The Prince"s escaped fiancée (Arc 2-3)

It was currently evening, the glory of the sunset splashed the sky with orange streaks, painting the clouds with a faint layer of gold, brilliant and soul stirring, evoking the dreamlike quality of a poem.

The scenery was undeniably beautiful, but Su Yang"s mind was only occupied with one thought—- escape!!

It has nothing to do with old hatred or new grudges, this fight or flight response was merely the natural response when faced with extreme danger.

The man in front of him was dressed in the black and stately robes that marked him as a Prince. His face was cold and haughty, and his glance raked him from head to foot with withering disdain. His dark eyes held no warmth, his wintry gaze was oppressive, as was the firm grip which threatened to crush the bones in Su Yang"s wrist.

With this delicate body of his, how could he withstand such manhandling? Su Yang"s face turned pale as he struggled and shouted: “You let me go now! Ow!”

He also sent a pitiful, entreating look at Wu Xueyan. He may not be good at much, but acting cute and loveable was a basic skill of his. His black eyes shone bright and round with a film of tears and his lower lip quivered, like a little puppy denied food, full of grievance and pain.

Wu Xueyan"s maternal instinct was roused, she immediately stepped forward to rescue Su Yang, but was held back by Tao Yunfeng. The two stood deadlocked.

Realizing that no help would be found in Wu Xueyan, he turned his pitiful gaze onto Jing Cheng.

“Why are you bullying me, I don"t know you,” he cried, voice hitching. He was genuinely in pain and couldn"t stop the tears from flowing. “You bad man, let me go! Ah Gui, Ah Gui, save me!”

From where he was hiding in a corner, Ah Gui shivered even harder, willing himself to shrink out of sight for fear of drawing the Fifth prince"s wrath.

Oh fine, so this is the extent of your loyalty!

Su Yang"s anger reached its peak, he couldn"t think of any other way to release himself, and so he opened his mouth to bite. As a result, the back Jing Cheng"s hand was wet and shiny, but there wasn"t even a tooth mark to show for his efforts.

Su Yang: “…….”

He stared at Jing Cheng, and Jing Cheng stared back at him. Su Yang could have sworn he glimpsed a trace of mockery in the other"s dark eyes.

The h.e.l.l, how was he going to survive! Tao Ziyu"s neat little white teeth were purely for show, not meant to be used for biting at all! And now his teeth were aching!

Jing Cheng slowly loosened his hold on Su Yang, and turned away from him without another glance. To Tao Yunfeng, he said: “Minister Tao, the dowry will be sent in three days. The recent battle of the Northern Desert campaign means that funds are now tight, hence the celebration will be a simple one.”

Tao Yunfeng as the Ministry of Revenue was most clear on whether or not funds were tight, but since Jing Cheng said it was tight, it can only be tight.

He hurriedly pulled on an ingratiating smile: “Naturally, everything will be arranged according to your wishes, but for the Your Highness to consider matters of the military as well, is really worthy of admiration. Yu-er is by no means outstanding, for him to be able to marry the Prince, it is our blessing and good fortune.”

Su Yang shrieked in his heart. Say what1? Marry! Him?!

There was no trace of emotion on Jing Cheng"s stoically impa.s.sive face, he replied faintly: “That is all, I will take my leave now.”

Tao Yunfeng quickly tried to detain him: “Your Highness, please stay. This official has ordered for wine to be prepared. If it pleases Your Highness, do allow this official and this pup to welcome you as our guest for the night. You have had a tiring journey, some rest would be good.”

Note: 犬子 (Quǎnzǐ) – little dog, an affectionate way to refer to a son.

Jing Cheng paused, and turned to look at him. Then he gave a single bark of laughter.

“If memory serves, Minister Tao used to have a hundred different ways to avoid me, despising me for an old cow2 who is not worthy of your family"s young gra.s.s. Pardon me, I don"t think I"m worthy of your wine either.”

Without wasting any more words, he left with large strides.

Tao Yunfeng did not blink from this indignity, and kept up with the gracious act of seeing the guest out, his conduct and decorum remaining flawless.

Wu Xueyan furrowed her brows as she checked Su Yang for injuries. The bruises on the knees were of no consequence, but the ring of blue and purple on his wrist looked stark and terrible, it was clear that he had not been handled gently.

The Jing Cheng of the past would not even be willing to touch him for fear of causing injury. Now there was a gaping chasm between them, seemingly impossible to bridge.

Su Yang pulled her hand off angrily: “You are also a bad person.” Then he ran into the house and burrowed into his quilts, with the air of one determined to never re-emerge in his lifetime.

Wu Xueyan dismissed the servants, leaving only mother and son in the room. When she heard the soft “sobbing” sounds from the bed, her eyes turned red.

She sat at the side of the bed, and whispered: “I"m sorry, it"s not that Mother didn"t want to save you, but…. the Emperor and the Fifth prince are now playing a dangerous game, and we of the household of the Ministry of Revenue is their most important piece, it"s actually not easy for your father either….”

She would never have revealed her thoughts to the Tao Ziyu of the past. As a fiercely protective mother, she did not believe in imposing the burdens of the family on her child, and hoped for her child to live a carefree life, unfettered by the heavy truth.

But now her child was a simpleton, unable to comprehend anything she tells him. And so, she spoke to him freely.

“A long time ago, your father used to be a poor scholar, selling paintings and calligraphy on the street side. One day, I pa.s.sed by, and fell in love with him on sight. I did not hesitate to conceal my ident.i.ty and approached him as an ordinary embroiderer. Eventually, he promised to take me as his wife in the following year after he has sat for the Imperial exams.

“And indeed, he succeeded in the exams, handpicked by the Emperor as the champion. When he rode down the street on a horse, it was a beautiful scene, the hearts of all the ladies of Jianzhou city beat for him, but his mind was only filled with thoughts of a little embroidery woman.” She laughed softly as she said this, patting the quilt coc.o.o.ned Su Yang. “He was really silly, rejecting offer after offer of many ladies" hand in marriages, not realizing he was courting misfortune as he sought me.

“Your grandfather is the great General of the dynasty, he once saved the Emperor"s life in exchange for the Death Exemption plate, and he still holds command over tens of thousands of Imperial troops. But the previous Emperor was suspicious and ill at ease, unskilled in his command of military power, always wary of deceit and betrayal…. and then your two uncles lost their lives during service in the army, and were deemed to have died with honors. And now, you and I are the lifeblood of the Wu family.

“When you were five years old, you were selected to enter the palace to be the Emperor"s grandson"s companion. I was actually unwilling, afraid that chance misfortune would befall you. When you returned safely, before I could even feel relief, the decree for your marriage was issued. That year, the Fifth prince was eighteen, what need to mention the age gap, when you are both male…..”

Su Yang had already poked his head out from under the covers, gently wiping away her tears. This woman has not had an easy life.

The previous Emperor was a poisonous sort, incapable of showing or earning grace. He wanted to end the Wu family. Once General Wu has aged, everything would return to the Imperial family.

Wu Xueyan held his hand, smiling wistfully: “But the Fifth prince treated you remarkably well, and I was relieved. You carry the blood of the Wu family, but all I hoped for is that you grow up safe and well, never mind about having children. This was a gift bestowed by heaven, but in the end, we couldn"t escape after all…..

“The Fifth prince had the talent to be an Emperor, but the previous Emperor favoured his eldest son. With you in the scene, the marriage between you and the Fifth prince allowed the Emperor to kill two birds with one stone. By taking a man to wife, the Fifth prince is destined not to have any Di children, and will lose all claim to the throne. With this marriage, the Wu family line will be broken, and with it, the ambitions of the Fifth prince. The previous Emperor is really worthy of being our Greater Ming"s Taizong Emperor.”

Note : 太宗 (Tàizōng) – the Emperor"s temple name, also literally means Great Ancestor (of Ming).

So that"s how it was. It was no wonder, even after Tao Ziyu had affronted Jing Cheng to this degree, he still returned to marry him. It seems that the Emperor is determined to force Jing Cheng to take a man to wife.

However, Jing Cheng was not one to fall easily at the schemes of others. When accepting the marriage decree back then, he must have really taken a liking to Tao Ziyu. But now he hates the very sight of him, so why continue with this sham of a marriage?

It beggared belief that anyone would be able to twist the arm of the current Fifth prince. Even if it was by the edict of the previous Emperor, with that personality of his, it wouldn"t bother him one whit.

Could it be, he was doing this for the Wu family!

This old man Wu Xingde was famous for his headstrong obstinacy. His two sons died under the hand of the previous Emperor, his only grandson was given away to a man to be his Princess. But he remained loyal throughout and devoted to Greater Ming, a paragon of steadfastness.

Note: 王妃 (wángfēi) – wife of a prince, equivalent to a princess.  Hence Su Yang would be 五王妃 (Fifth w.a.n.g fei).

But Su Yang felt like there was something off about the whole thing. Based on the personality of the previous Emperor, he should have attempted to wipe them out completely down to the last child, but why did he take such a roundabout way when it came to Tao Ziyu, not making any attempts on his life, unless…… was Wu Xingde actually not as heartless as he seems, and made some sort of deal with the previous Emperor?

But how is any of this related to Jing Cheng?

Su Yang pondered for a great while until his head hurt. The imperial family has always had layers and layers of secrets hidden under each other, a mess of tangled knots that could not be traced back to its origin. How has this woman been surviving in this environment of intrigues and hidden schemes for so many years?

As they say, to keep company with a king is akin to keeping company with a tiger3. The Wu family had served with loyalty for generations, but was ultimately rewarded with an end to their bloodline.

It would seem that she has been haunted by these fears for many years, not knowing when the axe will fall on their necks, and bearing the burden of heavy guilt in her heart with it as well.

Wu Xueyan"s voice was barely a whisper: “Back then, if I hadn"t married him, he would still be the high spirited champion of the Imperial exam, displaying his talents and ambitions and be the greatest minister among ministers. But because of the Wu family, the Emperor"s suspicions were extended to him, and he had to tread on thin ice, always wary of falling.”

“These past few years, I watched as he gradually lost his spirit, and turned to wine to drown his sorrows. Caught between the Emperor and the Fifth prince, he had to discard his dignity, and learn how to flatter and pander to the whims of others. I know that our family is always on his mind, he dares not gamble and risk our safety.

“All that he has to bear, was laid upon him by me.”

If, back then, she had not lifted the curtain of the sedan and looked out, if she had not seen him, how much grief could have been avoided.

If life was when we met for the first time, then it is better if we have never met at all4.

Su Yang didn"t know what to make of it. Although Tao Yunfeng was pitiable, but since you have already taken the girl to wife, you should be responsible for her to the end, instead of rushing over with promises and in the end, leaving her with nothing but broken dreams. It was worse than not having offered her anything at all.

Although there were many things in his heart that he wanted to say, he had no choice but to remain mute and continue his act of being an idiot.

Wu Xueyan breathed out in relief. She did not need anyone to comfort her, and had only wanted to voice out the pain she had kept in her heart for so long with no one to talk to.

To the outside world, she was viewed as a fierce and respected lady, the dignified wife of the Minister of Revenue, a renowned and glamorous woman. But within, she was just a wife unable to keep her husband, and a mother unable to control her son. Her life seemed perfect on the gilded surface, but was actually a broken ruin on the inside.

“My dear Yu-er, you have to marry in three days, and the Fifth prince will not treat you well. You must look after yourself.”

Seeing Su Yang"s puzzled look, Wu Xueyan lifted his sleeves and pointed at the ring of bruises on his wrist. “The bad man who bullied you, he is the Fifth prince, others may address him as the Fifth prince, but you must call him Husband.”

Su Yang nodded his head obediently, with the look of one committing it to memory. Be thick skinned, be stress free.

Wu Xueyan continued: “That man has a bad temper, and may bully you, but if you behave and be good, he will soften and be reluctant to do so, you understand?”

Su Yang nodded again. Being cute and loveable, he"s the best at this!

The Prince"s residence.

An old butler hurried into the study room. “Master, have you decided on where to house the young master of the Tao family?”

Jing Cheng didn"t lift his gaze, and replied faintly: “We"re to be married, naturally he"ll stay in my room.”

The butler: “………”

The subordinate planning the arrangement: “..….”

Jing Cheng turned his sight to the back of his hand, where there wasn"t a single imprint on the skin.

He suddenly recalled the puppy he had raised when he was a child, it was the size of a palm back then. Even if he stuck his finger into its mouth for a bite, it would only leave a shallow tooth print, he felt no pain, not even an itch, but it tickled his heart.

Tao Ziyu is lovelier and more delicate than the puppy, behaving more sweetly spoiled and pitiful, but without the loyalty of a dog.

Since he has no loyalty, tie a chain to him.


Say what : 纳尼 (Nà ní) – Su Yang actually said nani (j.a.panese for “what”) here. XD Old cow grazing on young gra.s.s : 老牛吃嫩草 (Lǎo niú chī nèn cǎo) – describing a huge age gap between both parties in a relationship. To keep company with a king is akin to keeping company with a tiger : 伴君如伴虎 (Bàn jūn rú bàn hǔ) – Basically comparing a king to a tiger, who holds the power to be ruthless, capricious and savage. If life was when we met for the first time, then it is better if we have never met at all : From a poem by Nalan Xingde (poet in the Qing dynasty) t.i.tled Mulan flower: An elegy (木兰花令·拟古决绝词). Roughly means, the best of life was during the first meeting, but then after, people change, and what you loved best was fleeting and now no longer exists, hence it would have been better to have never met at all.

Thanks for reading.


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