The Song Of Spirits

Chapter 28 Fight with the Blood Bat

Chapter 28 Fight with the Blood Bat

Ye was surprised. He had heard Xin Yuesong mention this spell, but had never seen it before. With curiosity, he stood there to watch the man using the spell. At that moment, the man took out a sharp knife and cut his wrist and soon a stream of blood blew straight out toward heaven

Then, the atmosphere of a monster spread out from the wrist to permeate the air. A sudden strong wind blew in the air, and they saw a thunderbolt came down with a sharp, whistling sound. All of the residents were frightened into trembling. All the children were scared and dumbfounded, even forgetting to cry. They opened their eyes wilder to look at the sky with great fear.

In the sky, the arrow of blood distorted and changed, and later it became a blood bat the size of a human head. It flapped its wings and screamed as blood dropped from its wings.

The gang leader laughed coldly and pointed at Ye as he ordered the blood bat. “Kill him for me, Blood Bat.”

At first, Ye was planning to use the thunder snake to hit that bat. When he heard the words Blood Bat, he thought of Canyi, and soon a feeling of hatred rose in his heart. He wanted to cut the bat into many pieces, so he simply waited for the bat that was coming for him. The bat flapped its wings in the air and rushed toward Ye like red lightening. Ye raised both hands to cut him with his knifes.

But the bat was swift and escaped from his strike, and instead opened its mouth to bite Ye’s arm. Ye was not afraid and he curved his arm to hit the bat with his elbow. But the bat avoided this. .h.i.t again. They fought for some time, and neither was able to hurt the other.

The leader was impatient, and he yelled at the bat again, pointing at the residents. “Suck their blood.”

The bat turned in direction to fly toward the residents. The residents screamed when they saw the bat as it came near.

Lotus’ face turned cold and she raised her hand toward the bat. Numerous black silks appeared and rotated around her wrist from a strong power within her. The bat looked like it understood this destructive power, and it avoided the residents and turned its head to bite a man from the gang. The man was scared and tried to hit him, but he was too late; the bat had already bitten his neck and began to suck. Within several seconds, the man fell down like a block of earth that had lost its moisture and broke into dried crumbles. However, the Blood Bat became bigger with the blood’s nutrition. It became as tall as a man. Its wings fanned with a strong wind of b.l.o.o.d.y stench, raising dust and pebbles into the air.

Ye found it hard to see through the storm, so he squinted and raised his arm to defend himself. He smelled the b.l.o.o.d.y wind behind him and turned around, but the claws of the bat had already reached his shoulder and caught him, lifting him into the sky.

Ye was irritated and he used his knives to stab back, but the claws of the bat were as strong as iron. Lotus was shocked by this change and she raised the silks toward the bat.

The bat was not as swift as before since it had become bigger, and with Ye under his claws, one of his wings was. .h.i.t by two silk lines. Blood sprang out immediately. The bat cried with bitterness and its body shook.

Ye understood that this monster couldn’t be cut by the knifes, so he stopped hesitating and raised a thunder snake to use against it. The flash was so bright that the residents were all dazzled. Before the bat could move, the thunder snake had entangled it. In the flashes of the snake, the bat was burned and released some black smoke. Soon the snake tightened its body and exploded, and the bat became choked and fell.

Ye regained his balance and fell to the ground. He then asked the leader, “Anything else? Show me!”

The leader was surprised by the change and failed to react. All the rest of the gang was too frightened to answer him.

Xiao Long ran from the behind toward the leader brandishing a pig knife to cut a gang member, calling out, “Let me get revenge for all the dead!”

Though he was small, he used his full strength, and with the force of inertia, the whole knife, about one-third of a meter, stabbed into the man’s body. The man fell to the ground immediately. w.a.n.g De and the other female residents all followed the example and chopped the gang with their working tools, including axes and sickles. The old village leader was encouraged, and yelled, “Dear relatives, our time to avenge has come!” He led the residents to fight the gang.

The residents were villagers and had never practiced martial arts, but the gang was scared by Ye, so the members failed to release their strength. Within several minutes, many in the gang were beaten to death by the residents. The leader on the roof saw this situation and he turned to escape. But Ye released another thunder snake to hit his leg. The leader fell to the ground with a stifled grunt.

Ye ran up to step on his chest, and asked, “Tell me, why are you here to slaughter? What’s your motive?”

The man cried with bitterness, “Forgive me, I will tell you everything. . .” But before he could finish this sentence, Ye felt a hash wind blew toward them and moved to avoid it. The man was. .h.i.t by the wind, and with a miserable cry, he was cut into many parts.

Ye leaped up to the roof to check, but he didn’t find anybody. He jumped back down.

The residents had already finished all the gang members, and they yelled with success. However, people who had lost their families began to cry. Aunt w.a.n.g took the village leader to Ye and bowed, saying, “Little Brother Ye, if it was not for your intervention, our village would have suffered. Please accept our appreciation.”

The rest of the residents also came to Ye and Lotus and bowed. Ye took Aunt w.a.n.g and said, “It was our responsibility as warriors, and Aunt w.a.n.g, you are our savior, since you adopted us when we are homeless. No need to be like this.”

Aunt w.a.n.g shook her head and smiled. “Never mention the word savior. You just lived a single night in my house; it is my honor to know you. You two are the saviors of our village.”

Ye replied, “Aunt w.a.n.g, we lied to you because we were afraid we would have scared you if you knew our true ident.i.ties. But we were homeless indeed. If it were not for your kindness, we’d have stayed in the woods and starved last night.”

The leader said, “Since that is the case, why not settle down with us? Though the village is not rich, we enjoy our harvests every year.”

Ye was joyful when he heard this, and then he took a look at Lotus, and asked, “Lotus, what’s your opinion?”

All the residents went nearer to beg them stay. Lotus felt it was hard to refuse and she agreed, saying, “We will stay here, if you don’t mind. Thanks for your care.”

The residents became so happy, and they thanked Ye for today’s fight for them. They then went back to bury the bodies and clean their houses.

Ye and Lotus spent another night as they had before in the house of Aunt w.a.n.g. When they woke up, they heard some sounds outside. Ye went out to find that the residents had begun to build a new house for them. They were so moved that they thanked the residents. After several days, the new house was ready. The residents fired some fireworks to welcome them and celebrated the move. Ye and Lotus kept saying thanks to them.

The leader smiled and answered, “No need to thank us. It was you who saved us. A house is not enough to express our appreciation.” The residents agreed with him. They took Ye and Lotus to check their new house and asked for their opinion.

However, Ye found the situation awkward, and asked, “Why is here only one single bed?”

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