The Summoner Is Going

Chapter 216

Translation: DarkHeartedAlchemist
Editor: Weasalopes

《Now show me your power!》

Yeah yeah, I didn"t ask for all that repeated dialogue options.

Okay, let"s attack it while it"s still talking.

Kubira Lv2

Heavenly General  Target Subjugation Active

Battle Position: Ground  Fire Attribute

Muscle Boar Lv5

Monster  Target Subjugation Active

Battle Position: Ground  Earth Attribute

Kubira, huh?

I"m sure that"s the proper reading of that name.

Although in Shinto he is sometimes referred to as Kompira.

In a stark contrast to Basara, its expression was the one warped with anger.

Just like the previous enemy, it was equipped with a sword.

But the minion acting as its support was a giant boar this time.

We"re going to do this just like we did last time.

Monsters will take care of the boar while I"ll handle the main boss.

The spell I"ve strengthened us with are still in effect, but it would be good if we could wrap this battle up quickly in order to utilize them to their fullest extent.

All right, no sense in dilly-dallying any longer.

When I approached him, he swung his sword towards me without any prior warning.

I managed to jump backwards to avoid having it cut off entirely, but that one scratch did a surprisingly large amount of damage?

It wa nothing that I couldn"t heal, but just the thought that a few centimeters more could"ve spelled my doom was enough to send chills down my spine.

I have to stop being so naïve, thinking that no one can do anything to me.

It would seem that my monsters are also having a hard time against the Muscle Boar. I don"t know how he managed to do it, but Obsidian has eaten quite a lot of damage himself.

Luckily Ninetails was there to support him, so they were somehow getting by, but all in all their performance against it was not all that great.

Until they managed to inflict it with poison that is!

From then all they had to do was to stall it until its HP bar gradually went from almost 100% to 0.

They bested that enemy, but if I were to be honest, it felt kinda like a cheat.

《You have proven yourself to me, mortal!Now go and face more adversity!》

Okay, all right, you don"t have to shout at me like that, I get it!

After the Boar was dispatched, killing Kubira proved to be not as difficult as I"ve initially thought.

My monsters served as distractions that kept him away from me, allowing me to brutalize him down with my Tonfas and judo moves, bringing an end to the fight about 10 minutes after it began.

Also, before I forget: WTF?!

No items again!

Is this some kind of hidden feature that I am not aware of!?

This abysmal item drop rate is making me so sad!

《Prove your power to me!》

When the next battle started I made sure to let the enemy finish talking before engaging him while I also checked if the spells were still active.

Bikara Lv2

Heavenly General  Target Subjugation Active

Battle Position: Ground  Earth Attribute

Hipping Rat Lv4

Monster  Target Subjugation Active

Battle Position: Ground  Resist Wind  Resist Earth

Vikala, huh?

No, in the j.a.panese p.r.o.nunciation it should be Bikara.

Contrary to the usual Buddha statues, this one was completely red with trident for a weapon.

From the magic circle at its feet, 3 Hipping Rats emerged.

Okay, 4 enemies in total, but I don"t think Rats are going to be that big of a problem for us.

Same for his weapon. Even if it has long reach, all I have to do is to disarm him using my overpowered judo techniques.

Without waiting I rushed towards the enemy  and while dodging the trident thrusts I made my way behind his back where I have caught him in the Sleeper hold, after I broke the arm that held the trident with an armlock of course.

Then a certain thought occurred to me.

So far none of these guys have really put up a fight against me.

Why is that? Could it have some deeper meaning, or am I just overthinking it?

Oh well.

Finishing the Rats off took a while longer due to how mobile they actually were.

Well, they might"ve been fast but what"s it to them if they are dead now?

After the first one has fallen, the last two soon followed him, mauled to death by Obsidian.

I am surprised and disturbed at how violent he"s getting recently.

When he crushed the last one, the mess he left splattered all over Ninetails.

Oh you poor thing. I"ll be sure to clean your fur for you later, all right?

《Prove your power to me! 》

At first I listened to the enemy, but realizing he has nothing new to say I stopped caring.


Suddenly,  Ninetails squeals.

Wow, that was something new. That is actually a first time I heard him make any kind of sound.

Thinking about it now, most of my Summoned Monsters tend to be pretty silent, whether it was before or after the Cla.s.s Change. Good examples of that would be Bunraku, creep and Obsidian.

Time to slowly make our way forward. Ninetails, if at all possible, try not to make any loud sounds, all right?

He looks at me and nods his head, signaling that he understood me perfectly.

I have arrived at the next hall.

The same info as before got repeated once more.

I don"t want to hear it anymore, so instead I focus my gaze on the statue in the room.

Shatora Lv3

Heavenly General  Target Subjugation Active

Battle Position: Ground  Light Attribute

Fighting Bull Lv3

Monster  Target Subjugation Active

Battle Position: Ground

My spells are still active.

I want to do as much as I can before their effects disappear.

I can"t allow myself to just sit idly by and wait.

Shotora, huh?

It had an angry face and a blue skin.

Just looking at it evoked a strong sense of discomfort in me.

He came equipped with a sword, just like all the others before him.

This, however, looks to be a tachi.

The blade itself looks to be meticulously crafted and an inscription is even written on it, but now I don"t have the time to be looking at it closely and it"ll just disappear once I defeat the Boss.

This seems like such a waste of a beautiful piece of weaponry, but there"s nothing I can do about it now.

But if the Boss" companion is a bull, then I wonder if it"s going to leave some of its meat behind when we"ll kill it?

But enough about that, we need to dispose of it quickly!

With such a Lv and large, long weapon avoiding it was rather easy despite its long reach, so I used that opportunity to behind Shatora"s back and molest its arms from there.

That was also a good place for me to observe how the battle between Fighting Bull and my Summoned Monsters was unfolding.

Hmm, maybe I should"ve added one more monster to the front guard?

After he went through his Cla.s.s Change, Goki was perfectly suited and equipped for battles such as this one. Although he was definitely stronger than the Fighting Bull over here, I couldn"t shake off the feeling that bringing him here would only needlessly burden him.

Then maybe I should switch Ninetails or Bunraku for someone else in the rear guard?

Let"s watch and observe them a little bit more.

Creep was a nice a.s.sist here.

He keeps sliding between the strikes which are coming his way as he bites into the Bull"s ankles, continuously inflicting him with poison.

Newly summoned Goki is also able to land some good hits on him.

Being forced to divide his attention between Goki and Creep the Bull is no longer able to fight effectively and soon succ.u.mbs to the combined might of the acc.u.mulated poison and deadly sword blows.

Obsidian tackles him from behind, hitting the last nail to its coffin straight on the head.

They all handled his rather effectively, but I wonder how would they fared if there were two Bulls instead of one?

Either way, good job.

After I finished observing my monsters, it was time to bring Shotora down, and admittedly, that wasn"t that difficult of a task.

Just like I predicted, the beautiful sword disappeared as soon as the main Boss kicked the bucked.

Truly a needless waste of a good piece of equipment.

I was expecting to hear the familiar message which I was honestly quite tired of by now, but much to my pleasant surprise, a there came a useful info for a change.

《Summoned Monster [Ninetails] Level Up! 》

《Please add 1 to increase the value of the statistic of your choosing.》

Just a little more and Ninetails will be able to have a Cla.s.s Change.


Let"s look at his status screen now.

The INT value has already risen, so let"s put that other one into SPR to balance it out.

Ninetails  Red Fox Lv6 → Lv7 (↑ 1)

DEX 10

AGI 20

INT 21 (↑ 1)

STR 10

VIT 10

SPR 21 (↑ 1)


Biting  Evasion, Rush, Detect Danger, MP Recovery Increase [Slight] Light attribute


The Fighting Bull left nothing.

Of course there is nothing left after him.

Nothing left. At all.

So what kind of enemy will be coming at me right now?

I know I remember, but I just can"t put my finger on it… ugh, I know its on the tip of my tongue, come on!

And what is this uneasiness that suddenly overwhelms me?

The next statue is different from all the others, bearing more similarities to Nioh rather than to anything else.

And angry look with its mouth closed.

One other thing sets it apart from all the other typical Buddha statues.

It doesn"t have any weapon in hand.

This foreboding feeling…

This is a premonition of an incoming battle!

Very well! Have at you!

I will make you my next prey for sure!

I renew all of my strengthening spells and try to recall everything I"ve learned about the enemy before me.

Shindura Lv3

Heavenly General  Target Subjugation Active

Battle Position: Ground  s.p.a.ce-Time Attribute

Sturm Tiger Lv3

Monster Target Subjugation Active

Battle Position: Ground  Wind Attribute

So this is Shindura, and by the looks of it, hic companion is going to be a tiger, but their levels are not very high.

Okay, like always, I"ll leave the support to my monsters and face off against the big baddie myself.

I have very high hopes.

What kind of battle will it be?

Maybe I"ll also try fighting with bare hands?

Like a fighter vs fighter match.

I"m really thankful to you, my enemy

Good hits

Good kicks.

Throw are also good.

It"s even trying to use joint locks.

Perfection of the purest kind.

And it has more power than me.

That is what makes this fight so enjoyable, especially since it is only slightly larger than me, unlike Nioh or Gozu & Mezu.

What then ensued was a round of us exchanging blows back and forth, with me slowly but surely widening the gap in our HP pools, until finally after a grueling series or rush attacks the Heavenly General finally fell to the ground, defeated.

What about the tiger?

He looks to be at his limit.

Its hind legs were bound by Creep so he couldn"t move freely.

Apparently Goki took some damage, but overall not that much.

From the distance he was sending arrow after arrow into the Sturm Tiger"s belly, making it look like an oversized pincushion.

He fought really hard and finally he sank his sword into the tiger"s neck, killing him at last.


It was such a good fight!

But once again, I haven"t received any items from it.

This is beginning to seriously get on my nerves!

Now, on to the next hall while the effects of my spells still linger!

It would be such a shame if I allowed them to wear off now.

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