The Tale of Genji

Chapter 46

NAKAMITSU.--Oh, horror unutterable! to think that I should have slain mine own innocent child! But I must go and inform my lord. [_He goes to Mitsunaka"s apartment._ How shall I dare to address my lord? I have slain my lord Bijiyau according to your commands.

MITSUNAKA.--So thou hast killed the fellow? I trow his last moments were those of a coward. Is it not true?

NAKAMITSU.--Not so, my lord. As I stood there aghast, holding in my hand the sword your lordship gave me, your son called out, "Why doth Nakamitsu thus delay?" and those were the last words he was pleased to utter.

MITSUNAKA.--As thou well knowest, Bijiyau was mine only child. Go and call thy son Kauzhiyu, and I will adopt him as mine heir.

NAKAMITSU.--Kauzhiyu, my lord, in despair at being separated from young my lord, hath cut off his locks,[167] and vanished none knows whither.

I, too, thy gracious license would obtain.

Hence to depart, and in some holy fane To join the priesthood.

MITSUNAKA.--Harsh was my decree, Yet can I think what thy heart"s grief must be That as its own my recreant child receiv"d, And now of both its children is bereav"d.

But "tis a rule of universal sway That a retainer ever must obey.

CHORUS.--Thus would my lord, with many a suasion fond, Have rais"d poor Nakamitsu from despond.

Nor eke himself, with heart all stony hard, Might, as a father, ev"ry pang discard:-- Behold him now, oh! lamentable sight!

O"er his own son perform the fun"ral rite.


Scene I.--Mitsunaka"s Palace

_Some time is supposed to have elapsed, and Weshin, abbot of the monastery on Mount Hiyei, comes down from that retreat to Mitsunaka"s palace in the capital, bringing with him Bijiyau, who had been persuaded by Nakamitsu to take refuge with the holy man._

WESHIn.--I am the priest Weshin, and am hastening on my way to my lord Mitsunaka"s palace, whither certain motives guide me. [_They arrive at the gate and he cries out_:] I would fain crave admittance.

NAKAMITSU.--Who is it that asks to be admitted? Ah! "tis his reverence, Weshin.

WESHIn.--Alas, for poor Kauzhiyu!

Nakamitsu.--Yes; but prithee speak not of this before his lordship.

[_He goes to Mitsunaka"s apartment._] How shall I venture to address my lord? His reverence, Weshin, hath arrived from Mount Hiyei.

MITSUNAKA.--Call him hither.

Nakamitsu.--Your commands shall be obeyed. [_He goes to the room where Weshin is waiting, and says_:] Be pleased to pa.s.s this way.

[_They enter Mitsunaka"s apartment._

MITSUNAKA.--What may it be that has brought your reverence here to-day?

WESHIn.--"Tis this, and this only. I come desiring to speak to your lordship anent my lord Bijiyau.

MITSUNAKA.--Respecting him I gave orders to Nakamitsu, which orders have been carried out.

WESHIn.--Ah! my lord, "tis that, "tis that I would discourse of. Be not agitated, but graciously deign to give me thine attention while I speak. Thou didst indeed command that my lord Bijiyau"s head should be struck off. But never might Nakamitsu prevail upon himself to lay hands on one to whom, as his lord, he knew himself bound in reverence through all the changing scenes of the Three Worlds.[168] Wherefore he slew his own son, Kauzhiyu, to save my lord Bijiyau"s life. And now here I come bringing Bijiyau with me, and would humbly supplicate thee to forgive one who was so loved that a man hath given his own son in exchange for him.[169]

MITSUNAKA.--Then he was a coward, as I thought! Wherefore, if Kauzhiyu was sacrificed, did he, too, not slay himself?

WESHIn.--My lord, put all other thoughts aside, and if it be only as an act of piety towards Kauzhiyu"s soul--curse not thy son!

CHORUS.--As thus the good man speaks, Tears of entreaty pour adown his cheeks.

The father hears, and e"en his ruthless breast, Soft"ning at last, admits the fond request, While Nakamitsu, crowning their delight, The flow"ry wine brings forth, and cups that might Have served the fays: but who would choose to set Their fav"rite"s bliss that, home returning, wet His grandson"s grandson"s still remoter line, Beside the joy that doth itself entwine Round the fond hearts of father and of son, Parted and now in the same life made one?

WESHIn.--Prithee, Nakamitsu, wilt thou not dance and sing to us awhile, in honor of this halcyon hour?

[_During the following song Nakamitsu dances._

NAKAMITSU.--Water-bird, left all alone Now thy little mate hath flown, On the billows to and fro Flutter, flutter, full of woe!

CHORUS.--Full of woe, so full of woe, Flutter, flutter, full of woe!

NAKAMITSU.--Ah! if my darling were but here to-day I"d make the two together dance and play While I beat time, and, gazing on my boy, Instead of tears of grief, shed tears of joy!

CHORUS.--Behold him weep!

NAKAMITSU.--But the gay throng perceive Nought but the rhythmic waving of my sleeve.

CHORUS.--Hither and thither, flutt"ring in the wind.

NAKAMITSU.--Above, beneath, with many a dewdrop lin"d!

CHORUS.--Ah, dewy tears! in this our world of woe If any stay, the friends he loves must go:-- Thus "tis ordain"d, and he that smiles to-day To-morrow owns blank desolation"s sway.

But now "tis time to part, the good priest cries-- Him his disciple follows, and they rise; While Nakamitsu walking in their train, The palanquin escorts; for he would fain Last counsel give: "Beware, young lord, beware!

Nor cease from toilsome study; for if e"er Thy sire again be anger"d, all is lost!"

Then takes his leave, low bending to the dust.

Forward they"re borne; but Nakamitsu stays, Watching and weeping with heart-broken gaze, And, mutely weeping, thinks how ne"er again He"ll see his child borne homeward o"er the plain.


[_The j.a.panese t.i.tle is "Za-zen"._]




TARAUKUWAZHIYA, their servant.

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