Chapter 185

I manipulate my blood and shed blood from my wrist .

“…You likely thirst for blood, but can you suppress it?” (Shuuya)

“Probably…” (Mysty)

She stares at the blood flowing down from my wrist with bloodshot eyes .

The blood veins in the whites of her eyes increased as she wrinkled up her eyebrows . Blood veins popped out at the outer corners of her eyes .

It’s the face of her fighting against the vampire-like blood thirst .

However, her eyes immediately return to their reddish brown color .

Mysty regained her composure .

“…To be honest, I want to suck your blood . But, I can resist that urge . ” (Mysty)

“This time you don’t have to endure . It’s a reward for becoming my bloodkin as

. Go ahead and suck . ” (Shuuya)

“Yahooo――” (Mysty)

Mysty brings her head close to my wrist while blood veins pop out at the outer corners of her eyes .

She sucked my blood with vigor .

“That’s enough . ” (Shuuya)

“Hauu――” (Mysty)

Mysty alternately looks at my face and my wrist with teary eyes .

She dons a miserable expression .

“That’s all for today . I will have you reach the first stage of after we return from the labyrinth . ” (Shuuya)

“Understood, Master . ” (Mysty)

“Eh? You can just call me by name as usual . ” (Shuuya)

“No . I…it’s the first time for me to feel something like this . That’s why I’d like you to pardon me . When we talk, I will talk normally, but this will be the last time that I carelessly call you Shuuya . I offer all the knowledge dwelling in this body to my master . ” (Mysty)

After saying so, she places one knee on the ground in order to do a retainer’s bow, places her hands on her chest, and lowers her head .

However, master, eh?

Is this cynicism?

Back then Sol’s wife also called me master before her memories returned .

I think it’s coincidence, but it might be a prank of Death G.o.ddess Baycala who was involved at that time .

“…Understood . Shuuya is fine as well, but your loyalty moved my heart . I shall accept it . ” (Shuuya)

“Yes, master . I might end up saying Shuuya at times, though . Fufu . ” (Mysty)

“Just call me as you like . So, we’re going to head to the labyrinth, but can you create those simple golems, which you mentioned earlier, at any time?” (Shuuya)

I ask her about the golems that can be called her main weapon .

“Yeah, it’s possible . Once I create a sorcery dollWorganov, it will take time to disa.s.semble it, though . As long as there are superior metals, simple golems are made in accordance with a few methods of imagining by skilltemplates . You can say this is “limited to me” who possesses a special skill, but…if you carve simple command lines into the core which has been manufactured at first by using a furnace, it’s later possible to refine a simple golem anywhere from a designated metal in an instant . ” (Mysty)

It seems that metal was an excellent one .

Well, I think it’s because Mysty herself is excellent .

“Then make sure you can immediately create simple golems using the furnace in the smithing room located on the courtyard . As soon as your preparations are completed, we will head to the labyrinth . ” (Shuuya)

“Yes, master . See you later . ” (Mysty)

Mysty closes one eye .

After winking adorably, she left the room .

The sound of her running along the corridor is full of happiness .

Visibly having pa.s.sed each other, Helme entered the room with a happy expression .

“…Your Excellency, you safely guided Mysty to become a

, didn’t you?” (Helme)

“Yeah . She has become a bloodkin . And, she apparently calls me master . ” (Shuuya)

“Magnificent . It’s probably her own proof of loyalty towards the great you, Your Excellency . ” (Helme)

Helme genuflects .

I could see her knee pressing against her springy breast .

“…I’m delighted about the loyalty . ” (Shuuya)

“Yes . Mysty will become capable of creating an army of sorcery dolls, Your Excellency . ” (Helme)

“Army, eh? You’re sure radical, Helme . ” (Shuuya)

“Your Excellency…you are a supreme being equal to the ones governing the entirety of this world . I’m plenty aware of Your Excellency’s kindness, but I want to serve as your a.s.sistant in your immediate vicinity while you’re overrunning the world of b.u.t.ts . ” (Helme)

…Overrunning the world of b.u.t.ts .

Helme-san, you’re too severe .

Oh well, that’s her amusing and adorable part, though .

…I guess I will go along with it for a bit .

“…Even if we’re going to create an army, that’s a matter after we gather yet unknown, powerful metals in the labyrinth . There’s no point in creating weak sorcery dolls . And, the research will likely continue for a long time . Including the development of the basic technology, it might require more than several hundred years by chance . ” (Shuuya)

“Yes . It’s long, but if it’s you and me, that’s just an instant . ” (Helme)

“You could say that, but…one day on this planet is long . Astonis.h.i.+ngly so…now then, apart from that, labyrinth . Are you going to return into my eye?” (Shuuya)

“Yes――” (Helme)

Helme liquefies by melting her body in an instant .

While drawing a splas.h.i.+ng parabola, she leaped into my left eye .

After Helme settled down in my eye, I took the armor off the mannequin, and put it on .

I don’t equip the violet protectorRearbrace in the shape of a dragon on my left arm since the golden ring of lightArbar is there .

After pouring some mana into the dragon egg, I head to the living room .

Everyone was gathered around the table .

I guess I will explain since the Head Maid is present as well .

“Isabell, I mentioned it a bit before, but make sure to not tamper too much with the things inside my room . Pay special attention to it since a dragon egg is there as well . ” (Shuuya)

“Y-Yes . ” (Isabell)

Taking everyone along, I exited towards the courtyard .

“Wait here . I’m going to have a little look at the smithing room . ” (Shuuya)

“”Yes . ””

“Yeees . ”

I opened the door and tried peeking into the smithing room .

There’s a big furnace and a small furnace .

There are also bellows which had been coupled .

In addition, catalysts, an anvil and a desk made out of evergreen oak .

Shelves with large quant.i.ties of jars for refined gold and a huge bed are carelessly lined up .

You can call it a slightly desolate room for spending time within by yourself with its huge s.p.a.ce .

Mysty was using the small furnace . Apparently she finished the processing of the metal already .

“It’s already finished . Look . ” (Mysty)

What she showed me was a crystal core .

The magic characters in the central part, which was was mixed with black metal, are s.h.i.+ning like small crests .

“You’re fast . Well then, I’m going to confirm the strategy together with everyone . Can you come?” (Shuuya)

“Sure . ” (Mysty)

Once I’m speaking about the party’s strategy and the mirror, Kaldo…

“Milord, it’s about the dark guild you mentioned yesterday . Is it fine for me to not stay back here?” (Kaldo)

“Yeah, for now it’s okay . Seeing as I don’t know what will happen in the fight against the evil G.o.d, I’m taking the bloodkin along . The liaison from 【Remains of the Moon】 still hasn’t shown up . ” (Shuuya)

“Understood . ” (Kaldo)

Next I began to explain the fifth floor .

It’s an eerie wasteland with lingering, gloomy clouds .

I tell them that we will advance until the evil G.o.d ruins located there with a mixed party .

The vanguards will be Bia, the simple golem, though it’s unclear whether it will be of any use, and the two Burning Knights .

The a.s.sault vanguards will be Souther, Mamani, Yui, and Kaldo .

The middle guards will be Viine, me, Helme, and Rollo .

The rearguards will be Eva, Rebecca, Fuu, and Mysty .

“I can use offensive earth magic, but don’t expect it to have any power . Since I will mostly pay attention to the golem’s control, I myself won’t be of any use . ” (Mysty)

“Got it . ” (Shuuya)

Mysty swiftly notes down memos in a sketchbook .

From her conduct I can judge that her strategic comprehension appears to be high .

“Alright, that’s all of the explanation for now . Let’s head to the guild and the Map a.s.sociation . ” (Shuuya)


Viine, Eva, Rebecca, Yui and Mysty as well as me, Rollo, (the Burning Knights, and Helme) are the main party .

The Kaldo, the high-cla.s.s combat slaves Fuu, Bia, Mamani, and Souther are the second party . Taking everyone along, we leave the mansion, and go to the adventurer guild .

We will handle Yui’s and Kaldo’s adventurer registration .

We didn’t accept a magic stone collection request, though .

We only took requests for the raw materials of the monsters sp.a.w.ning on the fifth floor .

All magic stones will go towards my item box .

The team name of the slaves is 【Eternal Master】 or something like that .

I won’t delve into it too deeply .

And I ask the receptionist about a certain something .

“I’d like to know about the promotion to B-Rank . ” (Shuuya)

“Once every ten days a promotion battle is held in the training hall located in the back . Since it was carried out yesterday, the next one will be in nine days . ”

I suppose I will come to the guild in nine days .

“Understood . Thanks . ” (Shuuya)

“No, not at all . Please do your best during the promotion battle . ”

I was encouraged with a smile by the beautiful, human receptionist lady .

“Okay . ” (Shuuya)

I replied with a gentlemanly smile .

At once I’m lightly hit on my b.u.t.t by Rebecca .

We left the adventurer’s guild and entered the neighboring building of the 【Magic Treasure Map Discovery a.s.sociation】 .

Walking through the quiet place with long benches lining up, we arrive in front of the reception desk .

On the other side of the desk ― was the Map Deciphering Expert, Hannibal Soltarl, in a place with a table that had doc.u.ments placed on it chaotically, and a sofa .

Once I met eyes with him, he beckoned me over .

“Please wait here . That guy is Hannibal . I will have him appraise the map . ” (Shuuya)

“Yes . ”

“Okay . ”

“Nn . ” (Eva)

Leaving everyone behind in front of the reception desk, I approach Hannibal .

“Yo! You still being alive means that you dug out the level 4 magic treasure map from the other day, right?” (Hannibal)

“Yes, we obtained a golden treasure chest . ” (Shuuya)

“And unhurt . Not bad . You’re the real deal . ” (Hannibal)

Even the employees working in the vicinity raised their voices in surprise .

“So, today that rare, beauty of a dark elf isn’t with you?” (Hannibal)

“She is, but I have her wait for me . ” (Shuuya)

“Tsk, give me some service man . ” (Hannibal)

You d.a.m.ned old lecher .

But, we’re birds of the same feather, so I get him quite well .

“I know the feeling . But, now I’d like to request a job from you, an excellent Map Deciphering Expert . ” (Shuuya)

Once Hannibal hears my subtle flattery, his look becomes stabbing .

While scratching his stubbles with his left hand,

“…Let me have a look . ” (Hannibal)

He demanded the map while jerking his chin .

“Sure . ” (Shuuya)

I take out the magic treasure map and five silver coins out of my item box in a hurry, and hand them over to Hannibal .

“Here you go . ” (Shuuya)

“Sit down there . I will start now . ” (Hannibal)

I nod and sit down on the sofa .

Hannibal spread the map on the table .

He prepares the map by holding it down with paperweights .

And then he s.h.i.+fted towards the appraisal like the other day .

Once he raises a hand and a floating bone-like, characteristic hand shows up, a s.h.i.+ning quill, similar to before, is created in mid-air, without it being clear whether it’s a skill or magic .

Last time he wore a fingerless glove, but this time he’s bare-handed .

The s.h.i.+ning quill leaps, dances and touches the map’s surface with disorderly movements .

It produced lines of geometrical patterns on the map .

Lastly, the quill turns around and the picture of a woman floats up .

And then, in the instant the pen nib got in contact with the map, the quill’s light vanishes .

Hannibal grinned broadly .

The last woman was ad-lib?

A labyrinth structure different from last time was drawn on the map, and the treasure chest’s location had been marked down as well .

“…It’s done . It’s regrettable, but you can call it a dead map . Level 5, 20th floor . Well, as might be expected from a magic treasure map coming out of a golden treasure chest . No helping it . ” (Hannibal)

20th floor, eh?

It’s possible that it’s no dead map for me .

If I believe the evil G.o.d’s story, that is .

Well, no point in thinking about a.s.sumptions .

For now I will consider it to be fake, and seal the map for a while .

“…Yes . Thank you very much for the appraisal . ” (Shuuya)

I stand up from the sofa .

“Wait, do you have some time for a chat?” (Hannibal)

He detained me with a sharp look .

“What is it?” (Shuuya)

“…Please sit down there . ” (Hannibal)

“…” (Shuuya)

I felt doubtful, but I do as told while staying silent .

“It’s about a consultation…” (Hannibal)

After flas.h.i.+ng a peculiar smile that carried a joy befitting a middle-aged man, he started to talk .

It’s about a request .

“The escort of a magic treasure map…” (Shuuya)

“Want to have a go at it?” (Hannibal)

“That important customer of yours, is she really a merchant?” (Shuuya)

“That’s right . She’s quite peculiar, but still an individual merchant . Her mansion is small, as well . She’s an oddball said to have only one servant . I hear she’s close with the owner of Suloza’s antique shop, but she doesn’t show herself publicly overly often . She’s someone that gathers things, commonly known as Collector . She’s a beautiful merchant with big and she pays unusually good, as well . She’s also one of my valuable clients . ” (Hannibal)

Say that first . If it’s a big-b.o.o.bed beauty, I’m of course interested .

“Us as escort of the magic treasure map owned by that beautiful Collector-san?” (Shuuya)

“…Shuuya, your group seems excellent after all . There will be other parties and clans, too . The reward is great . I’m expecting her to gather the very best of the six top clans . ” (Hannibal)

“What’s the magic treasure map’s level and floor?” (Shuuya)

“Fourth floor, level 5 . A magic treasure map in the higher price range . Since the sp.a.w.ning guardian will be weak as it’s the fourth floor, you can consider it as not being all that different from the level 4 map you dug up . Though, I don’t know any more than this . Since you have experienced it once already, you can probably imagine . Since she’s going to hire a big number of excellent adventurers, it should be a quite easy job . I think it will quickly finish with the monsters sp.a.w.ning around the treasure chest being defeated entirely in no time . ” (Hannibal)

Fourth floor, eh?

I haven’t experienced a level 5 magic treasure map yet, but I guess it’ll be a simple request because of the presence of excellent adventurers?

“When is that going to take place?” (Shuuya)

I asked while sending a stern look at Hannibal .

“Oh, it piqued your interest? The schedule is to gather on the First Ring Road in front of this place in the morning in five days . Since Collector herself said that she will show up this time, you will immediately know . And, a request should have already been posted on the guild’s A rank board . ” (Hannibal)

“I see . I will look for it later and accept it . ” (Shuuya)

“Sure . ” (Hannibal)

I bid farewell from Hannibal after having some small talk .

I tell everyone, who was waiting in front of the reception desk, about the magic treasure map guard request Hannibal told me about .

And then we return to the adventurer guild .

――I looked for the board .

Request Content: A-Rank – Fourth Floor, escort for a level 5 magic treasure map

Subjugation Target: Guardian cla.s.s and many others

Application Period: Deadline in five days

Search Area: none

Reward: 15 Platinum Coins (It’s a party or clan reward, not individual)

Subjugation Proof: none

Hints: A random guardian and powerful monsters will sp.a.w.n . Parties or clans are welcome . Individuals may only apply at A-Rank or S-Rank .

Note: The meeting place is in front of the 【Magic Treasure Map Discovery a.s.sociation】 . You will probably find it since me and my servant will be present, too . The leader will be the Blue-armed Treasure Party’s Kasem Leerald . It’s planned to give a special bonus to those showing good results . -By the Collector .

This, huh?

“We’re going to accept the request, right?”

“That’s how it is . It seems to be in five days . ”

“Nn, it would also be good to accept subjugation requests for monsters of the fourth and fifth floor where we’re going to head next . ” (Eva)

Eva said while picking up the wooden tags .

“Sure . ”

“Makes sense . I’m sure there will be some battles until reaching the map’s location . ”

Everyone nods and lines up at the reception while holding their respective wooden tags .

I also hand several request tags and my adventurer card to the receptionist . Everything got accepted .

I put back the returned card in a pocket of my chest strap .

Turning around, I joined up with everyone ― and we left the guild .

We head to the entrance of the labyrinth .

It’s the short tower building close to the ring road .

――I will guide you through the wasteland of the fifth floor . The crystal bound for the the sixth floor . The Two Towers of Death . The Crystalline Cliff . The Forest of Smoke Pollution . The Graveyard of the Wastelands . The adventurer’s inn .

It’s the usual hustle and bustle .

Several vendors, small, female peddlers with dark brown skin, adventurers looking for party members, official announcers are shouting with all their might on the First Ring Road .

――I’m selling gla.s.s tools, valuable desert perfumes, and special underground water originating from the 【Desert City Gozart】~ . There’s also high-cla.s.s tea procured at the Rad Pa.s.s and wool bought at the Deep Lake City Lulusack~ . And, I’m also selling the same valuable desert cacti as can be found on the Festival of Plants Market~ .

――A large scaled battle has broken out in the war of the Western Pelneet Prairie . A part of the Magic Dragon Rider Unit and the Blue Iron Knight Order has taken flight . I’m told the Kingdom lost half of the Cuosso and Frederic territories, and all of the Ruleque’Sand, Shybige, and Zund territories . 【Oseberia Kingdom】 lost all territories it gained during the Western Lus.h.i.+z Campaign, and even some territory that had been originally part of the Kingdom . The way it seems, the 【Radford Empire】 threw its prized Special Land Battle Brigade into the battle . Once the last bastion located in the Southerion territory falls, Deep Lake City Lulusack will possibly be in danger too . If Lulusack is taken a second time, it’s possible that Pelneet will become the next battlefield . Everyone, you have been warned .

The war situation is apparently getting worse .

I would really hate it if Pelneet turned into a battlefield while I’m carefreely adventuring in the labyrinth .

I don’t want my house to go up in flames either .

――There’s apparently another murder case, where three gems were left behind, in the southern residential area of the Third Ring Road . It looks like the guards and great knights haven’t been able to find the criminal . Everyone, be careful .

Ugh, I already heard about those murder cases a while ago…

There might be a monster that likes blood?

Mmh, right, there is one, me .

――The masked Demonoid Zarlp has shown up again . This time he has barged into the arena . He apparently killed several named tournament contestants and left by flying with his feet that grew wings . If you saw his blood-smeared appearance, report it to the office of the guards or White Nine .

Masked Demonoid Zarlp . He seems to be Mel’s father, but…

I let my eyes wander while thinking as I walk .

――The 24-faced mystery man made his appearance! He disappeared at the southern gate!

First Zarlp, now a 24-faced mystery man?

――Pay attention to the old Lumen people! Those handling magic lamps are very important .

The white-eyed, medicine plant-selling girl, who was always here, isn’t present .

Well, I guess such days exist as well .

“Repent . The kingdom of heaven is drawing near and the voices of those screaming in the western wastelands are…”

A priest preached to his believers while using the war between Radford and Oseberia as metaphor .

『…Even though His Greatness has been here all along, there are people who cannot be saved . 』 (Helme)

The pet.i.te Helme presses her hands against her waist while talking proudly .

『Well, everyone has their own beliefs and philosophies . Even if you were to deny it, the hearts and minds are already satisfied from the bottom of their heart to be saved . It’s nothing we should criticize as outsiders . It ain’t our place to be paternalistic…but, if they are heretic filth that sacrifices beautiful women, I will get rid of them without any questions asked . 』 (Shuuya)

『Yes! I don’t understand the difficult parts, but Your Excellency’s kind heart is truly so big that it covers the world . 』 (Helme)

While talking telepathically with Helme, who’s loyalty goes through the roof, I arrive at the building with the short tower .

Guards are standing on both sides of the entrance like gate posts .

I showed them my adventurer card and went inside .

Many adventurers appear and disappear in the vicinity of the crystal .

After lining up and waiting, the combat slave teamEternal Master led by Kaldo warps to the fifth floor first .

Next us Innocent Arms touch the surface of the crystal .

We warped to the crystal on the fifth floor .

We repeatedly warped several times, and then finally met up with the other team .

The sky of the fifth floor is, as usual, covered by thin clouds, and gloomy .

A unique world characteristic to the labyrinth . And, a singular world overlapping with the dimension where the evil G.o.ds live, huh?

Floor lamp-like droplights were suspended from poles around the crystal and adventurers were camping in the vicinity .

Magic lights were floating around here and there, too .

An adventurer with a fat, toy-balloon-like face blows out the smoke of magic tobacco that he held in his mouth .

He looks in our direction with a steel-like, piercing gaze .

The smell of magic tobacco, food and feces are blending with each other to a whole .

“…Shuuya, it’s the ruins from the other day, right?” (Rebecca)

While whirling around her wand behind her back, Rebecca tilted her body and asked as if guessing .

Her casual gestures have a startling cuteness to them, no matter how often I see them .

“…Correct . ” (Shuuya)

“Master, let’s go . ” (Viine)

“Sure . ” (Shuuya)

“You guys, move on and follow milord . ” (Kaldo)

Kaldo yells in high spirits .

After giving instructions to the combat slaves, he went ahead next to me .

We left the vicinity of the crystal .

“Dad is really pumped . His eyes have become bloodshot…” (Yui)

Yui seems to be worried .

She mutters so while watching her father as he walks with his chest pushed out .

At that moment Rollo, who was at my feet, transforms into her Horse Lion mode .

“Rollo-chan, the fur at your chest is bulging . ”

Yui says while observing Rollodeen .

Eva responds to that .

While making her magic wheelchair transform into its Segway mode,

“Nn―― nice, black fur . ” (Eva)

She hugs Rollodeen and snuggles her cheek against her, making sure of the black fur’s texture .

『Your Excellency, I’d like to come outside . 』 (Helme)

『Sure, do it . 』 (Shuuya)

『Yes!』 (Helme)

Helme is ejected in a spiral from my left eye .

Helme transforms from her liquid state into a woman’s body, and walks while creating water sprays at her feet .

“So this is the fifth floor…” (Mysty)

Mysty mutters while gazing at the dim sky .

Then she took out the processed black metal from her pocket, and placed it on her palm .

At that moment the metal starts to squirm as if being alive .

It rose up in a spiral while undulating like a liquid ― and then scattered .

Its small drops float, and then seemingly returning to being a liquid again, they gather in one place .

The gathered ma.s.s turned into a viscous liquid, and took a flexible humanoid shape .

…In the end it completely turned into a medium-sized golem .

“That’s a simple golem?”

“Yeah! Because it’s made out of Black Magic Soft Steel, it has stamina . ” (Mysty)

“As expected of you, Mysty . Understood . These are the wastelands . Since they are vast, we will leave a part of the vanguarding to that golem . ” (Shuuya)

“Fufu, thanks . It will be helpful to master, no, everyone . ” (Mysty)

Mysty smiles .

The golem walked heavily, advancing in front with heavy movements .

“Master? Master, is it better for me to call you master as well?” (Viine) 1

“No, just keep it as it is, Viine . ” (Shuuya)

“Okay . ” (Viine)

A faint fog looms over the wastelands .

Poison Flame Wolves showed up once again .

Bia throws her javelins, Mamani shoots arrows, and Souther cuts them down with her blue sword .

The golem, which shouldered a part of the vanguard, advances towards a wolf from the right while basking its whole body in flames .

The black golem is fine even while being on fire .

It moves its thick metallic arms on the left and right with a presence as if being a fortress .

Its metallic fists clash into the wolf, crus.h.i.+ng the wolf’s black ring .

Yui and Kaldo cut down the wolves with single strokes while showing graceful movements .

The Poison Flame Wolves were cleaned up with just the vanguards .

While annihilating the bone-type monsters sp.a.w.ning in the graveyard area in the same manner, we head towards the ruins .

As I walk through the wastelands with a feeling of taking a stroll, I touch the windbreak of the item box .

I activate the rough map of the dimension scan .

Rainbow-colored lasers are emitted to just above the item box, displaying a three-dimensional mini map .

“Your Excellency, what’s this mysterious object?” (Helme)

“This floating, three-dimensional drawing is a map of the area around here . Think of it as magic tool that displays a map . ” (Shuuya)

“Magnificent…” (Helme)

Helme was surprised, making her release water sprays in the surrounding .

“The shape of the bracelet has changed from a little bit ago, but it had such an effect, eh?”

“Yes . ” (Shuuya)

“This is us?”

“Yeah . We are this dot . ” (Shuuya)

“Nn, mysterious . ” (Eva)

“It’s a map that’s very easy to understand, but it seems to only show a small range . ” (Yui)

Yui tries to look at the map’s contents by thrusting her head into it .

At that point I sense a magic source presence from one o’clock .

With a slight delay, a dot different from us is displayed on the map .

I guess my Grasping Perception is somewhat faster than the localization on the map .

“There’s an enemy to the front on the left side . Hunt it down . ” (Shuuya)

“Roger . ”

“Lord, leave the vanguard to me!” (Bia)

The vanguards rush forward with Bia in the lead .

“I will follow as well . ”

“We cannot leave this to the slaves――!”


And then the middle guards, including Rollo and me, and the rearguards arrived at the temple-like ruin, which was surrounded a small stone wall, without fighting much at all .

“Below those stairs, right?”

Rebecca mutters while peeking at the stairs continuing underground .

“Probably . I think it’s the evil G.o.d Steertop’s sanctuary . ” (Shuuya)

“Nn, Evil Beast Segilogun is below this place . ” (Eva)

Eva said as she looked up to me uneasily while sitting in her wheelchair .

“That monster seems to defile Steertop’s evil statue . ” (Shuuya)

“Your Excellency, let’s attack it from a distance at full power from the beginning . ” (Helme)

“I agree with spirit-sama . It doesn’t compare with Master’s magic, but I will prepare my bow, illusion magic, and lightning magic . ” (Viine)

Viine and Helme, who are on the left and right of me, match their opinions .

“Okay, I guess we will go with plan A this time . ” (Shuuya)

“Lord, if it’s ranged attacks, there won’t be any turn for me . ” (Bia)

The snake womanLamia Bia, who listened from a distance, said while extending her long and thin tongue .

“Same applies for me . ” (Yui)

“Milord…” (Kaldo)

Yui and Kaldo seem to have the same opinion .

The magician Fuu stays silent, but Souther and Mamani apparently agree with Bia, and look as if they are eager to show their worth as vanguards .

But you know, I don’t know what will happen .

“You guys were quite active until we came here, weren’t you? This time I don’t know what’s awaiting us . That’s why we will only advance with me, the Burning Knights, Helme, Rollo, the

, and the at first . You guys defend this entrance . I leave the bone types and wolves sp.a.w.ning in the vicinity to you . ” (Shuuya)

“Yes . ”

“If it’s my lord’s order, I shall obey . ” (Bia)

Mamani and Bia acknowledge .

“Understood!” (Souther)

“Okay . ” (Fuu)

Souther and Fuu also replied while nodding .

After nodding to them, I touch the ring magic tool, Prison of Darkness Bone KnightsDark h.e.l.l Bone Knights, and activate it .

Black and red threads extend from the ring, and cling to the ground in front of the stairs .

The Burning Knights appeared while being accompanied by smoke .

“Black Burning Knight Zemetas, at your service . ”

“Red Burning Knight Adomos, is now here . ”

“We’re going to hunt an evil beast . Follow me . Everyone else, you too . ” (Shuuya)

“”Yes . ””

We descend the stairs with me in front .

Since it’s dark, I active .

“Eva, let’s go . No matter what might pop out, I will burn it with blue fireb.a.l.l.s . ” (Rebecca)

“Nn, do my best . ” (Eva)

The stairway is narrow .

It appears as if driving black hogs in the dark . I hurry up .

And then Holker’s wood splinter started to vibrate faintly in my chest strap .

Its slight trembling might come from it being a sanctuary close to evil G.o.ds .

There was no magic source to be found in the visible range ahead of the stairs .

But, for the time being I went down while being cautious .

Once I surveyed the place I reached after descending the stairs…I found a huge s.p.a.ce extending deeply and vertically .

Huge evil G.o.d statues are standing in a row on the left and right side of the room .

The statue of a beautiful evil G.o.ddess with violet, long hair holds a big hammer in one hand .

The statue of a male evil G.o.d, who wears an armor with several embedded faces and has four horns growing on his head, has four strangely-shaped arms .

An evil bug statue with its entire body covered by horns and tentacles .

An evil statue that has something like a cloth coiled around its whole body, possessing a rhinoceros beetle-like head .

An evil statue similar to Yamanata no Orochi . 2 There’s also an evil statue with a mysterious shape with several eyes, apparently using a spider as prototype .

There are others as well, but I guess in total there are ten .

Among them there was also an evil statue modeled after the evil G.o.d Steertop, a huge tiger-shaped statue .

However, a big, black humanoid monster is rampaging in front of that evil statue .

That’s the evil beast, huh?

Monsters with pink octopus tentacles and round as heads are floating below the tall monster believed to be the evil beast .

The medium-sized octopus monsters are modeled after the bugs which Hyuriox likes so much .

The huge monster is maintaining a human shape…

I don’t know why, but it’s not molded after a bug .

It’s a single, big human-shaped creature that gathered its tentacles in one place .

Its head has several, up-lifted, quadrangle eyes going side-by-side .

There are two, large, mouth-like things at its shoulders . The torso is split open in the middle to the left and right as if it had been forcibly torn open .

Nothing that could be called an internal organ can be found within that torn chest .

However, countless black, arm-like tentacles are protruding from the edges of the torn chest while wriggling . It uses the black fists of those tentacles to attack the tiger evil statue .

The five, black claws growing at the end of those black fist tentacles look sharp .

However, probably because some kind of defense barrier has been deployed around the evil statue, it doesn’t even tremble while being hit .

“…It doesn’t look as though the intelligence and perception of those monsters is that high . Although we’re quite a bit away from them, they don’t have noticed that we’re here . ”

Rebecca furrows her golden eyebrows while pointing this out .

“Yeah, that’s convenient . Just as plannedPlan Av, we will finish them off from a distance . Everyone, let’s avoid damaging those statues, okay? And, the Burning Knights and the golem will standby here . Something might appear nearby . I guess we will cope ad-hoc with whatever happens . ” (Shuuya)

“Your Excellency, leave it to me . ”

“I shall handle it, Your Excellency . ”

The Burning Knights ready their s.h.i.+elds and survey the surroundings warily .

“I have to make sure to not break those knights in bone armor…” (Mysty)

Mysty deployed the golem behind the Burning Knights .

“――Nyao, nyannya . ”

Rollodeen transformed from her black panther form to a form similar to a horse .

Rollodeen, who has black fur growing at her chest like a lion, approaches the Burning Knights and gives them some kind of instructions with her tentacles .

“I do not understand what you mean, Lord Rollo . ”

“Lord Rollo, please do not pierce the s.h.i.+eld…”

Even as the eyes of the Burning Knights s.h.i.+ne in crimson, they talked with Rollodeen while tilting their heads to the side in confusion .

I ignore that exchange .

“…Okay, I will get the ball rolling . ” (Shuuya)

“I shall follow your lead, Your Excellency . ” (Helme)

“Yes, Master!” (Viine)


I took one step forward from Helme, Viine, RollodeenHorse Lion who came running from behind, and the others .

“Have them eat one with a bam!” (Rebecca)

“Nn . ” (Eva)

Rebecca and Eva are behind me on the right .

“I will stay with Eva and Rebecca . ” (Yui)

“Mylord, me as well . ” (Kaldo)

Yui and Kaldo, who don’t have any projectile weapons, stood behind Eva and Rebecca .

is quite capable of destroying that statue .

Directional ice magic is the first choice here .

is the second choice, I suppose .

The skill is the third .

The fourth choice is .

Finally there might be a Plan BSpear Strike based on .

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