Arc 1: The President"s Unfaithful Lover

Chapter Twelve

Su Yang who was held tightly by the strong arms of the president is currently suffering from suffocation which made it hard to think things through.

Which made him think that he is in some kind of hallucination caused by extreme hypoxia.

Terminate the contract?! What kind of joke is this?!

Is this person really Fu Zhou? Fu Zhou, the person who disliked him more than anyone else and is someone whom one can"t easily comprehend. He even told him in a remorseful tone how he regretted his actions? Clearly, 80% of this world is going crazy!

He pushed Fu Zhou"s chest hard and was able to get away to inhale oxygen into his lungs but before he can even complete a cycle of breath, he was once again pulled into an even tighter hold courtesy of the president.

—— My lungs, heart, and liver can"t take it anymore QAQ

Fu Zhou tightly held him in his arms, countless emotions flashed through his eyes until it finally compounded into as one, warmth.

“After hearing your song was, in fact, when I was convinced about letting you go, it isn"t fair for you to stay but then I saw your body…” he suddenly lowered his voice and said: “I just want you to know, I probably like you, so I won"t let you go.”

Listening to this dubious explanation, the corners of Su Yang"s mouth can"t help twitching. Ya! Are you sure it wasn"t because of your lower bodies reaction? Lured by temptation. Aren"t you just confused?!

Fu Zhou is still sighing remorsefully: “I know this is me being ridiculous. The person who yelled at you was me. The person who was reluctant in accepting you was also me. I have lived for so many years, but this is the first time I felt something in my heart. Give me another chance to right my wrongs…”

Ok, good, but can you first let me go?

Fu Zhou spoke again: “If you won"t talk, I will take it as you"ve agreed.”

Su Yang: “…”

I"m currently incapable of chatting leisurely with you!

Fu Zhou finally loosened his shackles and held his cheeks and gave him two kisses. His eyes filled with gentle smiles, a completely different kind of gentleness, this kind of expression was poles apart from how he was before. Hitting Su Yang right in the heart. (T/N: Kokoro!)

Hey, too much beauty on one man is considered a foul! (T/N: bishounen!)

Worrying on his lips, he said: “Please consider your decision more carefully, I don"t want to be dumped by you a second time.”

Fu Zhou looked at his eyes with resolution, solemnly saying: “No, I have never been more clear on what I want. Su Yao… maybe I shouldn"t call you Su Yao, although I don"t have any clue on what happened to you, I do know that the person I want to be with is the one currently in front of me, so…”

Shouldn"t call him Su Yao?? What the h.e.l.l is this, this, what does that mean!!

Su Yang was tense as he meekly asked: “So…?”

Fu Zhou slid his fingers on his adam apples then laughed: “As long as you are you, everything will be fine, otherwise, I don"t know what I"ll do if you"re gone. You only have to keep staying by my side.”

His voice still as harmonious as ever with a hint of sweetness but still, Su Yang felt a chill all over his body.

His task mostly consisted of cleansing this slag"s body reputation white then go to the next world to finish another task. The first few words were easy enough, meeting Fu Zhou in this world can only be attributed to a bad luck, what told him that this person enjoys abstinence?

His gentleness is just an act, his absitence was faked, there"s definitely something amiss in his apathetic att.i.tude!

Su Yang has seen and experiences a lot of things, big or small and much more violent than what he is currently experiencing. Only one thing remains true, this president is the most difficult challenge he has ever encountered!

He laughed twice, guiltily speaking: “Mr. Fu, aren"t you watching too much science fiction films? Thinking about how I am not who I am, haha, really funny. I"m going to take a shower, you go cook noodles, ah, noodles. Right, don"t put any green onions, I don"t like those.”

After saying so, he ran back to his room, closing the door, his hands still shaking.

Leaving a resigned Fu Zhou behind. Why is this child so afraid of him? He definitely wouldn"t hurt him. He hooked his lips then turned to the kitchen. It turned out that he didn"t like green onions ah, another flaw. I remember, Su Yao doesn"t have many complaints ah.

Smart and stupid but definitely a treasure that is worth keeping.

Su Yang didn"t notice that because of his nervousness, he exposed some flaw. He opened the system to check his current progress. Without him noticing it, it seems the progress rose to 51%. Halfway through the whole ordeal he went today, it seems Fu Zhou came to like him more.

But… why? Yesterday it was less than 30%!

System informed him: “Probably because the enemy forcibly tried to eliminate you that your presence became more noticeable, making the target force himself to come to terms with his brewing feelings prematurely.”

Su Yang sincerely proclaimed: “He really isn"t easy ah.”

Sang Yuan"s purpose was to separate him and Fu Zhou, indirectly it reversed the expected outcome.

“Seeing as the host has the time to pity others, it seems he had already thought of countermeasures.”

“…not really.”

System: “…”

Su Yang hysterically said: “The first time I tried to do something I was cut down mercilessly ah! Fortunately, Fu Zhou"s way of thinking is up to normal standards, otherwise, I may not have been able to live until now. Let"s wait for him to calm down first, we"ll talk about this later. Anyway, after the progress bar fills out, I"ll immediately take any chance to run away, his blackening and reputation have nothing to do with me.”

“Yeah, once I"m gone, chasing after me is impossible, moreover, he wouldn"t be able to catch up with me.”

Convinced by his own words, he hummed a tune as he makes his way into the bathroom to take a bath, a hot bath to soothe his aches after such a long day.

System: With all due respect, host, this behavior can cause a lot of problems.

But Su Yang doesn"t feel anything wrong, he leaned against the bathtub, soothing his muscles, he fell into a comfortable nap, unconsciously falling asleep, he woke up later in the middle of the night.

Finding himself lying on his bed. There was a slight snoring that can be heard above him, nipples just beside his cheeks. A very nice view of pectoral muscles, strong arms wound around his waist, and a large -beep- in between the legs… Ahem, a hot guy.

Su Yang"s whole body froze, although he likes fawning on handsome guys and has the face for it, he"s still a virgin. This kind of situation is a bit beyond his acceptable scope.

“Mr.Fu, Hey, Mr. Fu! Wake up, I want to eat!”

He wants to get out of Fu Zhou"s arms but it was impossible to break free with the other"s strength surpa.s.sing his, moreover, as soon as he moves, Fu Zhou will subconsciously tighten his hold, making Su Yang cover himself in sweat because of exertion.

Stop pretending to sleep and wake up already…

He turned his focus on Fu Zhou then bit his solid chest, even grinding his teeth.

Huh? It actually tastes good, so he sticks his tongue out and licked, leaving wet trails.

Fu Zhou felt his body contract and stiffened his back, breathing heavily, he has to forcibly contain the fire that ignited in his eyes. He looked down at the black eyes of Su Yang and like a cold water was poured onto his head, he calmed down.

Not knowing about what transpired in his head, Su Yang smiled slyly: “Pretending to let go of someone yet not letting them leave, they deserve a punishment.”

Fu Zhou retaliated with: “Don"t leave, sleeping together is normal between lovers.”

He never slept with Su Yao before or else, why would Su Yao turn to someone else for comfort?

“But I don"t like it, I can"t sleep with someone else in my bed.” Su Yang pushed with all his strength: “Go back to your room.”

Fu Zhou couldn"t accept this kind of rejection, so he grabbed his face and kissed him, then unwillingly got out.

After a while, he came back with a gla.s.s of warm milk, putting the cup on the bedside table.

“You didn"t eat dinner, drink a cup of milk then go to sleep.”

Su Yang surrendered and took a sip of the milk, he felt his stomach warm and comfortable but his chest was not.

Sorry for the long update between chapters but since school and my part time job needed more of my time I can"t really prioritize tling at the moment.

I"ll try to update every week.

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