Even though Ho-Chi warned the guy not to buy anything unnecessary, he still wanted to do something for his bride, so he brought a sewing box and colored threads in the market.

The guy could not help but buy two sets of lovely silk fabrics for Ho-Chi the other day and Ho-Chi accepted them without any fuss. It turned out Ho-Chi made a beautiful dress for women and asked the guy to sell it in the market.

Sulking, the guy had to listen to Ho-Chi"s request. When the guy sold it, the person who brought the clothes praised the maker of the dress for its fine details.

Listening to the praise from the person, the guy became very happy for Ho-Chi. However, when the person wanted to commission for clothes from the maker, the guy left the place with the money he received from the person and never looked back.

The guy liked that Ho-Chi was good with needles and threads but he did not have any intension to burden Ho-Chi to make money off the skill.

When the guy was on his way out of the market, he scanned for anything that might suit his bride.

He saw a hair ornament that could compliment his bride.

He spotted some clothes that is of his bride"s size.

He found a rice cake that his bride might like.

Although there were many things in the market that the guy would like to buy for his bride, he merely pressed his chest where he stored his money and walked towards his home.

The guy already knows that if he goes back home without spending any money, Ho-Chi will compliment him by saying, "good job".

Seeing the guy"s bright face, the town"s people all agreed that the guy married a caring bride.

One day, the guy finished his hunt when the sun has dropped.

The guy wanted to catch a roe deer for his bride who often fell asleep even though it was light outside.

All morning, the guy hunted everywhere for a trace of a roe deer. The guy was able to discover something in the afternoon and he had to chase after it all afternoon. He barely caught the roe deer when the sun sat.

The guy hummed a tune of a fool while hitched up the dead roe deer on his shoulder.

He combed through the mountain for so long while chasing the roe deer.

His hunting clothes were soaked with sweat and dirt, and the scratches that were made by pa.s.sing through some branches were burning with itchy pain, but, despite all this, the guy"s steps were light.

Following the moonlighted path, the guy returned to his home where his bride was waiting for him.

"Let me go!!!"

As the guy got closer to his home, he heard his bride"s shouting voice.

In an instant, the guy dropped his game and ran towards the house.

The guy saw three young men from the town through the fence of his house which was made out of hay that was weaved together.

"Let go!!!"

Hearing the cry of his bride, the guy burst through the gate.

"You little fox!! Who do you think you are yelling at?!!!"

One of the young men spoke.

All three of the young men jumped back from Ho-Chi with a surprise when they saw the guy coming in out of nowhere.

The guy searched his bride.

Ho-Chi"s clothes were in shreds and his face was full of bruises.

Some part of Ho-Chi"s clothes were slide down and revealed a small shivering tail.

"…a fox?"

The guy spoke to himself and, hearing this, Ho-Chi"s small shoulders shrunk a little.

One of the young men grabbed Ho-Chi by his hair and shouted at the guy.

"You boasted so much that you got a bride and look what we have here?!! You didn"t realize that your living energy was sucked out from you! You didn"t realize that you were spending your fortune on a fox!"

"It is a good thing that we came here to check on your bride!! Without us, what do you think might have happened to you?!"

"You stupid idiot! Look at your fox! He didn"t become your bride because he liked you!!"

The young men made ruckus, busy shouting over one another.

Because of their heated body language, Ho-Chi"s body rocked back and forth with them.

The guy stopped his breath and watched them with rounded eyes.

"The fox approached you so he can bewitch you!"

"The fox came to eat your liver!"

"Yes, to suck you dry of living energy!! We saved you, so you should thank us!"

Ho-Chi did not argue against the young men"s accusations.

He did not utter any refuting word.

He merely closed his eyes tight.

"Let go of your hand!!!!"

The guy"s hoa.r.s.e voice rang through the house.

He grabbed a club that was by the gate and ran toward the young men. He then swung his club with great force.

"Let go! Get lost!!!"

"what, this b.a.s.t.a.r.d?!!! We saved your life and you come after us with your club?!!"

"Ah! He is completely under the fox"s influence!"

"He doesn"t even know he is being tricked!!"

The young men threw Ho-Chi on the ground and ran far away, escaping the guy"s club.

While running away, the young men cursed and ridiculed the guy.

TN: I wonder what happens next, I forgot. For those of you who wants to get the raw of this story, go to  and download the txt file. They don’t have chapters uploaded on any pages so don’t know if google translator would work. Also, if you view it in txt format, you wouldn’t be able to see the Korean words. Instead, open the txt file in Microsoft Words. I am not sure if this helped. Thank you for reading!

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