Isabella timidly asked,her voice filled with urgency and the desire for hope that her selfish request will be accepted.

Nightin stood there silently without the slightest intention of even leaving,seeing this,Isabella immediately understood what Nightin meant.

"My brother"s name is Leaf Alan and he always carries around a bow with him, that boy of his has the imprint of a phoenix on it and whenever he fires an arrow, it"s definitely a surefire kill."

Isabella"s description reminded him of one person who Lancelot had mentioned to him previously back in the main hall. Based on Lancelot,a youth who seemed to be around their age took the life of an enemy which they struggled to even defend against easily without the slightest difficulty.

Even without Isabella"s request right now,he would have left to find that youth himself. With him joining the Nirvana sect, they"ll grow stronger than ever. As for him meant to be the catalyst of the number one youth guard in the king force Guards,he must have received wind of it and made use of the war to escape and live as a wandering cultivator.

Even though this may cause him to lose countless of cultivation resources and the supreb cultivation environment he receives,at least he won"t become nothing but a tool for others. Only to get discarded and thrown away as trash after usage, that"s something that every genius won"t want. The arrogance within them won"t allow it,their confidence isn"t meant to be trampled on.

Nightin looked at Isabella who was obviously panicking while waiting for his answer,her face had already turned pale white from worry.

At this moment, Nightin was actually greatly astonished and amazed by Alan. He did not panic or fret for his cultivation,he faced the situation as a true man. Without any hesitation,he gave up all the temptations which laid ahead of him and escaped without ever turning back.

Nightin looked at Isabella who was still worried as he called out to her "Hey, don"t worry,your brother will be fine."

Isabella stopped worrying and tried to calm herself down as she asked slowly "What...Did...You just say? My brother"s still alive and that he"s fine?" Isabella took out her bow as she fired a chain of arrows towards Nightin while shouting "Stop lying to me! Just let me know if you aren"t willing to save my brother,I can do it myself!"

Isabella wanted to believe Nightin"s words,but she was afraid that it would be nothing but a bubble,soon to be popped. With high hopes,comes great depression. She was afraid of getting hurt,she couldn"t afford to lose Alan.

Nightin took out his sword and destroyed Isabella"s sword while shouting back "I"m not someone to make such a lie to comfort you! Your brother has escaped from the guards and is on the run right now with the ident.i.ty of a wandering cultivator!"

Isabella started to cry as she fell forwards all of a sudden. Seeing this,Nightin immediately rushed forward and pulled her into his embrace. He couldn"t let Isabella fall in front of his eyes, that"s just part of his pride, yet it"s what makes Nightin the true him.

Isabella started to tell Nightin about her story. About how Alan isn"t her blood related brother and she only calls her brother just because her father requests her to. About how Alan has always been protecting her since young whenever she was bullied and picked on by the others.

Isabella looked up to Alan ever since young and before long,they had fell in love with each other. Yet,life strikes them hard as the guards came to bring Alan back with them on that very fateful day. Alan tried to fight back,yet he was way too weak to protect himself and Isabella. Left with no choice,he had to leave with them to protect Isabella.

While Isabella and Alan may be nothing but siblings who are close to each other in the eyes of others, they"re actually a couple who are together with each other,just that no one knows about it.

Nightin looked at Isabella who had just found hope in the fact that her lover is still alive.

The Isabella crying right now can be said to be the polar opposite of the usual her. Usually,she can be described as overbearing and always takes matters into her own hands without a regard about the consequences that she may have to face.

Yet right now, she"s just like a fragile woman in the mortal world. Awaiting her husband"s safe return from the cruel war that he"ll be in, constantly hoping that he"ll be safe and that he would be back on one piece. About how she doesn"t want him and her to get involved in the ties of the world and just want to have a world that belongs to them.

The next day, sunlight shone through the clouds and brought new light into the world,the chirping of birds could be heard as a new day came alive once again.

Isabella gradually opened her eyes and what she saw in front of her was her room. The same green curtains which Alan had bought for her,the same furnitures and the same placements. Without any doubt,this is Isabella"s room.

Isabella stood up and opened the door,breathing in the fresh air,she exclaimed to herself "This will be a wonderful day!"

Isabella walked out of the room and she headed to the eating area to have her breakfast as per usual. Upon her arrival,the chef which Nightin had brought in along with his four other servants and two waiters immediately served Isabella her simple breakfast.

A slice of bread with cheese in between and a cup of coffee. A simple meal which even the commoners among mortals can afford easily. Even though cultivators like Isabella can go for up to half a month or even a month without food and water, it"s still a daily habit she has maintain since young. Every day,she would sit down together with Alan for a meal at least once a day except for the times when Alan enters seclusion to cultivate.

The waiter served Isabella her food while telling her "Miss Leaf,you look good today. Did something happen?"

Isabella shook her head and brushed off the waiter"s question with a smile on her face. The waiter understood her intentions and stepped back without the slightest intention to probe any further,it was her privacy after all.

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