Hehe I forgot to put the name of the 1st book^^ But it"s alright I will put the name here. Beware it"s still RAW. No one has translated it yet. ?

Name: 麻雀誤上枝頭
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Translate by machine, Edited: tenderflower

Looking at the excited look of the little beggar, Yan Qilong smiled softly. "Then dry up your tears, boys must be brave, don"t easily shed tears."

Liu Feixue froze hearing him said this.

It turned out that he thought she was a boy... In order to protect herself, she always dressed in men"s clothes, coiled up her fine black hair, wore a felt hat from the person pa.s.sed away, and tied the layers of cloth on her chest, it was indeed like a boy.

"What is your name? How old are you?" Seeing Liu Feixue carelessly wipe away the teardrops on her face, also wiped away the dirt, revealing a delicate and pretty face, not like a boy, Yan Qilong unconsciously revealed an affectionate smiling expression.

"This little... is called... Ah-Fei, fifteen years old." Liu Feixue stammered.

"Ah-Fei..." Yan Qilong repeatedly read the name he thought, but his heart was thinking of another "Ah-Fei". This double coincidence put him into a trance. "You"re too thin, you should eat more to be plumper."

Looking at this weak and thin size, he thought he was only ten years old.

"Are you hungry?" Yan Qilong got up and stretched out his big palm to Liu Feixue.

"Mm." Liu Feixue returned with a shy smiled and hesitated a little before giving him her little hand.

Her cold little hand was enveloped in his warm palm, Liu Feixue hoped that his hand would never let go of hers, but the warmth lasted only a moment.

Holding the hand that still remained of warmth, Liu Feixue followed Yan Qilong into the inn. She lowered her head didn"t want to see the disgusting eyes of the waiter and other guests.

The inn"s waiter came to the table and didn"t hide his contempt for Liu Feixue. "Master Yan, don"t you feel embarra.s.sed by this little one?"

Liu Feixue"s head hung lower.

"This Yuelai Inn actually picks their guests? Call your shopkeeper to come over, I want to hear how I embarra.s.sed you!"

Yan Qilong didn"t take in the slightest of the waiter"s protest, deliberately responded loudly, and the boss behind the counter heard the loud voice, hurriedly came out to apologize.

"Master Yan, don"t be angry. This second person doesn"t understand the rules. Your honorable guests are our Yuelai Inn"s guests. What is the need of your command?" The boss glanced a glare at the inn"s waiter, he had to touch his nose and retreated.

"Now you"re a guest don"t be afraid. What do you want to eat, bravely say it!" Yan Qilong encouraged Ah-Fei.

Ah-Fei"s expression was like Yunfei at this moment. She always drooped her eyes and didn"t dare to look directly at others, often made his heart ache.

Liu Feixue looked at Yan Qilong, his gentle eyes made her heart palpitated and hung her head down. "I... only... a basket of steamed buns..."

In fact, she really wanted to eat a stuffed filling, white and fat bun but had just let the master paid, this time she didn"t dare to ask for too much.

"Boss Xu, give my friend a basket of steamed buns first." Yan Qilong certainly knew that Liu Feixue was merely polite, but also increasingly admired Liu Feixue"s contentment and generosity, and automatically added food to her.

"Yes, the steamed buns will be ready immediately." The shopkeeper didn"t dare to neglect the n.o.ble guest, hurriedly commanded the kitchen.

"Master, no need, just steamed buns to go..." Liu Feixue tried to stop Yan Qilong"s kindness, but Yan Qilong didn"t pay attention, directly asked about Liu Feixue"s life experience.

"How did you reduced to begging? What about your family?"

"My hometown in Xing"an City flooded. Unfortunately, my family pa.s.sed away when we fled, leaving me alone..." Liu Feixue said and shed tears again.

In just one year, she sent her parents and sister away. A person living alone in the world, she had no ability to earn a living, she had to beg for a living.

"That"s... it"s five hundred miles from Xing"an City to here. It"s really hard for you..." Yan Qilong couldn"t help admiring the courage of the little boy.

"Master Yan, the steamed buns you want are here." The inn"s waiter served the freshly baked steamed buns that were just out of the furnace, the att.i.tude converged a lot.

"Come, eat while it"s hot." Yan Qilong picked up a steamed bun and put it in front of Liu Feixue. She hesitated for a moment before stretched out her trembling hands and held the steamed bun fully in her hands, slowly tasted a mouthful as if this was the best taste.

So delicious...

The touching tears continued to slide down the cheeks of Liu Feixue. The sweet and juicy stuffed filling melted in her mouth and warmed her heart.

G.o.d was so good to her, let her met the master.

Secretly looking at Yan Qilong on the side, he awaited looking at her with great interest. She quickly lowered her head, blushing to finish the bun on her hands.

After finished eating one, Liu Feixue looked at the remaining five steamed buns in the basket and softly said her request. "Master, this little one can"t eat anymore. Can these buns be taken... to this little one"s friends to eat?"

Her heart was tied to the big aunt and Xiao Zhu-er in the broken temple waiting for food. "I have to go back to the broken temple and say goodbye to them, then I"ll return here to serve the master..."

Yan Qilong stared at Liu Feixue for a while and waved his hand to call the waiter. "Pack two baskets of steamed buns and give me a bowl of noodle soup."

"Master..." Yan Qilong"s generous once again moved Liu Feixue.

"Finish eating." The emotion shown in Yan Qilong"s eyes were more tender looking at Liu Feixue.

Liu Feixue hesitated for a moment, only reached out and took the second steamed buns. She quickly ate all the buns without any worries, and even the noodles soup that came on later was eaten.

She licked her lips, and her stuffed appearance made Yan Qilong on the side unable to take his eyes off. Looked at him so skinny, didn"t expect to eat so much, should be starved for too long.

"Are you full?"

Liu Feixue nodded shyly.

"Take these steamed buns to your friends, also these silver taels are for your friends to do a little business..." Yan Qilong took out a bag of silver and handed it to Liu Feixue. "I"ll accompany you in order to avoid being robbed."

"Thank you, master!" Liu Feixue bowed and nodded fiercely, carefully hid away the silver into her lapel, put the steamed buns in her arms and walked back to the broken temple with Yan Qilong.


That night, Liu Feixue stayed in the Yuelai Inn. After freshening up, she wore the clothes that Yan Qilong bought, a robe dress and trousers, and became a delicate and beautiful young boy.

Had never waited for anyone, she"d to thicken her face to ask for advice from the other little servant boys that were living in the entourage"s room, only to know how remarkable her master was.

"Speaking of the Yan family ranch, no one in the North didn"t know. Just say the size of the ranch, it"s scared one to death... can"t ride a horse around all day!"

"Humph! How can Master Yan pick you as a servant? A pair of hands can"t pick, shoulders can"t bear, and the appearance is too weak to stand up to the wind..."

During the conversation, many family followers were envious and jealous about the good fortune of Liu Feixue. She didn"t refute, just smiled very bashfully with her head lowered.

Despite not being accustomed to being in a pile of men, Liu Feixue soon entered dreamland. She hadn"t slept in a bed for so long, and with a thick quilt to warm herself, she slept very sweetly.


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