The Song Of Spirits

Chapter 4 Dark Cuzrrents 4-1

Chapter 4 Dark Cuzrrents 4-1

With this statement, a cold energy filled the yard, with Hengwu yelling, “Older brother, don’t!”

Junjing chuckled coldly, the ribbons on her arms waving even without wind, flying as if they were snakes. She looked at Yuesong, “you defiant creature, I’ll discipline you for my father today!”

It was then Ye stepped out of the room, “I’m not his disciple!”

As soon as Junjing saw Ye, she bit out, “I’ll kill you today!” then waved her left arm, the ribbons on her arms leaping like snakes at Ye.

Yuesong’s eyes were cold as he waved his own hand, shooting a ray of thunder at the ribbon. The powerful energy burned most of the ribbon to a crisp. Junjing looked angry, “Yuesong, you really want to fight me?”

Yuesong’s face was impa.s.sive, “if you’re provoking us in my house, then be ready to be beaten!”

Junjing shivered in her rage. “Yuesong, you’ve been in our clan for a dozen years now and have always been my enemy. Too bad my dad wasted his time teaching you!” Yuesong interrupted her, “don’t use your father to defend yourself. You’ve always been a bully using your status, which I’ve ignored before, but today, you’ve done too much!”

Junjing pointed at Ye, “ask him what he did today, he --”

Before she finished talking, Yuesong replied, “no matter what he did, you destroyed my door and insulted me today, and I can’t forgive you!” He pointed his right hand, making a silver spell appear between his fingers. A flash of thunder wrapped around the spell, making his face look very forbidding.

Junjing pointed at Yuesong, “do you not see reason? Is it all because he’s the son of that Ou Mei? It’s not like he’s your son --”

Ye yelled, ”don’t talk about my mom!” He raised his hands and charged at Junjing, which looked so impressive Junjing actually backed up a step.

Realizing her shakiness was seen by Yuesong and Hengwu, Jungjing was embarra.s.sed, so she unleashed all her anger on the boy. Her right arm shook and a ribbon flew at Ye, which made Yuesong toss his spell at Junjing.


Someone yelled loudly, which almost made the yard shake. Clan leader Yan Huolan and Liu He had arrived with other mystics. Yuesong and Junjing stopped in unison, while Ye ran toward Junjing, slamming his hand at her. Not antic.i.p.ating his move, Junjing had to use her qi to guard against the blow.

Ye suffered the consequences; the hand he used to hit Junjing felt as if it had slammed against metal, not only did he not hurt her, his hand felt as if it had broken. He grunted and held his hand, sweat beading on his forehead.

Junjing’s face was stormy and she looked ready to kill Ye on the spot, but with Huolan and Yuesong here, she couldn’t. She gritted her teeth and projected her qi outward, making Ye fly out and fall backward on his behind.

Huolan looked unhappy, “Junjing, what are you doing?”

Junjing pointed at Ye, “Leader, you have to be fair today! Ask fifth brother Zhaoshan what he did today!”

Huolan looked back, while Zhaoshan walked over gingerly. “I saw he was bored, so I gave him a tour, and he someone ended up inside Second Sister’s Nine-Realm Cave, and he made all the colored-lights go away...”

Everyone was shocked, including Yuesong. Huolan barked, “why did you take him there?” Zhaoshan looked innocent, “I didn’t tell him to, but he insisted...”

Junjing snorted, “Leader, I doubt a kid like him could destroy my cave. I think someone here must be jealous of my growing power, and afraid he’s not number one anymore, so he made Ye go and destroy my cave. Take a look!” Raising her left arm, where the ribbon was mostly burnt, she said, “I came to ask him for an explanation, but he went and insulted me, isn’t that enough evidence?”

Everyone gasped. The Red-Fingered Mystic, Chai Jingqing, sighed, “Yuesong, she’s our older cla.s.smate, even if she made a mistake, you can’t...can’t...”

Yuesong replied coldly, “I should just let her barge in here, curse at me, and hurt my friend’s child? This is not what I do!”

Junjing looked even angrier, she said to Liu He, “Uncle, you heard what he said, he’s not in the right!”

Liu patted Junjing’s shoulder, “you are all too rushed. Why can’t you explain everything first?” He walked to Ye and smiled, “kid, tell me what you did.”

Ye thought Zhaoshan had killed those monsters in the cave to save him, and had made the colored lights disappear, but he was still guilty and he couldn’t sell out Zhaoshan, so he patted his chest, “I did it! But I didn’t mean to! I didn’t know it was her treasure, why would there be monsters in a mystic area?”

Junjing yelled, “Did you all hear him? You have to give me justice today!”

Liu waved his hand gently. “Junjing, he’s just a kid, don’t blame him. Did he really destroy your lights?”

Junjing muttered, “he wouldn’t be able to kill my monsters for another 100 years! But he somehow destroyed all the monsters I had cultivated from dark energy, it’d take another few months to get the energy ready, he’s wasting my cultivation time!”

Liu replied, “so it’s another couple of months, he didn’t mean it. You’re the elder here, be more forgiving. Just do it for my sake, alright? Tomorrow I’ll make you a new weapon using my skills, it’d be like his apology to you.”

Junjing’s expression went from angry to happy, “I’d be so honored.”

People looked envious of the news. Jingqing smiled, “Second Sister, you may have lost a few months’ cultivation, but gained a valuable weapon instead, I’m so jealous.” Zhaoshan added, “you got a great deal, don’t be mad anymore.”

Junjing rolled her eyes, “if you didn’t take that kid walking around, why would there be a mess?” Zhaoshan pretended to be ignorant and just chuckled.

Yuesong said without mirth, “who’s going to pay for my door?”

Huolan said, “alright, I’ll pay for it,” making everyone smile appeasingly.

Liu said, “everyone, go back home. Junjing, Yuesong, don’t be enemies now, or I’d be angry later.” Yuesong was silent while Junjing answered, “of course not.”

Everyone left Yuesong’s place, with Liu staying. When everyone has gone, he asked Ye, “kid, are you feeling okay?”

Ye liked this kind-faced elderly man and answered, “it’s okay, my chest just hurt from her bouncing me back.”

Hengwu knew Liu didn’t ask useless questions, she asked nervously, “Uncle, what’s wrong?”

Yuesong frowned, “did Junjing do something to Ye?”

Liu’s face grew serious. “Yuesong, after all, she’s your teacher’s daughter and your older cla.s.smate. You can’t act without respect. She probably just used too much force from being so angry. Don’t a.s.sume the worst!”

Yuesong lowered his head, “yes. Is Ye okay?”

Liu smiled slightly as he put a hand on the boy’s shoulders. “Kid, I’ll try to heal you now. Don’t be afraid.” Ye was going to reply when the elderly man’s fingers turned into snake energy and slithered into Ye’s shoulders.

Ye shivered from fear, but then, a coolness spread inside his body, making him more comfortable. Liu’s face was grim, after a while, he smiled and released his hand. “Alright, the dark energy in your body is removed, you’ll fine now.”

Yuesong and Hengwu both breathed a sigh of relief and thanked Liu. Ye also bowed at Liu, “Thank you grandpa!”

Liu smiled and waved his hand, “I heard you don’t listen to Yuesong, and don’t practice, is that right?”

Ye was quiet, then, ”yes! It’s my fault. I know that now. I’ll listen to him from now, and practice whatever he tells me to.”

Everyone thought Ye had turned docile since Yuesong protected him today, it was actually because he had lost twice today and realized how weak he was, and decided to practice harder. Liu advised Yuesong some more before he also left. By then, it was late at night, and Hengwu also left after admonishing Ye.

Yuesong looked at Ye, “we have to practice tomorrow morning. Go to bed now.” Ye didn’t reply before going back inside and falling asleep.

After a while, in his sleep, he could feel a hot current surging in his body and aggravating him. When he struggled, he realized none of his limbs worked, making him yell. Suddenly, he saw a six-clawed monster walking toward him and screeching, then his vision went dark and he knew nothing else.

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