2 Watchman, does its beauteous ray Aught of hope or joy foretell?

(Antistrophe) Trav"ler, yes; it brings the day, Promised day of Israel.

3 Watchman, tell us of the night; Higher yet that star ascends.

(Antistrophe) Trav"ler, blessedness and light Peace and truth its course portends.

4 Watchman, will its beams alone Gild the spot that gave them birth?

(Antistrophe) Trav"ler, ages are its own.

See! it bursts o"er all the earth.


In some versions "Ye Christian _heroes_," etc.

Professor David R. Breed attributes this stirring hymn to Mrs. Vokes (or Voke) an English or Welsh lady, who is supposed to have written it somewhere near 1780, and supports the claim by its date of publication in _Missionary and Devotional Hymns_ at Portsea, Wales, in 1797. In this Dr. Breed follows (he says) "the accepted tradition." On the other hand the _Coronation Hymnal_ (1894) refers the authorship to a Baptist minister, the Rev. Bourne Hall Draper, of Southampton (Eng.), born 1775, and this choice has the approval of Dr. Charles Robinson. The question occurs whether, when the hymn was published in good faith as Mrs.

Vokes", it was really the work of a then unknown youth of twenty-two.

The probability is that the hymn owns a mother instead of a father--and a grand hymn it is; one of the most stimulating in Missionary song-literature.

The stanza--

G.o.d shield you with a wall of fire!

With flaming zeal your b.r.e.a.s.t.s inspire; Bid raging winds their fury cease, And hush the tumult into peace,

--has been tampered with by editors, altering the last line to "Calm the troubled seas," etc., (for the sake of the longer vowel;) but the subst.i.tution, "_He"ll_ shield you," etc., in the first line, turns a prayer into a mere statement.

The hymn was--and should remain--a G.o.d-speed to men like William Carey, who had already begun to think and preach his immortal motto, "Attempt great things for G.o.d; expect great things of G.o.d."


Is the "Missionary Chant," and no other. Its composer, Heinrich Christopher Zeuner, was born in Eisleben, Saxony, Sept. 20, 1795. He came to the United States in 1827, and was for many years organist at Park Street Church, Boston, and for the Handel and Haydn Society. In 1854 he removed to Philadelphia where he served three years as organist to St. Andrews Church, and Arch Street Presbyterian. He became insane in 1857, and in November of that year died by his own hand.

He published an oratorio "The Feast of Tabernacles," and two popular books, the _American Harp_, 1832, and _The Ancient Lyre_, 1833. His compositions are remarkably spirited and vigorous, and his work as a tune-maker was much in demand during his life, and is sure to continue, in its best examples, as long as good sacred music is appreciated.

To another beautiful missionary hymn of Mrs. Vokes, of quieter tone, but songful and sweet, Dr. Mason wrote the tune of "Migdol." It is its musical twin.

Soon may the last glad song arise Through all the millions of the skies.

That song of triumph which records That "all the earth is now the Lord"s."


This admired and always popular church hymn was written near the beginning of the last century by the Rev. Thomas Kelly, born in Dublin, 1760. He was the son of the Hon. Chief Baron Thomas Kelly of that city, a judge of the Irish Court of Common Pleas. His father designed him for the legal profession, but after his graduation at Trinity College he took holy orders in the Episcopal Church, and labored as a clergyman among the scenes of his youth for more than sixty years, becoming a Nonconformist in his later ministry. He was a sweet-souled man, who made troops of friends, and was honored as much for his piety as for his poetry, music, and oriental learning.

"I expect never to die," he said, when Lord Plunkett once told him he would reach a great age. He finished his earthly work on the 14th of May, 1855, when he was eighty-five years old. But he still lives. His zeal for the coming of the Kingdom of Christ prompted his best hymn.

On the mountain-top appearing, Lo! the sacred herald stands, Joyful news to Zion bearing, Zion long in hostile lands; Mourning captive, G.o.d himself will loose thy bands.

Has the night been long and mournful?

Have thy friends unfaithful proved?

Have thy foes been proud and scornful, By thy sighs and tears unmoved?

Cease thy mourning; Zion still is well beloved.


To presume that Kelly made both words and music together is possible, for he was himself a composer, but no such original tune seems to survive. In modern use Dr. Hastings" "Zion" is most frequently attached to the hymn, and was probably written for it.


This rather crude parody on the "Ma.r.s.eillaise Hymn" (see Chap. 9) is printed in the _American Vocalist_, among numerous samples of early New England psalmody of untraced authorship. It might have been sung at primitive missionary meetings, to spur the zeal and faith of a Francis Mason or a Harriet Newell. It expresses, at least, the new-kindled evangelical spirit of the long-ago consecrations in American church life that first sent the Christian amba.s.sadors to foreign lands, and followed them with benedictions.

[Ill.u.s.tration: The Right Rev. Reginald Heber, D.D.]

Ye Christian heroes, wake to glory: Hark, hark! what millions bid you rise!

See heathen nations bow before you, Behold their tears, and hear their cries.

Shall pagan priest, their errors breeding, With darkling hosts, and flags unfurled, Spread their delusions o"er the world, Though Jesus on the Cross hung bleeding?

To arms! To arms!

Christ"s banner fling abroad!

March on! March on! all hearts resolved To bring the world to G.o.d.

O, Truth of G.o.d! can man resign thee, Once having felt thy glorious flame?

Can rolling oceans e"er prevent thee, Or gold the Christian"s spirit tame?

Too long we slight the world"s undoing; The word of G.o.d, salvation"s plan, Is yet almost unknown to man, While millions throng the road to ruin.

To arms! to arms!

The Spirit"s sword unsheath: March on! March on! all hearts resolved, To victory or death.


James Montgomery (says Dr. Breed) is "distinguished as the only layman besides Cowper among hymn-writers of the front rank in the English language." How many millions have recited and sung his fine and exhaustively descriptive poem,--

Prayer is the soul"s sincere desire,

--selections from almost any part of which are perfect definitions, and have been standard hymns on prayer for three generations. English Hymnology would as unwillingly part with his missionary hymns,--

The king of glory we proclaim.

Hark, the song of jubilee!

--and, n.o.blest of all, the lyric of prophecy and praise which heads this paragraph.

Hail to the Lord"s anointed, King David"s greater Son!

Hail, in the time appointed His reign on earth begun.

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