The Song Of Spirits

Chapter 6 The Moon Glow Mirror 6-1

Chapter 6 The Moon Glow Mirror 6-1

Yuesong tossed a flame at the bear monster, making the bear burn and scream, but it wouldn’t die, Yuesong nodded, “right!” Kicking the bear monster aside, he turned his hands into knives with the White Moon Knife skill he had, quickly shaving off a layer off the icy ground.

Under the hard ground was a layer of ice as clear as crystal. Not far from the ice was a glowing round mirror. Yuesong looked elated as he started digging and removed the mirror instantly.

Ye looked at the mirror and didn’t notice anything unusual about it, he asked curiously, “is it the Moon Glow Mirror?”

Yuesong punctured his arm and put the mirror next to his wound, which began healing right away and soon returned to normal, not leaving any blood or scars.

Ye was stunned and shouted after he recovered, “it is the mirror!”

Smiling, Yuesong put the mirror away in his clothes and headed toward the entrance of the glaciers with Ye. The bear monster was gravely injured; without help from the Moon Glow Mirror, it died and also stopped leaving the smoke trail. Luckily, with the Endless Sky ice sculpture at the entrance as a sign, Yuesong and Ye weren’t lost in the icy wilderness.

Yuesong and Ye got close to the entrance but didn’t dare to plow through the way they came in, instead, they got closer to the glaciers slowly. Yuesong reached out a hand, seeing that it went into the mountain effortlessly, he and Ye dashed through as if the mountain was a cloud, and they were back at Mt. Qilian.

When they were about to get on a cloud and meet up with Liu Yunze and his disciples, they heard screams for help from the woods, so Yuesong and Ye landed near the forest and looked for the source of the sound.

In the forest, a woman dressed like a farmer lay on the ground with blood allover and around her; she looked seriously hurt. An injured woman in the deep woods was unusual, so Yuesong looked around cautiously. When nothing seemed to be wrong, he walked over and gave the woman a hand. The woman’s wound was in her abdomen; with how much blood was lost, she looked close to dying. He took out the Moon Glow Mirror and shone it at her wound.

A ray of light came from within the mirror, shining on the wound, and easing the woman’s breathing. The woman was in shock, looking at Yuesong, she couldn’t speak. After a while, her wound completely healed. When Yuesong put away the mirror, the woman crawled up and kow-towed at him repeatedly while begging, “You’re a G.o.d, please save my kid!”

Yuesong shook his head, “I’m no G.o.d. What happened to your kid?”

The woman cried and explained, “I’m a medicinal herb farmer. This morning, a group of monsters caught me and my son and brought us here. They just took away my son, I tried fighting them and was hurt. G.o.d, please save my kid!”

Ye rushed to ask, “where did the monsters go?” The woman pointed west, “over there!” Ye was about to run in that direction when Yuesong stopped him, “she’s just gotten better and needs help, but I’m a grown man, it’s not appropriate, maybe you can...”

Yuesong knew Ye’s personality, just having learned the thunder skill, he would want to fight, though Ye’s not strong enough to defeat monsters yet. Telling him directly wouldn’t work, so Yuesong had to ask a favor. Ye hesitated before saying, “alright, you go!”

Yuesong smiled before moving his fingers, creating two spells. He told Ye to help the woman stand, “you two wait here. These spells are invisibility spells and would hide you. No matter how strong the monsters, they wouldn’t see you. However, if your bodies touched, you’d see the other person.” He waved his hand again and attached the spells to them, instantly making them disappear.

Ye and the woman looked at their own bodies, which were now shifting shadows, but they could still see the other person; they were both amazed.

Seeing the two were hidden, Yuesong crossed the woods to chase the monsters in the direction the woman showed him. He ran after a gust of monster energy and soon arrived inside a small valley. He could see a few small monsters with dog heads and human bodies carrying a boy of four- or five-years-old into the valley. He shouted and tossed out a few spells, which turned into silver threads and wrapped around the monsters tightly. Just as the monsters screamed, the threads tightened and cut them into pieces.

The boy fell onto the body of one monster, not moving and not showing any life. Yuesong rushed over and checked his breath and realized the boy had just fainted and was probably in shock. Holding the boy in his arms, Yuesong tried to press on the boy’s philtrum to revive him, but as soon as he tried, a black hand crept out of the boy’s chest and swung at Yuesong. In shock, Yuesong tossed the boy aside and jumped back, but his chest was still hit.

Yuesong could feel a numbness in his chest. There was definitely poison on the attacker’s hand. He made a spell, turning it into a swirl of green smoke, which became a green bird pecking on his chest and soothing the numbness.

The boy slowly stood up and chuckled at Yuesong, “well, it’s the legendary Silver-Haired Mystic alright, it’s certainly very hard to ambush you!”

Yuesong had now realized the whole thing was a trap, he said coldly, “who are you? Why do you want to hurt me?”

The boy laughed before his body cracked, revealing a man with a black body inside. The man’s eyes had an evil glint, as if he was a monster from the underworld.

Yuesong’s eyebrows quirked, “The Dark Crow Master?”

 “Not just him.” The sound of laughter was followed by nearby mountains cracking, and three more men dressed in black appeared, surrounding Yuesong.

The leader was a young man with thin and arched brows. His almond-shaped eyes glowed on a smooth complexion, giving him the allure of women as well as the masculinity of men. He was almost as handsome as Yuesong. He laughed, “Yuesong, all four of us are here.”

Yuesong smiled and replied, “it’s quite an honor that all four of you from the Blood Gone Cave are here for me.”

The man also smiled, “Yuesong, let’s not waste time. As long as you hand over the Moon Glow Mirror, we won’t offend you.”

Yuesong said, “Blood Bat Master, you must be joking, the Moon Glow Mirror is a lost treasure, why would I have it?”

The Blood Bat Master was not convinced. “Yuesong, stop acting. Let me tell you. We at Blood Gone Cave were the first to find out about the bear monster, and we were the ones who sent the bear into Ganzhou to make trouble. We did all of this to lure you to get the treasure. We wouldn’t have bothered if we could get into the glaciers ourselves. Anyway, we’ve been watching you the whole time. Now that you have the mirror, hand it over.”

Yuesong sighed, “All of you at the Blood Gone Cave really has tried very hard. Too bad the glaciers have nothing but one of the Illusion Realms, Endless Sky, which does have the power to heal wounds, but there’s no Moon Glow Mirror.”

The Blood Bat Master looked surprised while a taller man shouted, “stop lying to us. You think I’m a three-year-old? Give us the mirror now or you won’t live!”

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