Back to the battle arena of the Cloud Moon city. Countless cultivators including the mortals were gathered there,each wanting to spectate heated battles between the younger generation.

Nightin stood beside Lancelot as Lancelot stepped onto the battle platform. The moment the eight representatives of the eight sects were spread out,the judge started to announce the rules.

"Welcome to the 31st annual minor grade tournament as we behold the heated battles between the strongest youth of all the sects here. Now to invite..."

After a long speech which caused many people to doze off,the judge finally got to the rules. "This year will be different in order to speed up the progress of the tournament. It will be a chaotic fight as all eight youths challenge each other on the stage at this very moment at the same time. Without further ado,the compet.i.tion will begin right now."

The representative from the wind sect sneered at Lancelot "What"s a trash disciple from a trash sect like you doing right here? I"ll give you the privilege of being the first one to get knocked off the stage."

The representative swing his axe towards Lancelot at full force,his killing intention could be sensed by everyone below. Lancelot grinned at him as he held his palm out,blocking his axe with just one finger before sending him off the stage with a kick.

Nightin interjected at this point "Hey guys,take a look. There"s a human rocket who just crashed on the stage. Oh my G.o.d,why is he even spreading his legs wide apart."

Everyone turned towards that representative to take a look,only to see him truly spreading his legs wide apart for all to see.

"Argh! My eyes hurt!"

"Is he really one of the strongest youths out here?"

"Just what did his seniors teach him!"

"Does he know no shame?"

Countless people started to insult the wind sect for teaching out such a disciple as they targeted the elder of the wind sect who is present.

"That"s enough!"

The elder started at Nightin viciously,seemingly wanting to kill his at this very moment. "Are you his sect master?"

Nightin replied as he close his eyes "So what if I am? If you don"t intend for your sect to be destroyed,I would recommend you to take a step back right now and even apologise to me for your rudeness just now."

"Haha, there"s no such thing to people like me from the wind sect,you can die right now!"

"Mortal grade technique,Eagle Claw!"

The elder formed a wind claw mid air before das.h.i.+ng towards Nightin with it. Something that only cultivators at the martial master realm are capable of doing.

Nightin laughed at him "I guess that you are wanting to join that genius from your sect in spreading your legs wide apart for everyone to see as well." With a swift kick, the elder was sent flying as he laid beside the genius of his sect.

This caused many people to puke as the elder pants actually splited apart...

Of course,this is just a small case that was happening below the arena. Shortly after, everyone regained their composure and turned their eyes back onto the stage.

Lancelot was standing there casually as he watched the other six geniuses stare at him,the aura from him making all the other geniuses cower in fear. To make this much progress,the number of life that he had taken isn"t something that these young representatives can understand. Most of them had probably not even taken a single life yet.

The six geniuses seemingly in unison,attacked Lancelot at the same time with the martial technique unique to their sect.

"So what if you"re wrong, there"s no way you can take this full out attack of ours!"

"You may be a genius more talented than us,but you won"t be our match no matter how much you try!"

The geniuses mocked Lancelot as dark smoke from the impact started to cover him up.

"A pathetic bunch of fools!"

To their surprise,Lancelot walked out of the smoke cover unharmed. Not even the slightest scratch could be seen on his body.

"This tournament sure is boring,I expected much stronger opponents!" Lancelot thought to himself before sending each and every single on of them off the stage. All ending up in the same position as the duo from the wind sect.

Seeing this,the respective elders picked their sect"s genius up before rus.h.i.+ng back to their sect. Worried that the demon might come after them and give all of them the same treatment.

Nightin stepped out onto the battle arena at this time as he announced to everyone "The winner of the 31st minor grade sect tournament is my sect"s first disciple Lancelot,may everyone give him a warm round of applause!"

Everyone turned to look at each other, shock covered their face as they got dumbfounded. That idiot just now is the sect master of this new Nirvana sect somehow,even though no one wanted to believe this, it"s a undeniable fact.

Despite so,many youths started to rush towards him to get registered. After careful deliberation of the Cloud Moon city youths,he decided to only pick those the hundred youths with the best talent out of the few thousand.

To his surprise,one people he took in shocked him when the system told him,that person has a talent that"s even comparable to Lancelot at the very least. The only disciple of the blood demon who stands at the peak of this world and has ascended to the upper realm since hundred of years ago.

That person may be intending to join the Nirvana sect and lay low to stay safe against the other great forces which might try to kill him to steal his body const.i.tution. The devil blood body which is currently sealed.

Nightin walked up to him as he said "you"ll be the second core disciple of my sect. Follow me, I"ll help you to unseal the shackles limiting your talent right now."

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