Chapter 385.1

Today I’m blood messaging with Mysty. (T/N: Meaning it’ll become long-winded)

We updated each other on the recent events, just like I did with Viine the other day. However, Mysty didn’t show much interest in Quiche’s Cydale, the Sea of Trees, the Death b.u.t.terfly people, Valmask, the orcs, the black-haired n.o.ble youth, Kisara, Great Desert Goldix, the Black Witch Church, or Red Tiger Storm. However, once I brought up the various information I gained from Gramps Ton (thanks to my house being next to his)…

『Life and death, and life force…huh? Quite the profound insight. It deeply sinks into one’s heart like a flower that scatters transiently. But, who is he? He doesn’t sound like some ordinary old man to me…』

Maybe because of her experience as lecturer, she holds interest in Gramps Ton’s strategist-like wisdom. And just as I talked about the ancient wolfmen and taking her with me into the underground world, she also got curious about the 【Tool of Bee Style】 that’s related to the Underground G.o.ddess Rolga.

『Right now I’ve got various things on my hands as well…』, she said.

Naturally I ask for her to give me more details on what she meant with ‘various’.

『I’ve succeeded in deciphering a part of the epitaphs left behind by my brother. When I chanted a spell through an exclusive magic book, layered magic crests surfaced in the center of the laboratory, and on the floor beneath those crests, a secret door suddenly manifested with a bubbling…it got me totally startled. But you see, that door is firmly locked and doesn’t open at all

Since the magic crests are set up in a way that allows them to absorb mana from behind the door without leaking anything outside, I can a.n.a.lyze them, but…the door’s lock is a different beast altogether. Even when I tried to force the door open by pulling and twisting while relying on my Lucival strength, it didn’t budge. I also had Hankay hit it with his ax, but to no avail. It’s ridiculously st.u.r.dy, so he couldn’t destroy it. I think it’s a lock that uses an alloy containing a rich amount of mana, but…it’s not like any mana is leaking out from there. It resembles the vault, which combined wood and metal, for sealing away Wild G.o.d Cazdolo』

When she told me all that, I immediately had an idea. Wouldn’t one of they keys, which Kuna had with her, be able to open that bas.e.m.e.nt door? Just like it was mentioned in Sol’s diary…Sol and Kuna were doing business with each other.

『…Maybe one of the keys owned by Kuna first for that secret doors of yours』

『Eh!? If you possess those keys, I’d love to try them, but…going by what you’ve told me…it’ll be impossible right away, won’t it?』


『Well, it’s not like I’m in any hurry. This door is something my brother left behind, so it’s possible that Kuna’s keys might not fit. And I’ve got plenty of other things to do as well』

『Sorry. The defense of Cydale has become pretty robust, and the increase of personnel is proceeding well when you include Red Tiger Storm, but I have various matters to attend such as going to the wolfmen’s base and visiting Hekatrail』

『…Oki. For now it’s plenty that we can communicate like this』

Looking at her blood message…I’m recalling Mysty’s beautiful, bespectacled face.

『These are my true feelings, you know? I think I’ve realized after remaining here to continue my research without following you, Master, or going back to the magic academy, but…even the study of Melady’s magic crest, which we discovered in the outhouse, is still ongoing. The axle-like marks, and the depression which seems to be intended for a ball to be inserted…I think it’s for putting down offerings. I’ll postpone further investigation for later since it looks dangerous…. Anyway, just like I said many times over, I’m truly bogged down by a load of things I need to do』, Mysty repeats to stress it.

It made me feel her enthusiasm to prioritize her research.

『There’s also the research of the furnace for the new sorcery doll』

The new model she showed off on Rollodeen the other day was pretty d.a.m.n cool. I wonder what kind of changes it’s going to experience in the future…

『Yep. The small magic blast furnace left behind by my brother is working well. That and the effects of materials that can only be procured here are allowing for a steady development of the new sorcery doll. However, I feel like deciphering the encrypted doc.u.ments, which also include printing and research terminology in addition, is quite difficult』

『You succeeded in deciphering a part of the epitaphs, didn’t you? Mysty, you’re a smart woman, so I think you’ll be able to decipher the rest soon』

Something like this world’s law of momentum conservation…Mysty is actually someone who might understand the calculations to balance the internal stress of complicated actions and reactions that add mana and the powers of G.o.ds to the conflict between ma.s.s and speed.

『Hehe, you’re absolutely right! is what I’d love to say, but you see…this requires a comparison of doc.u.ments and materials, a check whether the materials really fit, and a fine adjustment of the mana supplied to the furnace in proportion to the total amount of materials』

『Sounds like it’s going to take some time, huh?』

『Yep. And also, I think I talked about it before, but I think I’ve slightly understood the answer to the basic question why my brother chose this forest as hiding place』

The Whirlpool Forest of Demonic Fog is the sleeping place of ancient G.o.ds like Kokbruuundozuu-sama, so that might play a role as well.

『It might be the environment after all?』

『Yeah, you could summarize it like that』

『And in detail?』

『…I’d say it’s a result of putting together the investigation results of Hankay and Viine in the forest and the doc.u.ments about highly enigmatic, unknown sorcery dolls…my methodical brother left behind』

Sol’s doc.u.ments and the environment, huh?

『Before talking about the ancient G.o.ds and so on, you got to see that abnormally many monsters sp.a.w.n in this forest』

『Oddly enough, the materials of those monsters fit perfect with my new sorcery doll, you see. And this is something I’ve understood after comparing my brother’s doc.u.ments, but…even the natural materials you can only find in this forest…match perfectly with my new doll as well for some reason…it’s so weird that I’ve started to think that these doc.u.ments, and everything else have been prepared in advance for the sake of my new generation of sorcery dolls…』

Does she want to tell me that her brother left the doc.u.ments behind for his little sister?

『…Hihi, yes. We’re just using blood messages, but I can totally tell what you’re thinking, master』


『No, it’s okay. My brother hasn’t taken me into his consideration much anyway. But, maybe because my brother thought that his own research might come in useful for sorcery doll research, he left his cherished doc.u.ments behind for future generations…maybe he just wanted someone to acknowledge the fruits of his own work, though. But, still, there are characters in those doc.u.ments no one other than me would understand and such…s-so…s.h.i.+t, s.h.i.+t…』

Seemingly crying, Mysty’s blood messaging has started to come in with delays. Even her habit of cursing revealed itself in her blood messages…

But that’s right, isn’t it…? I should tell her that her brother has left all of this for her, even if it might be for a different reason in reality…

『I think that Sol might have left his doc.u.ments behind while believing that you, if anyone, might be able to understand them』

I remember that a little sister was mentioned in the conversations between Theta and Sol.

『Mmh, thanks. …Sheesh, you’re such a softie…』

Sol was a first-cla.s.s sorcerer. At least he was excellent enough to belong to the magic guild. Now that I’m thinking about it, he might have had something to do with the 【General Sorcery a.s.sociation】.

Recalling the conversations between Sol and Theta…I remember how Theta said, “Master, you’re a genius.” It’s not like she merely flattered Sol out of adoration.

Once I consider that she might have meant it very seriously, I shudder lightly.

And now a bas.e.m.e.nt door leading to the laboratory of such a genius, eh? Just around anything could be hidden down there…

Speaking of bas.e.m.e.nt doors, it reminds me of Kuna’s store and the time when Shadow Wing’s Kary infiltrated 【Th.o.r.n.y Tail】. It was after I fought against Kary, Raiza, and two brilliant fighters. After escaping from the office, I advanced into the underground facility with the circus venue where Mabaon and the other rare, pegasus-like beats were held captive. And when I proceeded through the underground there, I reached Kuna’s store.

In addition to having stairs going up to the first floor from her store’s bas.e.m.e.nt, it also had a magic crest of teleportation. The destination of that teleport was…well, it’s predictable that it led to Kuna’s private room in the demonic labyrinth…

In order to continue my lengthy considerations, I had stopped sending blood messages for a while, opening up a break in our conservation.

Thereupon, 『…Master, thanks a lot』

Suddenly Mysty thanks me.

『What’s wrong?』

『It’s what I wanted to say after considering everything. I’ve also exchanged blood messages with Rebecca, Eva, Viine, Yui, and Veronika, but…everyone is groping for their own path of blood after having become separated from you, master』

They’re all in positions allowing them to create blood families from now on, after all.

『Their own paths of blood, huh? In that regard I feel like you’ve had a grasp on your path of blood as Lucival from the beginning, Mysty』

『Yep. As you know as well, it’s all for the sake of an eternal life. The same can be said about what I’m doing right now』

Right. She’s not just all about metal either.

『Path of blood…which reminds me, the skill’s name is blood path too. Is it some kind of pun?』

『Master, you might be laughing at the moment, but this is an extremely important matter, you know?』

『I know』

At that moment, I turned over. Quiche’s sister Lash-san comes next to my bed, following my eyes. Pressing a finger on her lips, she appeals to me to kiss her or something.

Isn’t the character of this girl completely opposite of Quiche’s? But still, I do have the ambition of kissing her as a ghost someday.

Answering her expectations, I reach my fingers for her, but they pa.s.s through her body. Lash-san pouts with a sullen expression, and heads out on the training ground. Despite being a ghost, she’s integer enough to fly down from the window instead of simply pa.s.sing through the walls.

Then again, my can seize Lash-san. I mean I don’t have any issue with watching her wriggle after getting caught by my chain, butI don’t have a hobby of putting women into turtle sh.e.l.l bondages.

As I imagine Lash-san’s being accentuated by such a bondage, Mysty’s blood message pops up, albeit not as a retort.

『All of them are growing as they put in great efforts as

『No doubt. Viine seems lonely, but I know that she’s doing her best』

『I also…share the loneliness and sadness of not being able to meet you with all of them. Even right now, I’m aching…』

『Whoa, just a sec. If you tell me something like that, I’ll get aroused』

『Bah, you pervert!』

This blood message alone reminds me of Mysty’s expression when she soothingly smiled at me. She’s probably sticking out her tongue a bit, isn’t she?

『Ahaha, sorry』

『Haha, you’ve made me laugh out loud! Hehe, it’s alright since I have Viine and Hankay-san listen to my grumbling over here and Eva as well as Yui through blood messages. And I think all of us feel happy as we can actually experience how we’re growing day by day by being separated from you, master』

They feel happy, huh? She said it quite casually, but…I’m very glad to hear that.

『I see. It makes me overjoyed then. I’m looking forward to your growth, Mysty. Including your sorcery dolls and research』

『Thanks. My expectations of the new sorcery doll are very high. I’ve been properly focusing on tripling its speed by possessing a horn as you mentioned the other day, master! Hehe, still, a fusion seems rather challenging』

Fusioning robots are the dream of every man, but I’ll endure.

『…Ah, just now you fiddled with your and put them on your desk, didn’t you?』

『How did you know?』

『I can mostly imagine it』

『What, and here I was sure the blood messaging had evolved, allowing you to see me』

『That’s impossible. Though I can’t tell whether it’ll evolve like that in the future. Anyway, let’s stop the reporting at this point』

『As you wish, master! Please take care of me again when we challenge the underground G.o.ddess. After coordinating it with Viine, I should also inform Hankay-san. I’m sure he’ll be eager to accompany us underground. And maybe we’ll find the city appearing in my dreams down there!』


『See you』

As I wrapped up the blood messaging…the voices of everyone reached my ears from the training ground below. The voices of Helme and Kisara, who are watching Muu’s training, and also the elf Dokoko-san’s voice.

“They don’t let me put on my new clothes!”, shouts Dokoko-san.

“Puyuyu!” is audible as well.

It seems they’re near Muu, but…I can also hear Red Tiger Storm talking with Higlia.

“You b.l.o.o.d.y fools! I haven’t forgotten a single thing!” Moga is complaining to Mie-san and Professor Domidon. Bucchi is vouching for Mie-san. And Nemus’s rumbling voice can be heard as well. On top of that, Quema and Solobo are exclaiming that they don’t understand the language, while Gramps Ton gives some of his philosophical insights.

Just as always with Gramps Ton.

“Making sweets and everything else is a message. After all, adoration is eternal.”

Following Gramps Ton’s incomprehensible remark, the Burning Knights’ deep voices – while overlapping with each other – recount stories of the Spirit World. Seemingly having come to watch Muu’s training, the Burning Knights got all riled up about the book of a Spirit World Eight Wis.e.m.e.n member.

Moreover, Catiza has also joined the fray, “Kyuupiin♪ Muu-chan, are you Emissary-sama’s pupil? In that case, it’s similar to you being my junior since I’m an , right? Heheheen! Yaay!”

“Ish too mysterious!”

“Where is Shuuya-dono!?”

Quema and Solobo roar in what sounds like screaming in orcish. Since Quema has said ish and not it’s, she must have bit her tongue. Maybe she’s startled after seeing Catiza’s hair. I wonder how she’d react if she witnessed Catiza’s golden caterpillar form…

I won’t enter such a tumultuous place. I remain on my bed on the second floor. Having a hard pillow is really nice~

I spend my time in a relaxed manner by rolling around like Rollo, putting my hands behind my hand and then extending them away from me, and raising my waist meaninglessly to form a bridge.

And then I let my eyes wander, searching for Rollo. After spotting her, and playing around with her and her underlings, I check my status.

Skill Status.

Obtained Skills: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , (NEW)

Permanent Skills: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Extra Skills: , , , , ,

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