Chapter 49


Forty-Ninth Episode~ Tempest of Crimson Tiger

Editor’s Corner: For some reason the s.p.a.cing was being changed but after much time being grumpy, I have found my solution . Bring persistent and such payed off . Anyways Stay beautiful my friends and Enjoy!

Before long, the form of a roaring drake comes into view .

…Is this what a drake looks like?

There are individual differences, each of them seems to be five or more meters in length .

The five dragons have red and green scales . I can understand it even if it is not called a dragon .

However, are they slightly smaller than the wyverns from before? The clan fighting the drakes seem to be strong .

The forward advance of three of the drakes has been stopped . It seems to be the effect of a magic used by the beautiful female magic user .

The beast soldiers are working together as vanguards, tossing around the drakes .

They did it . Their cooperation is impressive .

They fight on even footing with the Drakes .

I approach, wondering whether I should partic.i.p.ate in the fight .

“Sir, I am controlling three of them on the right, but 《Command of Light 》 will wear off in ten seconds . The next paralysis magic formation, moreover, the aria is five seconds!”

“-Roger, understood! I will kill this one on my own . Lush.e.l.l and Belize, go provide back up over there!”

“On it . ”

A beastman soldier with a big ax replies casually, separates from the woman giving instructions, and goes to attack the three frozen drakes with his ax .

On the other hand, the captain beastwoman faces the other two drakes on her own, and begins a dangerous looking fight .

“Rollo, that beastwoman on the left . ”

“Nyao . ”

I run and choose one of the drakes .

“I’m here to help! I’ll take the one of the left!”

I call out to the group of embattled adventurers .

The drake on the left rears back and holds up its dangerous looking claws to attack the beastwoman .

Rus.h.i.+ng, I run with fighting moji enhanced legs and strike the drake’s left with the black spear . The scales are knocked off and the green flesh is cut . (TL: I’m not sure if this is a typo on the author’s behalf . I feel like the scales are supposed to be green, but that’s not what the raws say . )

Without stopping I go around to the drake’s back, stepping off with my enhanced right foot and I the black spear into the back of the drake’s leg .

A hole is bored into the drake’s hind leg and its posture breaks . It does not seem able to handle my sudden attack .

With its posture broken, Rollo pierces the eye of the drake with a feeler bone sword .

The drake raises its head lets out a pained screech .

Its neck is exposed and I take this opening .

I kick the ground lightly and raise the black spear, then jump- putting my weight behind the black spear, I sink it into the drake’s neck .

The black spear slides in and the overbearing force mows it down . Like rain, a spray of green bloods sprays out in the direction of the attack .

The drake’s neck can no longer support its head, and its neck bends down so that its big head kisses the ground .

I killed it? I thought, but that is not the case .

The drake is going to counter attack with its head on the ground, its clenches its teeth and spreads its wings .

-A gust of wind is created under its wings .

Rollo is caught by the gust of wind and is pushed back .

The drakes groans and cries out, moving its mouth taking chunks out of the dirt .

Its one intact eye is open wide; its mouth is opened wide with blood dripping from its teeth as its steaming breath rises in the air .

The drake is tough . I can feel the pride of the dragon race .

Respecting the vitality of the dragon, I kick the ground again and jump .

I will end it quickly so it does not suffer .

I thrust the black spear as I twist my body, adding a rotation, towards the head of the drake .

The single blow of the hard spear, creates a dent in the bowed head of the dragon, drilling a hole and killing it .

The skull is crushed, its brains smashed .

With this, it should be dead .

The drake with its brain smashed does not move .

I feel the eyes on the battle field stop to look at the scene for a moment .

There is another drake .

The drake that was fighting the dual wielding beastwoman seems to think I am a threat and comes to me, rearing up its neck .

“Its breath is coming!”

The beastwoman shouts a warning .

Eh? In a hurry- I activate fighting magic legs and take evasive maneuvers .

I run to the left while using Cerebral Demon Speed .

Rollo seems to have sensed it already and has escaped far away .

The ground I was on just a moment ago is filled with a blooming red flame .

It’s become scorched earth, a sea of hot wind spreads out, swallowing those nearby .

This is the breath of a dragon .

The flame comes from the drake’s mouth .

-Hot .

I evaded it safely, but the hot air has created a film of sweat over my face .

However, the drake’s flame does not last long .

Several arrows land in the bulging throat of the fire–breathing drake .

Having been pierced by arrows, it’s throat erupts .

The drake writhes silently .

The beastwoman called captain begins to attack .

A long sword is held in each of the her hands .

The swords in her hands are handled as fast as the wind, and faint sword lines are paid out .

A long sword is dropped on one of the drake’s hind legs while the other long sword cuts through its wing, it’s body s.h.i.+fts with her slas.h.i.+ng attacks as she continuously jumps through the sky .

Amazing, her swords seem to flow . They look like they are dancing . The movement of the mana of her body’s fighting moji is smooth too .

With the long sword in her right hand she slices through the bottom of the dragon’s abdomen .

The beastwoman has a vermillion m.u.f.fler around her neck that dances behind her . Her long red hair mixes with the fluttering m.u.f.flers making it look like a glittering flame is following behind her .

The drake is minced up as the long red hair dances behind her . It’s leg is finally cut down again, and the sword dance stops .

The tendons of both the drake’s legs seem to have been cut and it is lying on the ground weakly .

She defeated it . When I think that, something else happen .

The beastwoman crosses her arms, kicks the ground and jumps .

A crossed slas.h.i.+ng attack to the drake’s head, Eeeh!?

-Amazing . Did her arm and sword grow for an instant?

A big X shaped wound is cut through the drake’s skull .

Green blood is pouring out and its tongue is hanging limply out of its mouth .

It is completely crushed . The power looks equal to my blow from before .

However, that arm, mana was concentrated there and it seemed to swell for an instant…

Having finish her attack, she spins around and lands on the ground .

Her red hair flutters around her beautifully and she has cute brown cat ears on her head .

Then, I make eye contact with her .

-Woah . This woman is beautiful .

It was just a moment, but the beauty of her eyes was branded in my heart .

Her face is perfectly human . She has fair skin and brown eyes .

The cute and beautiful woman has a form with the ideal combination of looks .

That beastwoman turns a captivating smile my way .

However, she turns to a.s.sist her companions fighting the three drakes .

She turns on her heel and runs .

The view from behind isn’t bad either…

My eyes are drawn in unintentionally .

As she runs the bottom of her waistcoat flutters up and the beastwoman’s b.u.t.t comes in and out of view .

The running beast woman is wearing a dress and waist cloth type leather armor .

That b.u.t.t-san and thighs are connected with a leather garter belt armor, and her b.u.t.t is emphasized even more by the garter belt . (TL: That’s not how armor works . That’s not how any of this works!)[ED: This author does zero research on some things…]

That figure makes me gulp .

I run after her .

Rollo runs next to me who has such apparent ero eyes .

Then, I hear the end of an aria .

“The paralysis formation is activated– 《Command of Light》” When the magic is released, a huge magic formation spreads out at the feet of the drakes .

The drakes in the magic formation are bound by bands of light that extend from the magic formation, no longer able to move . Ooh, this is magic .

The highlight is when I get up close . The drakes’ movements are halted .

Rather than highlight, should I say the best part is the funny appearance?

A drake’s forefoot is frozen in the air and a thick hind leg is completely frozen .

“Yata! It worked!”

“It took again . As expected of Lush.e.l.l’s magic, then, Butch, follow instructions . These three won’t be able to move for nearly twenty seconds . ”

“Alright . Leave the guy with the injured foot to me, focus on the uninjured ones . ”

“Listen up, attack fast- Baka Butch . ”

A beautiful elf woman is firing a bow and arrow at a drake while calling a beastman called Butch a fool .

“Shut up, I’ll do it . ”

“-I’ll help too . ”

There, the beautiful cat woman captain interrupts the argument and partic.i.p.ates in coordinating the battle .

A single blow is given to the drake .

I finish enjoying my ero gaze and resume partic.i.p.ation . “I’m not used to cooperating, but I’ll join too . ”

“Nyaa . ”

Rollo and I both attack one of the unwounded drakes together . “You have a good arm . ” (TL: The “you” here is polite . )

While cutting through the left forefoot of a drake with her large ax, she has room to praise me .

Even if dragons are considered tough monsters, if their movements are sealed they merelybecome “meat . ”

There are several dead drakes around .

With the cooperation of all the members there, they are being cut up .

However, the dragon cla.s.s has amazing vitality .

As long as the head is uninjured, even if it has several injuries to its legs and feet, it can still move as if it is fine . While the dragon that survived until the end grovels on the ground, it raises its head in a stubborn manner and bares its b.l.o.o.d.y fangs .

Three prayers, it prays to consciousness that it will live, then I snipe the n.o.ble dragon’s left eye with an accurate spear jab .

The black spear points slides into the dragon’s eye socket .

The dragon stops breathing when the black blade reaches its brain . At any rate, that “paralysis” magic is useful .

While having such a thought I pull out the black spear that is sunk deep into the dragon’s skull .

Using the recoil from pulling it out, I swing off the dragon’s blood stuck to my spear and look at the woman who invoked the paralysis magic .

The woman has a large staff in her hand that she is attaching to her back .

The female magic user looks j.a.panese; she has a mysterious oriental atmosphere around here .

He bangs are cut over her forehead like Cleopatra and a circlet with a beautiful twinkling blue jewel occasional peeking out from behind them .

Her hair is black too .

She could be said to be an Asian beauty with Egyptian makeup that would appear during Paris Fas.h.i.+on Week .

Her small lips are puckered . (TL: Raws says her mouth has small duck lips . Heh . )[ED: I hate duck face . ] Her face is a small inverse triangle .

I look over her clothes . She has an overcoat like a magic user .

However, because the front is open I can see she has a small body .

Her seductive chest that is hinted from behind the light tunic gives off a nice and clean feeling .

He lower body is covered by the overcoat so I cannot see much, but I can make out a whitish skirt near her knee .

“-Young human man there . ”

As I am staring at the female magic user, the beautiful beastwoman in charge of the area talks to me .


“Thank you for coming to help . We were saved, thanks to you . ” The cat ears on the captain’s head move twitchingly .

Cute .

I saw earlier, but I look again .

The vermillion m.u.f.fler around her neck is a good look . She seems dignified .

The of the waist clothes tight around her waist is attractive, and the armor around her thighs and grieves reproduce her form nicely .

Her long legs make her look like a model .

That grieve type armor…

It somehow does not go past her ankles; I can see her bare feet .

She is wearing something like sandals .

The top of the beastwoman’s feet has red fur growing on them and on her toes are tufts of red hair .

“…You don’t need to thank me . You would have managed somehow or another . ”

She snorted at my words and stared at me since I am a completely suspicious person . I greet them politely .

“Even if that’s the case, the outcome of the fight could have been decided in an instant . They were defeated quickly thanks to you . We were able to defeat them incredibly quickly with your help-”

“Nyaa . ”

With that timing, Rollo calls out from my feet .

“Ara, earlier I saw your cute familiar playing an active part . ”

“Kyaa, too cute!”

“In truth, I want to hug it and play with it . ”

The one talking about Rollo is the female magic user, and the female Elf using a bow .

As expected of the cute Rollo .

The beautiful women have all taken the bait . (TL: The literal translation is “The beautiful woman have completed bitten . ” The bite is in reference to a fish biting the bait, so it’s like the women have all been hooked and aren’t just nibbling . )

“This is Rollodinu . She is called Rollo . My name is Shuya Kagari . You can call me Shuya or Kagari, which ever suits you . ”

“Fufu, this child is called Rollo-chan . Ah, my name is Sarah, Sarah Floraid . I am the representative of the【Tempest of Crimson Tiger】 . Thank you . Shuya . ”

Introducing herself with a smile, the beastwoman with cat ears confirms she is the leader .

Her name is Sarah .

“Yes . Please treat me well . ”

“Shuya-san and Rollo-chan . I am Lush.e.l.l Adkins . I work as the second in command of the adventurer clan 【Tempest of Crimson Tiger】 that Sarah leads . I am Lush.e.l.l the Dark Magic User, adventurer rank B but please call me Lush.e.l.l . ”

This is the woman who invoked that convenient paralysis magic .

“I am a member of the crimson tigers too . B ranked bow user, responsible for the s.e.x appeal, Belize Mafon . You call me Belize, Mafon-chan is fine too . I’ll be in your care . Shuya-kun . ”

There are a lot of ladies .

“Yes, I’ll be in your care-”

With the greetings coming to an end, my eyes go to Belize’s chest against my will . [ED: Whatever you say…]

So-called, one, iya, two, enormous b.r.e.a.s.t.s . (TL: No, stahp . )

Heavy fruits . This voluptuous chest, oppai bonzai .

Unintentionally, I stare for a long time .

I quickly look away the gloss over it .

Belize looks back at me with her own ero eyes .

For a moment, my eyes are sharp…

Her glamour breaks when her blue eyes blink… then stare back at me kindly .

The corners of her light pink lips curl into a bewitching smile .

Not mentioning her characteristic long ears, does this beautiful blue eyed onee-san like me?

Of course, I like her . It is a feeling like that . The Elf’s hair is long and golden . Three small braids extend from her right ear .

The hair clip on the other side symbolizes cuteness…

And then, is that a small tiger on the right cheek of her face? A leopard? There is a characteristic mark of a tattoo .

There is a beauty mark close to her light pink lips .

And, my eyes have returned to investigate her chest .

…As for the case of a man doing a double take, I think her b.r.e.a.s.t.s are buxom .

She is wearing red leather clothes with a plunging V neck that emphasizes her chest .

No matter what, my gaze returns to her chest .

It is the secret nature of the advisor for the breast research society, ma, I’m a hentai .

Then, a rough male voice breaks the atmosphere .

“*Cough*, ‘by the way’ I’m a member of the crimson tigers too . Butch Zemal, ax user, rank B . ”

My suggestive eyes seem to have upset the large beastman and he is in a bad mood .

He has red hair with a crew cut .

From his mouth the side of his jaw is a wild thick red mustache .

The biceps of his upper arms and the pectoral muscles under his leather armor are outstanding .

He looks like some sergeant . With a hamadryas face, he seems strong .

…However, does he have cat ears like Sarah?

The hamadryad faced catman, Butch-s.h.i.+ is more than surreal .

But, I will apologize for now .

“…Sorry . That…all of the women of this clan are beautiful . ”

My hentai eyes are giving me a bad impression .

Butch-san, seems embarra.s.sed by my apology .

“Re-really? You are very blunt for the first meeting . ”

Butch-san answers with a nervous face .

“Eh . ” “I…”

Sarah is called the captain, Lush.e.l.l is the second is command, though they all have great figures, they do not seem used to being praised, and they mutter such words .

“Ara, fufu . ”

Only one person takes it as being natural and laughs .

Belize-san .

Belize-san speaks to Butch .

“Araa? Butch, from the beginning you’ve been asking questions aggressively, do you think ‘We aren’t beautiful?"”

“N-not at all . ”

“Haha, that stubborn Butch’s face is turning red . ”

Lush.e.l.l-san puts one hand over her mouth and points at Butch in a jovial manner .

“Ugu, that straitlaced person . ”

“Which reminds me, doesn’t Butch seem different?”

“Ge, captain…”

Then, for some reason, the beastman Butch-s.h.i.+ is being glared at .

Is it because of me? I didn’t mean for this to happen .

Sarah-san seem happy to be stroking Rollo and looks at me while she talks .

“Shuya, your spear handling earlier was great, is your adventurer rank actually greater than A?”

“No, I’m confident in my spear, but my rank is D . ”

Sarah nods, believing my answer .

“Heh, so did you only just register as an adventurer?”

“That’s how it is . You understand well . ”

“It happens sometimes . A person who’s strength isn’t related to their rank . For example, in some schools, already possessing full mastery, of the King cla.s.s, there are hidden ‘Masters of Martial Arts’ like that . ”

“I see . Sarah-san is leading a clan and seems to have an abundance of experience . ”

“Quit it with the ‘san . "” Right now, we are just people who received the urgent quest . So, I want you to call me Sarah, casually . ”

Sarah’s light brown ears and cheeks are dyed slightly red; she winks at me .

She is a lovely and beautiful woman .

“I understand . Sarah .

” “Un . That’s good . Fufu . ”

Her smile is splendid too . Her brown cat ears do not match her crimson hair .

That is, Lush.e.l.l mutters unnaturally .

“Ara, ma, it’s spring time for the captain…”

Hearing Lush.e.l.l’s muttered voice, Sarah stops laughing and her cat ears twitch, her ears are dyedred .

“Oi, Lush.e.l.l, did I hear you teasing?”

“Eel, as one would expect, you have sharp ears, but it’s fine . Shuya-san, your face is plain, but you’re cool…” (TL: The f.u.c.k is wrong with Shuya’s face?)

I am sorry for my plain face .

“S, such, do you address your leader without honorifics?”

Butch-san seems to be grieving…


Sara looks at the face of such a disappointed Butch and tilts her head to the side .

“Oh well, more or less, I think Butch’s feelings are understood . It’s impossible . The signature ears of the captain came out so early…”

“Yes, it’s been a long time . ”

Lush.e.l.l and Belize nod together .

“Un . Ma, despite the other party being a human, his ‘strength’ is greater than most beastmen . His face is plain and it’s disappointing my tastes are a little different, he is well-proportioned, don’t you think?”

“Isn’t that right, Belize thinks so too . ”

Disappointing and difficult .

The cause is that I am j.a.panese . Because my race’s face is plain…

“Un . It’s rare to agree with Lush.e.l.l . He’s also tall despite being young . I think he’s ‘cute’ so…is it possible? It’s unfortunate for Butch . He has longed for the captain, but the way things are turning out this time, and there is already the ‘development’ of doing away with honorifics . ”

Sarah takes Belize and Lush.e.l.l’s joking words seriously and puffs out her cheeks cutely in anger or embarra.s.sment .

“Muu~, Belize…”

I do not think she is as upset as she would have others believe .

A little, Sarah is flus.h.i.+ng red from her cheeks to her ears .

Now, she is looking at me a little .

After glancing, she smiles affectionately .

I wonder where this is going…

I should distract them here-

“…Haha, everyone is so close . You are good soldiers and comrades . Your cooperation when you defeated the drake earlier was good too . ”

“-Right? Thanks, Shuya . That’s right . Everyone, they are the best members . Right?”

“Th-that’s right . ”

Butch-san has a face that looks like he is going to cry as he answers .

“Yes . I agree .

“Eeh, of course . ”


Then, a magic essence reaction interrupts the heartwarming conversation .

Again, it is a reaction from the Drakes .

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