The Substitute Bride

Chapter 179

Chapter 179
Chapter 179Shocked


At the time when Lu Qun left, Bai Yin Chen didn’t have mood to take a rest.

Didn’t he feel tired before, it was because he scared, he scared Ye Che might find something was off. Actually he must leave immediately, Mo Er doing fine now, but why he even agreed to Ye Che pledging, this isn’t right, it’s no longer in his plan. A gloomy moods stuck in his mind, his feeling make him hard to breathe.

Suddenly, he thought of something, he walking to outside.

He could not be any familiar more without realized he has already walked back many times small paths, without he realized he has walked until Nan Yuan Yard. 由小蓝翻译, azurro’s translation

Thing in front of his eyes there are not much things changed, all the things are still there as if the master that own them never been leaving. But, their master has gone for long time actually.

Actually he was the previous owner of them! He, the Second Young Master of Ye’s, Ye Xi! All of this is belonged to him! Since he was a child until adult, he has feeling for all of them! But because she gone, he also has already disinterested with all of it, so that, he chose to leave without bid good bye. Don’t copy paste azurro translation

He has been already two years never come back to this place. Seeing such familiar room and yard, his heart is started to screw up. They are those he most familiarized, he most longing and also scariest place.

If not because Mo Er sudden appearance, he would not step in to this place forever! He is always hiding himself scared to face his real feeling, now seeing the and flowers that still same with his memory, trees, a room, the softest place in his heart most longing for this taste suddenly burst out, just by this way trigger out.

But, his pride and her death, didn’t allow him to have this feeling anymore.

Walking to the way where he used to build a small room by his hand, hand heavily lifted, pushed open the sliding door. The things inside shocked him. All aren’t changed at all, red table, bamboo chair, wooden bed, the scroll paint on wall…. All of those were made by himself. After all they are still being kept so well, quietly put at there.

Then looking at the most familiar paint on the wall, it was her picture, so quiet, so elegant, so gentle… as if he could see she still smiling toward him from the paint. translation work belonged to azurro

Stared blankly for long time, very quiet looking at her. Recalling back the time when first time he drew her painting that happy scenery, strangely it turned him to be sad. After all he just missed her out that way, after all he could not do anything. stop to steal this translation work from everything flash in mind-azurro

Is it regretted? Is it hatred? Or love?

It took awhile for his heart to feel calm, but seeing these things his heart still feeling hurt.

He walked to the bamboo chair that he likes the most, he remembered that he used to draw in this red table, after he felt tired, he would take and read the book that he like, sitting on this bamboo chair, opened the window beside, enjoying the peaceful afternoon.

Is it reminiscing? Or the others else? He did not really understand.

Hand touching the table, at the moment after he saw the table, he stayed still, completely didn’t move.

How could it be? How could it be? There is no slightest dust on the table, it is so clean as if everyday there will be someone coming to clean it. How could it be like this? Why? Could it be…

What do they think? They know that he has gone for long time, he wouldn’t be back, but why everything in here still being kept as its origin? Why it still so clean? Are they doing it by intentionally?

Why? Do they still remember him? Do they still…. 

Did not dare to think of it, did not want to be shocked for what he has found, he quickly left this place, turned tailed hurriedly. Now everything that his heart felt at this moment is completely bursting out.

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