi. Ye will forget me after some time. As for me, I will stay here with Canyi, surviving, or finding death.”

Bilin lost, and she forgot to answer her. She felt like she had a special chance to have Ye and to live with him in the future. Nevertheless, this was not going to happen, like in the dreams.

Ye didn’t know how long he lay on the ground like a dead person. In his desperate mood, he thought of the Bad-News Bluebird Spell. Maybe he had a final hope that the clan would come to save him before the wedding.

He suddenly cared about the time. Since that last day, Bilin had not come, and so he got no news from Lotus. He could only remember how many meals the guards brought to him, thus he used that to pa.s.s the time. One . . . two . . . three . . .  He counted, and became more and more anxious.

Then, the last day came. Ye was touching the marks he had cut on the wall to help mark the pa.s.sing of time, and he had to accept the truth.

They had not come in time.

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