Before Ash can even react to what Nightin had told him, a gust of wind bolted towards him from behind as it struck the encompa.s.sing energy barrier directly.

The energy barrier vibrated violently, trembling from the violet strike of the bolt of wind that carries the element of lighting? If it"s just a demon rabbit with cultivation around the middle Saint beast realm, then they have no reason to fear it, but if it has the ability to corrode and command the wind and lightning, then this opponent would be one tough nut to crack for them.

Without even speaking to each other, they understood each other"s thoughts as two sniper rifles formed behind Ash, energy gathering within the sniper"s magazine as it prepared itself for that single devastating blast. Seeing the need to trap the demon rabbit, Nightin activated his samsara eyes without hesitation, enabling him to see through the trees and locate the foe hiding among those trees.

With his eyes still facing the front while maintaining full speed, he ran forward and went past the demon rabbit that was laughing sinisterly, preparing to leap onto Ash and enjoy its feast. It"s a once in a lifetime opportunity to enjoy human meat as a delicacy. In such a desolate place at least.

Bending down, it was about to leap off when two vines caught its legs and prevented it from moving, the vines were made of wind and was reinforced with the order buff which increased their sustainability. "I"ve seen through your plays. Don"t bother replying either since you don"t understand the language of humans. Now then, you may die now."

Nightin raised his sword and was about to stab down when the cry startled him "Don"t! I"ll do whatever you ask me to so long as you allow me to stay alive. I"m the last of my kind and still at a tender age!"

Nightin laughed amusingly and asked "You actually know the human language even though you"ve been in this forest alone all these years and have yet to meet a single human?"

This rabbit isn"t simple, it"s either I rope him in or I"ll have to enslave him against his own will. Nightin thought to himself as Ash approached them cautiously by levitating through the air, his fully charged sniper rifles ready to fire off at any moment if the rabbit attempted to make any foolish move.

"Um, can you at least get your friend to turn the muzzle away from me first? If I"m scared, I might not be able to tell you the truth without leaking any information." The rabbit says so confidently that Ash almost fired instantaneously. It isn"t because he doesn"t control, but it"s more of the rabbit acting so arrogant in such a situation that him off.

"I wonder why, but my hands are extremely slippery today." Ash even took one of the sniper rifles in the air to play around with it, spinning and tossing while letting it roll freely on his fingers, but with its muzzle still aimed at the target at all times. You think you can play around with me? I"ll show you who"s the boss then.

"Alright! Alright! I confess already alright!"


The sound of a sword still plunging itself onto the hard ground ended up with a reflection from it, but that resistance was futile as the sword sinks into the ground without much difficulty soon after. "Give me any more of your tricks and this will be your fate."

Since the rabbit wasn"t going to listen, then Nightin will make it learn the hard way. If the rabbit wasn"t one to listen, then he"ll have to enslave it. It may affect the success rate of his plan slightly, which is why he"ll have to bait the rabbit into accepting him.

"You want to know something?" Nightin asks with a smile while the sword pulls itself off the ground and flies back to its owner, the sword still sheathed without any intention to engage.

Nightin wasn"t able to gauge the current sharpness and durability of his Samsara sword right now, but it should be around the low savior grade at this point of time, amplified with his samsara law, the Samsara law isn"t weaker than any middle grade savior sword.

"What is it?" The rabbit hurriedly asked as it tried to escape, only to realise that the vines were growing stronger with each pa.s.sing second and that its corrosiveness wasn"t working.

"Stop bothering, I"ve infused the plants with so much wind element that the speed of its continuous rampaging rotation will suffice to prevent your corrosion from getting into it. Maybe it might work with a few hours of effort, but you don"t have the time for it." Nightin added on before the demon rabbit attempted any other means of escape.

"I want you to sign a contract with me. If you are willing to concede right now, we can sign an equal contract. If not, I"m afraid that I"ll have to force the signing of a contract." Nightin says as his sword while remaining sheathed, sticks closely to the neck of the demon rabbit.

Having seen what the sword can do when unsheathed, the demon rabbit conceded so instantly that Nightin knows that it was up to more foul play "Fine fine, it"s your win. I"ll sign the equal contract!"

As the vine loosened itself, the rabbit stayed still and waited for Nightin to finish the magic circle, a star forming as the core of the array.

Dripping one blood of his into the star, Nightin turned to look at the demon rabbit, telling it to do the same.

With a look of reluctance, the demon rabbit did as told as it allowed one drop of blood to flow into the magic circle, the blood was purely red, the tinge of green in the middle too light to be noticed.

Foolish human, you think you can get me? You better think twice before offending the greatest hazard of the corrupted forest! The demon rabbit thought to itself as it pounced forwards, going straight for Nightin"s heart.

"Rabbit, you really think that I can"t see through what you were trying to do?" Nightin says with a smile as flames rise from the middle of the array, burning that drop of poison into nothingness as the contract suddenly bursts apart, nine stars rotating in the air as they circle above the rabbit"s head.

"No way! How can someone of your age even be at the ninth grade beast tamer stage and even master this technique!" The demon rabbit shrieked as he struggled and tried to escape, fear was reflected in his eyes and his body was trembling so violently in terror and despite its pleas and cries, the stars still descended on it.

"I"m not a beast tamer, I"m just a Diviner still struggling to merge all the nine major professions together even after a year." Nightin says, thinking about his mortal master still on his last breath and waiting for him to quickly master this profession and a.s.sist him.

Thinking about it, it"s about time I return to the NIrvana sect soon, wherever they may be right now. Nightin had wild ambitions right now, he has already thought of the future of the Nirvana sect once he becomes a Diviner, he"ll make use of the system to a.s.sist him as they build a talent improving machine for the weaker disciples as long as they have the willpower to endure the pain, every mortal will also be given a chance.

It may seem pointless, but if all the farmers and villagers can evolve into the next realm, then life for many will change drastically and the Nirvana sect income will increase exponentially. The farmers and those in charge of herbs will be able to increase their productivity by tens and hundreds of folds, greatly increasing the production rate and quality of their herbs which will increase the selling price and enable the production of better elixirs. The chefs can then cook spiritual foods which benefits the spirit energy of the weaker cultivators, one meal might seem minor, but if it benefits them every meal, then it"ll acc.u.mulate and benefit the sect greatly.

The stars then lock down different body parts of the demon rabbit, four stars for the four limbs, one on its forehead, one on where its heart is located, one on its abdomen and the last two on its front and back forbidden parts. "Please don"t! I"ll accept all the conditions you state willingly!"

The rabbit begged and pleaded, unwilling to accept its incoming fate which might mean death or inhumane torture. "Please! I"ll be your pet! I"ll listen to you willingly! I won"t ever go against your orders!"

Nightin heart shook for a moment, but he steeled his heart and told the demon rabbit "I"m sorry, but you have already made me lose my trust towards you."

Before he changes his mind again, he says aloud "Explode!"

The stars then explode as the rabbit falls onto the ground, the rabbit was still conscious, but unable to move from the pain that feels that millions of leaf cutter ants were biting it at the same time while its body defenses were lowered drastically.

The nine stars elimination was also known as the living h.e.l.l to all demon beasts below the legendary realm and judging from what this demon rabbit was capable of, it was still some distance from being able to compete with legendary beasts.

After that, the demon rabbit was easily tamed as Nightin cancelled the spell cast, whispering to the demon rabbit which has taken on the cute form of a rabbit for now "I"m sorry that I have to leave the stars within your body, but I"ll remove them from you when the time comes."

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