The Substitute Bride

Chapter 177Ended

Chapter 177Ended

"I will not let her off, you go!" Ye Che avoided, he didn"t want to see her.

"Ling Ling just loves her master, so that she could have done such thing, I beg Third Young Master forgiveness, whatever the result, Fei Yan is willingly to replace Ling Ling, Beg Third Young Master to fulfill." Fei Yan kept on begging, there was no back down in her eyes. After all what was done by Ling Ling was because of her, then she is willingly to use her life to exchange with Ling Ling"s life.

"I won"t agree, since she has done it, then she must bear the responsible."

Silent for while, just stayed rigid.

"Since Third Young Master has decided, Fei Yan is willingly to bear the responsible together with Ling Ling, all is happened because of Fei Yan, Fei Yan does not want to be righteous alone where the morals is low. Hopes Third Young Master to fulfill." Fei Yan kowtow heavily on the ground, her mouth was repeating her hope to be fulfilled by Third Young Master.

"Please Third Young Master granted, please Third Young Master granted."

One time, two times, three times…

Ye Che head down only saw her redden forehead, unexpectedly heart felt unbearable, didn"t know. "Why you must do this bitterly? Do you really think that I can"t do anything about you?"

"Fei Yan doesn"t think so, Fei Yan understands my position in Third Young Master"s heart, the things that done by Ling Ling could not be forgiven, Fei Yan also won"t beg anymore, Fei Yan really hopes Third Young Master can grant, granted Fei Yan to be punished together with Ling Ling."

"You…" Ye Che p.i.s.sed off swinging his sleeves. "I never thought that you are so stubborn."

"Third Young Master, everything that done by Ling Ling was because of me, because her concerned and also her affection toward me, so that she didn"t want to see me sad then she did it, Ling Ling so affection and trustful toward Fei Yan, even though the things that she done was wrong, but Fei Yan still wants to beg, everything happened because of Fei Yan."

Ye Che silent.

"Third Young Master begging you, I know we are sorry toward Third Young Madam, hopes Third Young Master can give same punishment to Fei Yan." Fei Yan continued to kowtow her head on ground.

"I don"t want to know whether this is because of you or not, since you are such willingly to accompany her, then I grant you." Once Ye Che thought Long Mo Er who looked so fragile, finally harden his heart. "Ding, bring her along, send her to government officer."

Ye Ding who was standing not far from there after he heard Ye Che, moving in front and then helped Fei Yan to stand up, and bring her to leave.

"I hope later will never see you anymore." Ye Che coldly said.

Fei Yan gave him a deep sight, there was indescribable expression, then followed Ye Ding walking out.

Was everything happened because of her?

If not because of him and Fei Yan such close, all these things would not happen to Long Mo Er! Speak frankly, all wasn"t happened because of her, but all was happened because of him. Fei Yan is a woman that let people to feel sympathy, but he loves Wan Er, he wants to take care and pays attention only to Wan Er! All the things that done by Ling Ling because her affection toward her master, so vicious, but was it only because of Fei Yan, this is because deep relationship between master and maid? Wan Er is okay now, would he still harden his heart? If Bai Yin Chen didn"t save Wan Er, perhaps he would not hesitate to kill both of them, but now?

At last Ye Che turned back, after take a look at Fei Yan who walking out from courtyard for last time, his heart is also followed complicated.

Hopes all of these are ended.

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