The Prince"s escaped fiancée (Arc 2-13)

The moon outside the carriage shone cold and bright. A faint ray of light filtered through the window flap and fell on Su Yang"s peacefully sleeping face.

Jing Cheng"s eyes were dark and inscrutable as he gently lifted Su Yang"s wrist. The silvery white bracelet glimmered with a faint, cold light. Just as he remembered.

Tianshan XuanSuo (索). Tianshan XuanSuo (锁). Just one word, yet it meant the very difference between life and death.

{T/N: 索 (suǒ) – rope, referenced in chapter . 锁 (suǒ) – lock. They"re p.r.o.nounced the same way. I will refer to them as the Tiānshān Chain and Tiānshān Lock from here onwards.}

Shaolin"s Great Master Jue Qing spent over thirty years of his life crafting the Tiānshān Lock from the Tiānshān Chain. And at this moment, the world"s most perfect manacle was lying quietly on Su Yang"s wrist.

{T/N: 绝情 (jué qíng) – His name means ‘heartless/ruthless"}

The Tiānshān Chain signifies the suspension of life, and the Tiānshān Lock forged by the Great Master Jue Qing signifies the ending of life. Every day at sunset, when the yīn energy begins to rise, the bitter, artic chill acc.u.mulated over thousands of years on the snow capped peaks would sweep through the body in a devastating rampage. Only the Tiāngāng Qi is capable of holding it at bay.

{T/N: To put it very very loosely, Tiāngāng Qi is the mystical inner force that allows people in Wuxia stories to act out Dragon Ball scenes.}

All Su Yang knew was that he was required to obediently return to Jing Cheng"s side every day before sundown, unsuspecting that failure to comply to this agreement would result in his death.

But even if this agreement is fulfilled…..

Very lightly, Jing Cheng stroked Su Yang"s forehead. Beneath his fingertips, the skin was icy cold to the touch. Under the Tiānshān Lock"s daily gradual erosion, the boy had long lost the warmth of a normal human body. It was summer now, but Su Yang was eternally frozen in winter.

His body"s foundation has already been ruined. His life expectancy is unforeseeable.

The millennia old arctic chill of the snow capped mountains and the Tiāngāng Qi form an equilibrium by mutually restraining and reinforcing each other. But this delicate balance was at risk of being broken at anytime. The push and pull of these forces within  would one day destroy this already weak and fragile body.

{T/N: 相生相克 (xiāng shēng xiāng kè) – The theory of the 5 elements philosophy, some elements will fuel and inhibit other element. Eg. Wood fuels fire, but wood cleaves metal. Hence some element combinations will be in harmony but some will be in opposition.}

What would he do, when that day comes.

Jing Cheng felt like his throat was held in a crushing grip. Back then it was he, who had fastened the Tiānshān Lock onto Su Yang"s wrist. And now he was the one who was filled with anguish and remorse.

Back then, he had not hesitated. He had been fixated on the thought of possessing the pampered and beautiful little puppy, but no longer held any delusions of loyalty. With the Tiānshān Lock, to betray Jing Cheng would mean death, he would never allow anyone else the chance to trample on his heart ever again.

What"s more, this child was Wu Xingde"s final gambling chip. So long as he held the boy in the palm of his hand, Wu Xingde was doomed to walk the path of failure.

Jing Cheng had convinced himself that it was the right decision. But now, he was no longer certain.

This little creature is innocent. He is so, so stupid, so foolish, he ought to be loved and pampered and protected. He should never have been involved in this power struggle, to be used as a chess piece in this conflict, and destined to die a cold and lonely death.

He must get the key back, the only key in the world.

Of these matters, Su Yang knew naught. To him, even though this silvery bracelet emitted a forbidding chill, he thought it harmless. Without Jing Cheng by his side, at most, he would have to endure being frozen, before sinking into a temporary state of dormancy. Just like a deep sleep, nothing more.

Su Yang was not afraid of sleeping. He only feared not waking up.

The army continued marching South, but Su Yang did not see hide nor hair of Deputy General Cao. Not only that, Jing Cheng"s prized ferghana horse, Red Shadow, was also missing.

Su Yang spotted Jing Cheng and pulled on his arm anxiously. “Cao Cao, he, he took your horse and, and ran off!”

Jing Cheng paused in surprise. Torn between amus.e.m.e.nt and some embarra.s.sment, he stroked Su Yang"s head and said warmly, “I sent Deputy General Cao off on an errand. Only Red Shadow knows the way, so I let him have the horse.”

Su Yang nodded in relief, and continued thumbing through the book in his hand. He flipped through the pages and only looked at the ill.u.s.trations, ignoring the written text. One could reasonably doubt if he understood what he was reading at all.

Jing Cheng looked at his contented face, and suddenly said, “We"ll be reaching the South China Sea in a few days, where our army will be engaging the enemy"s troops in battle. During this period, you must be good and stay in the camp. Do not run around.”

Su Yang turned another page, squinting in concentration. “I"m not scared. Fūjūn is here, Fūjūn will protect Yu-er,” he said.

Something in Jing Cheng"s chest tightened. It hurt even to breathe.

——If you only knew, the Fūjūn you trust the most, is also the one who has done you the most harm.

Su Yang"s head was lowered as he continued flipping through the book, seemingly oblivious. Inwardly, however, he was puzzled. These days, Jing Cheng has been behaving peculiarly, but he couldn"t quite place a finger on it. It just feels as if Jing Cheng has been treating him even better than before.

That was not to say that his previous treatment of Su Yang was not good, but the means of His Highness the Róng Wáng have always been somewhat crude. His arrogant manner of demanding respect, his presumptuous way of taking what and when as he pleased, never once asking for Su Yang"s preferences, never taking Su Yang"s wishes nor willingness into account. He treated Su Yang just like he would any of his possessions, and had never given consideration to Su Yang"s feelings, only requiring him to obediently submit to Jing Cheng and keep him company.

Could the changes be because he has been upgraded from a pet to a lover? This was a hugely significant improvement indeed!

But really, this was not what Su Yang was concerned about at all. What he really wanted to know, was how much longer would it take for the progress bar to be filled! Would he really need to resort to the overused but cla.s.sic cliché of using himself as a meat shield to block a knife attack for Jing Cheng?

Using your own body to protect someone would convey: I love you more than my own life, I would gladly die for you!

Stepping forth fearlessly in a perilous situation, would amply showcase one"s own selfless and self-sacrificing love, thus touching the heart of of his target and leaving him too moved for words!!

But there were several drawbacks: Above all, such a feat is difficult by nature, and requires a high level of finesse to execute. Chance plays too big a role in influencing the outcome. One wrong step and he could very well die in the line of duty. He could not take this risk lightly.

Dedication is as dedication does. He cannot throw his life away.

Jing Cheng moved to sit beside him, drawing the book out from between Su Yang"s fingers. He asked, “Can you understand this?”

Su Yang nodded emphatically. “Yes, I can!”

Jing Cheng glanced at the cover, and strange look crossed his face. “In that case, how about you tell me what this book"s story is about,” he said, with a peculiar tone in his voice.

Su Yang"s mind ran a full lap, before he answered earnestly, “These two men are fighting! The short one is losing, the tall one is winning. So the short one is pushed to the floor, his clothes are torn off, and they"re still fighting!”

Jing Cheng looked at his serious little face, and could not help laughing. “Silly thing, I really just want to eat you up right now.”

Su Yang maintained his earnestly deadpan expression, but inwardly, he thought: You d.a.m.n rogue, it"s one thing to put xx drawings inside the carriage, you even specially chose those depicting the both of us as the main characters, your lack of morals is really beyond saving!! 

The system: “You were obviously reading it with relish.”

Su Yang: “……”

Su Yang shamelessly defended himself. “If I don"t read it, it may look like I"m avoiding it on purpose. It"s less suspicious this way.”

What was more, Tao Ziyu is not his name. So he was able to distance himself a little more from the characters in the book and calmly appreciate the details. This ill.u.s.trations were really very well done! The artist deserves a full five stars!

Jing Cheng did not intend to let him off so easily. He tugged Su Yang into his arms, saying ambiguously, “Since Yu-er can"t read it, how about letting your husband teach you.”

{T/N: 为夫 (Wèi fū) – I, this husband. Sounds a bit like ‘waifu" ahahaha. I will switch between ‘your husband" and ‘this husband" occasionally, but the meaning is the same.}

Su Yang was forced to sit on Jing Cheng"s thigh. A strong arm looped around his waist, and the picture book was placed neatly in front of them.

Su Yang"s face turned red. Oh h.e.l.l, he had just seen this exact same position in that book! This d.a.m.n pervert!!!

Jing Cheng flipped to the first page, and pointed to the three words ‘Tao Ziyu" at the top. He said, “These three letters are p.r.o.nounced as Tao, Zi, Yu. This is Yu-er"s name.”

Su Yang fidgeted nervously, saying, “Oh, so this is my name!”

Jing Cheng chuckled softly, and pointed at the next word, ‘Róng Wángyé". “And these three letters are referring to your husband. This ridiculous book is a compilation of stories written by the city"s common people, and tells of how this husband loves Yu-er very much. Your husband has already taught a lesson to those who dare to harbor lascivious thoughts of you, but this book wasn"t half bad, so I kept it.”

The corner of Su Yang"s mouth began twitching. Suddenly at a loss for words, he could only nod his head meekly.

Jing Cheng asked, “Doesn"t Yu-er want to know what is written in the book?”

Su Yang shook his head firmly. “No, I don"t want to know.”

Jing Cheng tilted his chin up. His deep, dark eyes were filled with tenderness. “Yu-er, your face is red.”

Su Yang: “……”

It wasn"t that Su Yang had suddenly learned restraint, but he had just been shown a book full of xx images. He could not help feeling a little restless and stifled, and the closeness of Jing Cheng"s body did not help. The scent of his maleness made Su Yang recall the drawings in the book which depicted the Róng Wángye"s extraordinary and magnificent oo!!

{T/N: xx and oo were in the raws. Please put your imagination to use.}

Su Yang spoke in barely a whisper, “I-I"m feeling hot…..”

Jing Cheng kissed the tip of his nose, and smiled. “This husband is thinking, could it be possible that my Yu-er has finally grown up?”

Grown, grown up…… doesn"t that mean he"s ready to be eaten?! His mind suddenly flashed to the fat koi in their palace"s pond, all them them turned into steaming sweet and sour fish and served on the dining table. Su Yang could feel his brain buzzing, ready to blow up.

He opened his eyes wide and stared at Jing Cheng with a face full of innocence, using a puzzled expression to silently urge the other: Nope!! I"m still a baby, you absolutely cannot mess around with me!!

Jing Cheng stoically returned his stare for a short moment, before finally capitulating.

He slowly tightened his arms, and sighed softly, “Don"t be afraid, I won"t hurt you again, never again.”

Su Yang leaned against his chest, feeling that Jing Cheng"s manner of speaking and his choice of words seemed to be heavy with some underlying meaning. A vague sense of unease rose in him.

After a long month, the arduous trek came to an end. They have finally arrived at the South China Sea.

Day in, day out, the soldiers and civilians stationed in Yancheng were besieged and were on the verge of losing the will to fight. But at long last, the imperial court has sent the much needed help.

When Jing Cheng led his army into the city walls, every single person, from the elderly to the officers and soldiers, knelt to the ground as one. They repeatedly prostrated themselves in fervent worship. A thunderous chorus rose. “Long live the Róng Wáng, long live the Róng Wáng—–!!”

Su Yang pushed aside the window flap and poked his head out to look. Joy, vigor and a renewed will to live shone on the faces of the people before him. As Greater Ming"s undefeated legend, Jing Cheng has brought the dawn of hope to this small city of Yancheng.

Although he has no first hand experience of war, Su Yang knew well the destruction and misery it could bring. Their means of livelihood could be lost in the blink of an eye, entire families could be torn apart and scattered. The pain, grief, and utter devastation left in the aftermath of a war could span for generations.

While the lords and n.o.bles in Jianzhou city busied themselves with their political game plays, running official investigations and pushing responsibilities around, these people here only wanted to live.

At this moment, he finally understood the words Jing Cheng had spoken previously, and also the motivation for his heroism.

Jing Cheng did not want to rule the nation, but he knew that Jing Qian and Jing Sheng were not capable of defending their country, and so he chose to seize it.

Su Yang turned his gaze to the forefront of the army, where Jing Cheng was astride a fine horse as he led the troops. His tall, upright body concealed its lethal grace and destructive potential. Su Yang was suddenly bursting with pride. The hero that these people worshiped, was here to save them because of him.

Jing Cheng seemed to feel his gaze and turned to look back, only to see the carriage"s window flap swaying slowly. His cold eyes turned warm and gentle.

Su Yang: I wasn"t peeking!

Thanks to JessicaLins for the ko-fi!!! ❤

Sc.u.m Shou readers, doesn"t it feel like Su Yang is throwing some shade on Ye Ming"s ‘self-sacrificing" antics in Ch 42-2? Add to the fact that Su Yang and Ye Ming are both actors/artists in their original worlds… haha.

Update was late because I had a ton of work. This month has been moderately awful for me as well, due to other reasons. I"m looking forward to things picking up in July~

There is one novel (Holding on to my Man) I"m kinda thinking of picking up. The translator (Peony) seems to have disappeared without any warning, and the story has been left un-attended for 3 months+ now. Not sure if I should wait for a couple more months for Peony to return, or if I should just forget about picking up any more series, seeing as how I"m not the fastest translator.

I"m also considering opening a slot for a TLC (translation checker) for TSWCSS, because it seriously tests my comprehension abilities sometimes. But it miiiight mean slower releases. Thoughts?

Thanks for reading.


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