

The sound of objects dropping in the floor could be clearly heard, everyone was shocked when they heard what Chris Ho said, did he just say that this pretty lady is his sister?

From what everyone knows, Chris has been alone ever since he became famous, news of him having a family member was unheard of.

Chris turned around and said softly "My dear sister, it"s time for us to leave this place, are you still waiting for him?"

The sister replied in a soft voice only Chris could hear "Yes, I believe that he"ll show off his skills in the King Forces tournament this time, I just need some more time."

Chris patted her head while a.s.suring her "Don"t worry, I won"t let him come to any harm."

Although Chris was pacifying his sister right now, he knew deep down that he wasn"t going to give that person a chance to advance on his sister.

Many people didn"t know about Chris Ho and his sister"s true ident.i.ty, but it doesn"t matter for this cultivation realm they"re in, are already unwilling to tolerate their existence.

Their true strength and talent is just way too much for it to hold, for every second and moment they stay, the more the spirit essence in this cultivation realm is damaged.

The cultivation realm did once attempt to drive them out, but immediately gave up on that notion after a senior from their family suppressed it totally.

[ plains near the Emperor city]

A young man could be seen holding a spear in hand, on his black was a silver clear cape drenched in scarlet, on his spear was nothing but lighting, his hair was in a complete mess and his breathing was uneven.

The person was Lancelot as he stood face to face against three terrifying demon Lords, each of his opponents were at the completion stage realm even though they didn"t have any strong combat abilities, their cultivation were more than enough to suppress him.

Lancelot himself had been trying his best to grow stronger even after he took revenge, just last month, he successfully stepped into the early stage Martial Lord realm.

"Coiling Dragon Strike!"

Lightning marks started to coil themselves around Lancelot"s spear, just like a wave of snakes who were coiling up the same target, but this time to charge it with strength as they willingly get devoured.



The lion Demon Lord was the first one to realise the danger of this attack as it pounced onto Lancelot, wanting to interrupt his skill cast before its too late.

This however, caused it to lose its life in the next moment, unwillingness and retreat could be seen in its eyes before collapsing onto the ground with a thud.

A spear had pierced through from its abdomen while the lightning rampaged about within its body, crus.h.i.+ng and devouring all the internal organs and blood.

The other two lion Demon Lords immediately had the notion of retreat, the human in front of them was a killing machine to them.


Without even any communication, the lion Demon Lords took off and tried to escape, but with their low level of intelligence, they weren"t quite that smart enough to escape in opposite directions.

In just a few dashes, Lancelot caught up to them as he charged up his spear once again, this time sending it in a sweep as it sent both the lion Demon Lords flying.


One of the lions survived while the other one died, the surviving lion who was on its last line pounced towards Lancelot, hoping to take down the human with it.


The next moment, all Lancelot could see was darkness before he lost consciousness.

Chris Ho and his sister were here when Lancelot fell as the sister rushed up to Lancelot, she took out a bottle of healing elixirs from her spatial ring, before pouring out a sixth grade pill used by Martial Kings just for Lancelot to recover.

Chris who was beside his sister at the time, asked her "Sister, was there a need to feed him a sixth grade pill?"

His sister Martha immediately reb.u.t.ted back to her blood related brother for the very first time "It doesn"t matter as long as he can recover more quickly, just tell me if your heart hurts from it!"

Chris wanted to scold his sister, but looking at her cute appearance, he shook his head while putting the thought of. Opening his mouth after a short while, he told her "We should bring here somewhere else to recuperate, this isn"t the ideal place."


A gust of wind swept them away as they returned back to their rooms in the inn, on the fourth floor where they"re only two rooms, which were currently occupied by him and his sister.

Chris brought Lancelot into his room while shutting the door close, leaving Martha all alone by herself in a bid to cut off any connections between Lancelot and Martha.

To Chris, Lancelot"s cultivation base was still way too weak, his combat strength, mentality and even sharpness and ruthlessness was there, but it still wasn"t enough to match up with the elf princess.

If Lancelot and her truly wants to get together, he would have to step into the Martial Saints realm by the young age of twenty five, which was a impossible record in this broken cultivation realm.

When Lancelot opened his eyes once again, the first view that came into his sight was a young man clad in white robes, he was sitting down there playing the zither peacefully, but stopped upon knowing that Lancelot was awake.

Without even turning around to face Lancelot, he warned him "You don"t have to thank me, it was Martha who saved you. Also, get away from her!"

Lancelot could feel a strong tug within his heart when Chris Ho said this, it was Martha. The girl who had been with him since young until the age of twelve where some cultivation experts came to bring her away from him.

He could still vividly remember that day where Martha left him with tears streaking down her cheeks, mucus was flowing out from her nose as well when she shouted "Brother Lancelot!!!"

The memory was so vivid that it felt like he was watching a video tape which was recorded specifically for him, it was also that day which he swore to get stronger.

Lancelot didn"t move as it would deepen his wounds, but he still asked Chris "What do you mean by get away from her?"

Chris smirked, his smirk gradually turned into that of crazy laughter as he fully released his music aura and cultivation. A Martial Emperor and zither heart Ancestor realm.

Lancelot could feel a strong pressure crus.h.i.+ng down on him as his face turned ashen white, only after the pressure was gone did he finally manage to gasp for air.

Chris asked again, sharpness in his eyes with a sharp and solemn tone "Are you willing to leave Martha? You aren"t qualified to be with her unless you can prove yourself worthy before she gets engaged in ten years time!"

Lancelot froze for a moment, only after quite some time have pa.s.sed did he open his mouth to ask Chris in a quivering voice "What... Did you just say?"

Chris hesitated for a moment and realised that he actually leaked out cla.s.sified information. "I won"t repeat myself twice, but I"ll let you in on this as a brother. If you truly wish to get together with Martha, you have ten years to step into the Martial Saint realm and find a backing stronger than that."

Lancelot stood up as he left the room with heavy footsteps, not forgetting to tell Chris "I will do so... In ten years."

Would it be better to drag the novel to fill in more details and make it a longer story, or would a shorter story which ends at the lower realm be better, won"t have a complete ending though...

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