Arc 1: The President"s Unfaithful Lover

Chapter Nine

Su Yang said sincerely: “Mr. Fu, you really rich ah!”

Fu Zhou laughed before turning around to switch on the lights. He said: “It was originally a real estate developed by Fu, as a spare house.”

The lights were dazzling a bit, Su Yang raised his hands to cover his eyes and whispered: “How many of your people did you bring, like those big black man that brought me here last time, are they on stationed each floor?”

Fu Zhou poured a cup of warm water and handed it to him, with a slight smile: “Why, did it give you a psychological shadow? There are only a few of them, above and below, just in case, don"t think too much.”

Su Yang cutely nodded but his heart is getting more restless, why do businessman need so many bodyguards? So very strange ma!

However, in the end, he did not ask these embarra.s.sing words directly, sipping tea on one side, quietly looking at Fu Zhou, wearing casual clothes, hair slanted to the corner, eyebrows gentle as his smile. No matter how you look, this person is clearly pure and harmless.

Although at first he was compelled to leave, the other only verbally threatened him and didn"t harm physically. When he was sick, he also gave him medicines. Like that ginger soup… Well, although it was hard to drink, it is good for his health. Really shouldn"t have ‘gauge the heart of a gentleman with one"s own mean measure.*"

Thinking about it, he decided to throw away his suspicions to the back of his mind, took the guitar out of his bag, sat on the couch and set on adjusting the tone a bit then asked:

“Does Mr. Fu have any songs that he wants to hear?”

“You choose, I don"t have any preferences.”

Fu Zhou calmly sat down in front of him, looking at Su Yang"s serious look, somehow made him unable to restrain a smile, he never actually listened to pop music, he just want to tease Su Yang, see how many songs he learned in that kind of childish club.

Su Yang pondered for a bit, then slowly plucked the strings, a gentle rhythm flowing from his fingertips:

That afternoon, the sun was just right

The weeping willows on the corner of the street

Birds singing all over the place

Right there, under the willow tree

ta, ta, ta~~

You come to the coffee shop

The aroma of cocoa

The softness of the cake

You only ordered a cup of black coffee

The black coffee that I hate the most

Sweet smelling but very bitter

Don"t know why

ta, ta, ta, ta, ta~~

One look

And it took my breath away

Lost in my mind

Embarra.s.sed at being seen by you

ta, ta, ta, ta, ta~~

That afternoon, the sun was just right

Cupid made a nasty joke

That afternoon, the sun was just right

There is only you in my eyes

That afternoon, the sun was just right

You"re just perfect in my eyes

ta, ta, ta, ta, ta~~

Sunset comes

Birds return to their nests

Leaving a cup of black coffee

You didn"t even add sugar

I really can"t stand the pain of drinking a coffee like that

The sun is just right

Just because the sun is just right~

The melody of this song is clear from the beginning, goes along with the beat, cheerful and lively, coupled with Su Yang"s hoa.r.s.e voice, it gives off an indescribable taste. The song"s lyrics casually telling a story, a love story that happened in spring.

A shy boy in the cafe met his love, only daring to look from afar, idling till the sunset and that person left, leaving only half a cup of coffee. A romantic encounter, touching the emotions deep within the heart.

A bittersweet kind of love story, different people with opposing character and hobbies, who said it wasn"t a trick from heaven?

A coincidence meeting that took away his heart, but because of the lack of fate, he can only let go.

In the end, he can only sigh, just because ‘the sun is just right."

The ending of this story is no doubt regrettable but Su Yang from the beginning to the end adopted a cheerful melody as if he"s just looking back into the past, just thinking of precious memories.

The melody"s lively tune and of remorse, interwoven together, seemingly contradicting and subtle, making people guess if the protagonist was sad or just reminiscing of that person who likes to drink that bitter black coffee, an unforgettable memory tangled with hazy feelings making people care more.

Su Yang deliberately sang a song that will help him acquire some goodwill from this person.

Originally Su Yao and Fu Zhou met in a cafe, a shy waiter and an older man who only ordered a cup of black coffee, it was supposed to be full of wonderful memory, but everything turned into a mess.

He wanted to make Fu Zhou remember this memory, the way he sigh"s about the lack of fate, about how he doesn"t know how to express his feelings, making it seem like his love is too cheap.

Besides, men, if you go easy on them, you won"t be cherished. If you are aloof, sophisticated, it will cause them to worry more about you going away.

The crisp and melodious voice gradually settles down, and in this silent night it seems extraordinarily lonely, but it set off a burst of shallow ripples.

Su Yang slowly raised his eyes and asked: “Was it good?”

Fu Zhou didn"t speak, giving him a look, before he gently nodded his head:

“It was good, just a little unexpected.”

Su Shi chuckled and said: “Did my song surprised you. If I said that this song was created by me, would you be more surprised?”

Fu Zhou shook his head: “No, no one would write such a strange song, what"s it called?”

Su Yang looked at him then slowly said: “Yang – Guang – Zheng – Hao”

“The sun is just right…” Fu Zhou rolled this words with his tongue and whispered: “Sorry.”

Su Yang frowned a bit, pretending to be confused: “Why apologize.” Hey, did you finally got back your conscience and regretted what you did to this young master.

“I don"t know, our relationship used to be pure, but then I dumped you, and you retaliated by smearing on my reputation. Now I offer wealth and you give me your cooperation but listening to you singing that song makes my chest stuffy.”

“…” Su Yang looked at his handsomely dazed face, all of a sudden, countless cool expressions appeared in his mind that he wanted to say.

Originally, this task was considered a failure, even now there is still no progress, unexpectedly, he found out that Fu Zhou doesn"t really know what love is! In other words, this guy has an emotional flaw!

No wonder he treats everyone with that same gentleness, although he has a wide variety of friends very few truly matters to him. In fact, he is innocent, he"s just used to showing his perfect side in front of people.

Seemingly affectionate but deep down, he is actually ruthless, that is what made Fu Zhou.

The original owner was a slag, the president is not a slag but a husband of an adulteress!

——System, are you kidding me?


Fu Zhou looked at his suddenly ugly expression and carefully asked: “Are you unwell? Why don"t you go back to your room to rest.”

Su Yang heavily nodded, reviewing the key components, the difficulty instantly upgraded by several levels in an instant. He must reorganize his plans.

Fu Zhou looked at his departing figure, his heart getting increasingly upset.

The purpose of having Su Yang stay was for him to treat his own untold disease. Unfortunately, no progress has been made. Except for that night, he suddenly became angry and then everything went back to before. Since then, there has been no situation where the same thing happened.

He"s been thinking about that all that these days that he forgot to consider what Su Yang would feel about it, they"ve already broken up but he stubbornly pinned him to his side, letting him sink deeper into love, not minding if it right or wrong.

If it was just anyone, he wouldn"t have such concerns but the subject is Su Yang, why wouldn"t he care?

Su Yang dumped himself on the bed, hatefully monologuing: “d.a.m.n it, I mean, I"ve been carefully fighting for so long in order not to lose blood, didn"t know that I was fighting a BOSS and not a regular mob, his defensive power is too high! ”

The system said: “You didn"t completely lose your blood though, last time it went up by 7%.”

“Yes, and then I threw the bowl of porridge at him…” He grabbed his hair and cried: “How did it go up last time?”

System answered: “I don"t know what happened last time but tonight it rose to 11%, it seems like singing a love song strategy is effective.”

Su Yang got up and climb to his feet excitedly: “It unexpected rose! Finally, something to look forward to…”

He touched his chin, his thoughts flashing quickly, so it wasn"t emotional defect isn"t the problem, as long as he is willing to patiently wait. Besides, who wouldn"t be afraid if that progress also reduced itself to zero?

After thinking about it, he happily hummed a tune as he went into the bathroom, and the song is all about that 11%. Did he sing a few more songs? Well, that"s just being delusional, but the road ahead is getting brighter and full of hope.

After showering, he wiped his hair with a dry towel and walked out of the bathroom.

Fu Zhou never entered his room and he usually sleeps naked. At this point, he doesn"t bother to put on pajamas anymore.

As a result, two people caught sight of each other… Two people became stunned.

If you asked Su Yang why isn"t he hurrying to get dressed? That"s because the system has been ringing in his ears, halting him in his actions.

Current Progress: 12%

Current Progress: 13%

Current Progress: 14%

Current Progress: 27%

Then system finally stopped.

Su Yang is cool about it, uh, Fu Zhou is very chill about it too. It"s a happy ending.

SuYang: Face, think kind of thing has already been thrown away ╮(╯▽╰)╭.

*to gauge the heart of a gentleman with one"s own mean measure (idiom) = projecting one"s shortcoming on someone

Yang – Guang – Zheng – Hao = means ‘The sun is just right"

MMP = Chinese internet slang for saying something ‘cool", ‘exciting" etc.

The lyrics just kept becoming hilarious every line, I feel like he mostly just sang his dislike for black bitter coffee hahaha…

Anyway, I really wasn"t able to understand much of that explanation about the song. It was so cheesy too, something sweet and repet.i.tive was going on that part…

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