The Substitute Bride

Chapter 121Long Mo Er contradiction

Chapter 121Long Mo Er contradiction

Long Mo Er does not remember how could she has already been inside the rest place (in modern world we called it as hotel LOLS), she also didn’t remember for how long she being shaken by that love story, but at the time when she gained herself, moon has already hung up in the sky, the silver light has already brighten the big ponds.© 2011-2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. If you are not reading this from, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

The hand supported on the window, looking at the moonlight which brighten the night, such peaceful and quiet, very similar with every night that had pa.s.sed, there is no slightest changes or differences, every day and night are forever coming back over and over, sun sets and sun arises, moon sets and moon arises!© 2011-2016 azurro4cielo.wordpress.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED. If you are not reading this from, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

But, the mood and feeling in heart can be such different.

Long time ago she used to think every matter could be settled ordinarily quietly and peacefully and naturally changing, everything just works so naturally, she never know that place that not far from her could give her such tearing hurt and painful to her heart. Perhaps, at this moment at somewhere the place that she looking at could be able happened same shocking and touching heart love story.© 2011-2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. If you are not reading this from, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

Why people who are loving each other cannot protect their love and stay together?

It happened to love before, it happened to have it before, but why cannot stay together? How could something such miserable happen? Actually who’s fault is it? What’s all of this? Actually whose fault and whose right it is?
© 2011-2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. If you are not reading this from, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.
Head is filled with so many questions without any answer, feeling is filled with being pity, but what use is it?

Sister Lin Ling isn’t here anymore, everything could not to get back as before, after all their ending love story can make oneself feels helpless, what should she do in order to help Brother Bai?
Heart, such desperate!© 2011-2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. If you are not reading this from, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

Lifts up the head, close the eyes, it can feel the gentle wind is blowing, just hoping that the wind being able to take away her worries and uneasy for this moment, blowing away her not peaceful feeling, restore back her peaceful moods.

But, heart isn’t something easy to be peaceful if want to be peaceful.

Close the eyes, after all she is being able to see clearly of Ye Che’s silhouette.

The deep frown and also wrinkle, pensively sleeping, from his face he looks so white pale and exhausted.

“Impossible, impossible!” Long Mo Er disbelief, she opens her eyes, and also shaking her head, her eyes little bit in hazed. “How can your look turn to be like this? No, it must because I am dreaming half the time so that I could think your look like that! You mustn’t look alike that, you must be very happy right now, impossible for you to look like that.”©2011-2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. If you are not reading this from, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

Why she keeps on minding? Why she must take to her heart?

Fall in love, can it really this hurt?

Why cannot to spend sweet days once falling in love?

Is she too naive? Is she too naive to the point that she not knowing how to face her feeling?

Big Brother Chen and Sister Lin Ling such loving each other, such persistent about their love, but didn’t stay together at last, while she has this much time, should she work harder to grasp her own happiness?

But, can she make her wishful thinking come true and get her own happiness?

Big Brother Bai and Sister Lin Ling are loving each others, while she does not get any affirm from Ye Che, aren’t Ye Che and Fei Yan really the perfect match for each other?
© 2011-2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. If you are not reading this from, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

So sad, frustrated!

What must she do for the sake of goodness? What should she do so that both of them can be happily?

Really sad, really so sad!

© 2011-2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. If you are not reading this from, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.
Being disappearing for few days, did he realize it? Would he remember about her? Still, does he happily staying together with Fei Yan? She is not daring to keep thinking and she also does not want to think of it!

Actually what should she do?

Climbing up to her bed, laying down and resting her body on the bed, Long Mo Er is covering her face with quilt, crying out loud to her heart’s content.

Crying with great grief, constantly for very long time.© 

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