REFRAIN Safe in the arms of Jesus (1st four lines rep.).

Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe from corroding care, Safe from the world"s temptations, Sin cannot harm me there.

Free from the blight of sorrow, Free from my doubts and fears, Only a few more trials, Only a few more tears.

Safe in the arms of Jesus.

Jesus, my heart"s dear refuge Jesus has died for me; Firm on the Rock of Ages Ever my trust shall be, Here let me with patience, Wait till the night is o"er, Wait till I see the morning Break on the Golden Sh.o.r.e.

Safe in the arms of Jesus.

--Composed 1868.


Those who have characterized the _Gospel Hymns_ as "sensational" have always been obliged to except this modest lyric of Christian peace and its sweet and natural musical supplement by Dr. W.H. Doane. No hurried and high-pitched chorus disturbs the quiet beauty of the hymn, a simple _da capo_ being its only refrain. "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" sang itself into public favor with the pulses of hymn and tune beating together.

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