The Song Of Spirits

Chapter 25 Desperation

Chapter 25 Desperation

“Don’t leave me!” Lotus was crying and wanted to chase him. However, Ye pulled her back. He stared at her face dully and asked, “Why did you fall in love with him? Is he worthy? Would you stay with me and give up on him?”

Lotus spat out blood.

Ye was scared and he didn’t know how to treat her. “What’s wrong with you? What’s the matter?”

“Brother Ye.” Lotus reached out her hand to touch his face softly. “Forgive me, I covered the truth for the years. I . . . I fell for him long time ago.”

Ye took her hand and shook his head. "No, I don’t believe it. I only know you are my Lotus, the only love of mine in this world. Lotus, we are free now, and I would like to take you back to the Blue Cloud Clan, where we can be together forever.”

Suddenly, a sharp loud voice rebuked them. With the sound, six white figures entered the hall. Ye turned his head to find these were the six immortals of the White Cloud Clan, lead by Li Junjing.

Lotus was still in her true monster body, with red eyes and green skin. Li Junjing stared at her and then pounced on her. “You are the evil one! Let me send you to h.e.l.l!”Her sleeves began to wave and her whole body was full of energy. She was trying to kill her. The other five immortals followed him and took out weapons.

Ye ran to protectively hide Lotus behind him, and tried to persuade them, saying, “Aunt, please give me a minute.”

Hearing this call, Li Junjing was a little confused, and she started at him carefully as if to check who he truly was. But Ye had matured and had no characteristics of the little boy from bygone times. Ye explained, “I am Ye Ye, student of Xin Yuesong. Do you still remember?”

“Ye Ye?” Li Junjing was stunned. Then she laughed coldly. “Oh, it is you, the naughty boy! You will give us aid this time? Good! Let me forget your misdeeds from the past. Kill the evil woman immediately.”

Ye hurriedly spoke. “Aunt, she doesn’t belong to the Blood Gone Cave. She is my friend.”

Li Junjing’s face turned ugly. “What? Friend? You make friends with monsters? How bold you are!”

Ye was someone who couldn’t tolerant arrogance, but this time, to save Lotus, he lowered his voice and continued to explain. “Aunt, though she was a monster, she was locked in this Cave and suffered a lot from those evil ones. However, she didn’t hurt anybody.”

Before he could finish, Li Junjing turned scornfully on him, berating him. “Little boy, why do you speak words for her? I see, the lewd desires in you yearn for her beauty. You are a born friend of demons. When you were a child, you wounded your companions with your demon power. And now, you betray your clan for this evil beauty. A b.a.s.t.a.r.d like you gives no contribution to our clan. Let me cleanse our clan for your master.”

Then she raised her sleeves to aim at Ye and Lotus, and the sleeves began to shave like a snake.

All the immortals behind her felt different about the judgment and moved ahead to try to persuade her. “You may misunderstand him. We have no evidence that Ye had relationships with the demons. Besides, it was Ye who sent us the letter to give us the chance to crush the Cave.”

“Retreat!” Li Junjing yelled loudly. The immortals were frightened by her and walked back. She glared at them fiercely. “We ourselves crushed the Cave today, with our own fights. Dare you say it was the child’s efforts? Besides, he himself claimed not to be Xin Yuesong’s student since he was a child, so even we’d thank someone for the letter, and we’d thank Xin Yuesong instead of him.”

Li Junjing’s rudeness irritated Ye. Ye was had not been satisfied with her from the time he was a child, and now he couldn’t bear anymore. He replied angrily,“Yes, she was a monster. Then what? You stay with ghosts yourself. As to the topic of making friends with demons, you are number one for doing that.”

Li Junjing’s face turned more ill looking, and she pointed her fingers at him. “What did you say?”

Ye smiled coldly. “No need to repeat it. Li Junjing, you are too old to hear me clearly.”

Li Junjing was totally out of control, and she shook the ribbons on her arms with her Qi, and the ribbons became ten snakes, aiming at Ye. All the immortals were scared of her and they yelled from far away to try to persuade her to stop fighting.

Ye was not afraid. He became serious and prepared to fight back.

Lotus sighed behind him. “Ye, you’d better leave now. I am a monster; this is the truth you can’t change. I don’t want you to be your clan’s enemy and get a bad name because of me.”

“Lotus, don’t say anything like this.” Ye didn’t turned back to look at her. “Reputation is meaningless to me. As a man, if I can’t protect my love, why should I keep on living? If I can’t save you today, we’ll die here together.”

Li Junjing laughed crazily. “So moving! Then, let me complete the task for you.”

She was going to kill, when suddenly a voice was heard, together with a big lotus flower taking the image of immortal Su Hengwu. Su Hengwu stood in between Ye and Li Junjing.

She yelled at Li Junjing, “Sister, what are you doing right now?”

Li Junjing answered ferociously, “Move away! Let me kill this b.a.s.t.a.r.d who has betrayed our clan.”

Ye saw this newcomer was Su Hengwu, and his tears dropped involuntarily. “Aunt Su, you also came today!”

Su Hengwu turned to take a look at him and her face also filled with tears. “Ye, you are grown up.”

Su Hengwu turned back to Li Junjing with defense. “Sister, do you want to kill a hero who has helped us to extinguish the evil Cave? Though you are the single daughter of the Master, you can’t do this according to your own will.”

“According to my own will?” Li Junjing sneered. “Why not ask him? He desires for the beauty of a monster and betrayed us.”

Now Su Hengwu found Lotus, who was standing behind Ye. Though her skin had turned normal now, her eyes were still red, and she could feel her monster powers.

Ye was eager to explain. “Aunt Su, listen to my explanation. Things were not like her description.”

“Then what is the truth?”

A voice came to them. Yan Huolan, the leader, entered the hall with all the clan members following him. He stared at Ye and Lotus, and lowered his voice to say seriously, “Ye, you better give me a reasonable explanation. What’s your relationship with this monster girl? tell me, or don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

Lotus smiled lightly and ordered, “Ye, leave me. Let them kill me here. Canyi has left me, and I hurt him badly, so he must be hating me right now. He won’t love me anymore. I have no reason to live in this world.”

Ye’s mood reached the worst point when he heard Lotus say this. He laughed bitterly and said, “Ruthless? Fine! Why not come to me now? I am in love with her, so I would like to speak for her and protect her. If you don’t like this, then kill me.”

Su Hengwu didn’t expect the situation would develop to such an awful extent. She hurried to blame Ye, saying, “Ye, what are your blubbering about?”

Ye didn’t take heed of her words; he only stared at Yan Huolan, and urged, “Come on! Come and kill us all together!”

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