The Substitute Bride

Chapter 123 – 125Traces (Series)

Chapter 123 – 125Traces (Series)


Ye Che at the moment when Gu Na Yan stretching out his hand, he has so sure that person as Wan Er, he has seen her worn that hairpin for many times, that day when she was leaving Ye’s Mansion, she also worn that hairpin, it was gift that given by mother.
Ye Che is raised his body and grabbed that hairpin, at same time he is trying to ensure one more time by himself, he also said: “Doesn’t this belong to Wan Er? Wasn’t this thing given by mother to her, how could it with you?” 
“Has there any clue regardless her? Have you seen her? Have you found her?” There’s a crystal clear light at Ye Che’s eyes, he thought immediately he would able to meet his Wan Er. 
“Brother, you sit first, let Na Yan slowly tell you!” Ye Ding who was standing beside finally today he could see his older brother astute, little bit lamenting, please come back his lovely Third Sister in Law!
Stop to torment few of them! Their home is already in chaos, moreover the Long family also turns up and down, all are because his lovely Third Sister in Law! Speak honestly, all caused by his Third Sister in Law, this is his first time to worry someone badly!
Gu Na Yan cast a glance at Ye Che with nothing big deal happen eyesight, and then he pulled Lu Qun, and let her to have seat too. azurro4cielo. At the moment when her b.u.t.t touched the stool, Lu Qun really wanted to jump and stand up. azurro4cielo. As if could feel what Lu Qun going to to do, Gu Na Yan’s hand that for all this time is free put little bit strength not to let Lu Qun succeed.
Since at the beginning Ye Ding has found out Gu Na Yan motive, he has observance the gestures between both of them, silent and not say anything, pretending as if see nothing, waiting to see the wonderful ‘show’ from two of them. azurro4cielo. While Ye Che still focusing and thought of his Wan Er in his mind, so that he also not pay attention the changes between Gu Na Yan and also Lu Qun.
Seeing Gu Na Yan’s gesture, Lu Qun glanced at him for while, and shocked to catch the burning hot flame in his eyes, that kind of eyesight as if going fast to burn her, and let her face without reason burning hot, as if she is having a fever, her heart skip beat faster and faster, her palm cold sweating. azurro4cielo. Avoiding his forceful eyesight, so that Lu Qun only can cast away her restless heart while sitting quietly.
“Che, this is the boss of our Gu’s family branch shop in An Yuan Xian (District An Yuan). azurro4cielo. Fu Zhang, this is the Third Young Master of Ye’s family.” Gu Na Yan is pointing to introduce the middle age man who is standing beside. 
“Fu Zhang come to meet Third Young Master.” 
“What do you mean?” Ye Che did not understand with Gu Na Yan’s words, as if asking something clearer.
Did this hairpin have relation with this man who standing in front of him? Did he know about Wan Er?
“This hairpin is found at Gu’s family p.a.w.nshop in An Yuan Xian (District An Yuan) which being p.a.w.ned before. azurro4cielo. There was Gu’s men who were doing business at outside, this month came back from there, and pa.s.sing by An Yuan Xian (District An Yuan), hence went to shop earlier in order to pick up goods. azurro4cielo. Never thought seen this, and at the same time brought it back, just by coincidentally seen by me, so that I brought to here, at same time I called Fu Zhang to come here too. azurro4cielo. Really does not know if before I didn’t see this hairpin, does not now about this hairpin, perhaps all of us still have to take many paths in order to know where about Sister Wan Er.” Gu Na Yan explained this few words regarding to the begin of his finding. 
“Fu Zhang, how could this hairpin being p.a.w.ned at your shop? Was the person who p.a.w.ned has lively bright and big eyes, when smiled so sweet, fresh clean and pleasant little girl? She has this height, her hair is this long, was she the person? Was she?” After Ye Che listened to Gu Na Yan, he turned his gazing to Fu Zhang, stood up, hurried asking him, even when he asking him he is not forget to describe her appearance. 
“That’s right, that right! How could this hairpin in p.a.w.nshop? Why Miss p.a.w.ned this hairpin in your p.a.w.nshop?” After Lu Qun listened to Gu Na Yan explanation, she is also followed Ye Che excitedly forcing to ask where about Long Mo Er. 
“Alright, you listen thoroughly then ask, you quiet and take seat first.” Gu Na Yan helplessly shook his head, in front of eyes this witty little girl every times she knowing there’s something related to sister Wan Er would turned be this excited, there’s no any differences with Ye Che. How could make the focus toward Sister Wan Er separate half to him? 

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