Nightin could swear on his life that he"s just found someone in this life who he might actually fear. That person would be the kind sister who had just left her brother out in the open all alone naked. She was giving everyone a feast for their eyes in exchange of her brother"s pride, isn"t she the best sister?

Nightin knew that the best course of action right now would be to stay silent aside while Waverly herself was thinking of a countermeasure. If something really happens to her brother, she wouldn"t be able to explain to their father. Waverly"s father may be paying her more attention right now, but that doesn"t mean that he"s fine with his son"s reputation and image being tarnished.

Waverly turned and look at Nightin who was sitting down on the chair opposite of her at the moment. In front of him was a cup of Jasmine tea which she had just brewed. She smirked, she had a reason to seek Nightin"s help now.

Nightin could see the dangerous smile and hear it whispering into his ears. Nightin subconsciously stepped back as his back hit the counter with a soft ouch.

Waverly asked Nightin "Hey, in exchange of you being able to use our family cultivation grounds, you have to pay a very small price right?"

Nightin knew that it wouldn"t be wise of him to reject, leaving accept as the only answer he could gave. Left with no choice, he could only ask while shrugging his shoulders "What is it?"

Waverly jumped in joy as she immediately took out a scroll and force Nightin to sign on it with his blood. "You"ve agreed to it. If my father asks about my brother, you"ll say that you"re the main and only culprit."

Nightin could feel that death was slowly reaching out for him, even if he doesn"t die, a layer of skin at least will be ripped off from him. Waverly obviously knew that the only way she could tempt him to accept, would be through the provision of cultivation resources and cultivation grounds which she had promised.

The next moment, Nightin could feel a veil of water surrounding him in a sphere as he got transported to the upper realm. He could tell from the sudden increase in spirit energy within the air, it was at least ten times more than in the lower realm.

Waverly was beside him with a broken token as she said "Don"t get too excited yet, you only have around six months here. After that you"ll be forcibly pushed out of the upper realm, if there"s nothing else I"ll be taking my leave first."

Nightin bowed down as he told Waverly "Thank you for your a.s.sistance, I"ll pay you back one day if the chance arises."

Soon, Waverly disappeared as Nightin scanned his surroundings. He seemed to be in the middle of a tower, the tower was nine floors tall. To the right of the first floor was some food pills, which would last him for a month each and infinite water source to his left.

The tower seemed to spiral towards the sky with cobblestone as the tower"s foundation. In the tower was a long flight of stairs which curved upwards.

Nightin went to take a food pill and held it in its hand. The pill was clear red in colour with a clean yellow stripe which cuts diagonally across.

Nightin was thinking to himself at this time "One day, these would be the facilities which my sect owns."

For any force to have these types of cultivation facilities, even someone with low cultivation talent will have hope of attaining the Martial Lord realm in their lifetime. But of course, they"ll only be the weakest Martial Lords unless they experience a lucky encounter.

On the second floor were five portals which leads to the cultivation area for the five basic elements. Cultivating here would greatly speed up a cultivator"s cultivation speed for the intents and laws.

Walking past the third floor, the fourth floor, and the fifth... All the way to the ninth floor, Nightin didn"t see any cultivation areas for any of his divine intents, the best he would have is the cultivation area for Wind.

Walking back to the fourth floor, he entered the portal and got transported into another spatial dimension which a Martial Saint created.

[Alexander and Abby]

Back on the plains two hundred miles east from the Nirvana sect, Alexander and Abby were currently engaged in a war with the barbarians of the savage lands.

The barbarians were well known for their infamous reputation. Things such as stealing, killing, raping and even murdering were small tasks which even the young children can accomplish of their tribe could accomplish.

After Alexander caught wind of such news, he and his army immediately dashed across the lands of the plains and headed here. He had gathered his own army including those far away, hitting a total manpower of ten thousand soldiers.

Out of these ten thousand soldiers, there were ten Martial Spirits, eight were at the first realm, two were at the second realm.

About thirty percent of the soldiers were of the high grade Martial Master realm, forty five percent at the middle grade Martial Master realm and twenty five percent who were at the low grade Martial Master realm.

A elite army which belongs to the sect as their personal force. The commander Alexander was at the Martial Lord eighth realm, one step away from the ninth realm while Abby was at the Martial Spirit sixth realm, one step away from the seventh realm.

In the southern continent which the Nirvana sect lies, they were acknowledged as one of the ten strongest armies. Everywhere they go, fear would be struck into the opponent, people would be rooting for them as they made accomplishments after achievements.

Even so, the barbarians they were up against this time weren"t simple opponents, their leader is a Martial Lord at the seventh realm as well, but his army has no low grade Martial Masters and a number count of around eight thousand.

Alexander and his army who were on their horses faced the barbarians as he said "Barbarians, I"ll give y"all a chance to live if all of you surrender right now!"

The barbarian leader laughed "Who do you think we are! We are the strongest tribe on the plains and we"ll always be!"

The barbarian leader raised his sabre high up in the air as he gathered a whirl of spirit energy and sent it to the sky "Barbarians charge!"


Near the edge of the southern continent, there was a snowy area also known as the snow valley. There, it was winter throughout the year and is known to the world as a second grade forbidden ground. It was known that it would be absolute death for a Martial Spirit to enter.

Even so, how could Lancelot who only had revenge give up now? His opponents the white ravens were hiding in this area, this is where their headquarters are located. Still, it would be a impossible feat for a Martial Spirit fourth realm cultivator like him to take their lives alone.

He may have the strength to challenge a peak grade Martial Spirit, but he would be helpless when up against a middle grade Martial Lord...

[Back to Nightin]

After Nightin stepped into the portal, it wasn"t the world of wind which he was expecting to see, all he witness is constant destruction. Countless buildings were being destroyed into nothingness, even ruins of them weren"t left behind.

The wind had destroyed them into pieces and bits again and again until they were brought away by the natural wind in the air.

Nightin could understand one bit, it was telling him that wind should be rapid destruction without giving the opponent any chance to retaliate. Still, it wasn"t the path which he had been seeking. Without any hesitation, he stepped into the portal beside him.

Just like this, he repeated the same process eight times. Even though none of the portals led him to the law which he wanted to cultivate, it had helped him improve in other ways. He had learnt how one simple thing can hold so many meanings and used in countless different ways.

He had a feeling that one day, if he could control his sword to use any of the nine intents he own, it would be the time which the world stands beneath him. Yet, that"s still a far fetched dream, he hasn"t even taken his first step in this cultivation world.

Stepping into the ninth portal, what he witnessed was a strong yet quick gale of wind was slas.h.i.+ng through objects easily. Everytime the wind through anything, a clean cut could be seen in the middle.

Nightin paused for a moment, the wind in front of him started to spiral around him of their own will. Nightin could feel that the wind was calling out to him, this was the path which he had been searching for ever since he stepped onto the Gale Blades of Slaughter.

Nightin had a mysterious feeling which he couldn"t explain, he felt that the Gale Blades of Slaughter, would become his trump card one day. It would be the sword path which will lead him to the true apex of this world.

Taking out the Phoenix sword, its scarlet red contrasted with the light yet breezy green wind surrounding him. The weak flame from the sword came into contact with the wind, forming a hurricane of fire.

The fire brought the wind to life as the blazing wind lit up the whole world in a new light. Nightin could see the blazing wind breaking through the panes in front of it like nothing. Even after the wind through, the fire still left a scorching trail behind.

It wasn"t just destructive, it was devastation. Nightin closed his eyes as he sat in the middle of all this cultivating. Every here and then, he would open his eyes to digest the new information and scene he had in front of him.

In the first three days, Nightin had only managed to grasp what the fire and wind were doing. They were trying to fight against each other and were merely working with the other party temporarily until one side wears out.

Seven days later from then, he could stand up and take out his sword. Still, that was his limit as he stood there witnessing the grandeur sight in front of him. The flame was being reflected in his eyes, the piercing wind swooshed past his ears as he breathed in the heavy thick air.

One month after he entered the portal, he was able to swing his sword naturally without facing any difficulties, yet that was only the beginning. While his Samsara sword and Life and Death sword which had actually split into two due to some unforeseen reasons flew behind him. The Phoenix sword he held in hand was wrapped in a veil of wind.

The wind surrounded the sword as the flame combusted the wind, making it burn with the brightest flames and causing a firestorm of immeasurable scale. If a firestorm of this scale actually takes place in the cultivation world, only those places protected by a Martial King would be unharmed.

Nightin could feel that the firestorm was the true law which he wants, even the other five Divine laws he cultivates will only be to a.s.sist the law. The Firestorm Gale Blades which brings about the cleanest yet greatest destructions.

Two months into the portal, he was able to grasp a hint of the firestorm, he felt that the firestorm in front of him was merely the beginning. Its full potential was waiting to be extracted, awaiting the time its dominance rules the world once again after a deep slumber.

The fire and wind were crisscrossing around his sword, yet it was still far from enough of bringing about the firestorm which he visualises and wants to see.

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