"Are you perhaps the General in charge of this area?" Nightin asks politely with his right fist thumped on his chest as a salute.

This might seem like a gesture of close to zero importance in the cultivation world, but this gesture of his has earned the respect of some soldiers. Even they might just speak respectfully without the salute, it has already been forgotten and is merely recorded in the manual during Kingdoms exchange travels.

Lionel looks at Nightin once again before raising his head towards the plain ceiling, a crescent formed on his stern face and the hopeful sunlight radiating with energy replaced the despair and stress s...o...b..lled till now. This young boy, he reminds me of the younger self of that person, maybe he might exceed him in time to come, but that is if time can wait for him to develop.

"Young boy, what"s your name and why are you appointed as a ninth-grade n.o.ble all of a sudden? I don"t recall ever seeing you." Lionel asks, his politeness surprising all of his man even though no one stands out to question, they know their general better than anyone. Their general was someone who turns serious when it comes to political and military affairs, he"s however known for his keen eye when it comes to the scouting of talent.

"Reporting to General, my name is Nightin and I"m someone who made it here in one leap from the lower grade realms. Here, I have no background and am only affiliated with the Voyager kingdom because of a unique contract they agreed on with the Evil Academy." Everything was spoken out, but details about the contract and Evil Academy and sent through telepathy to the General.

"You kidding me? He skipped past the middle grade realms and high grade realms and ascended to our Overlord realm this easily?" A Elite soldier exclaimed in surprised.

"Maybe his true ident.i.ty isn"t as simple as it seems, maybe he"s a spy from enemy forces of the descendent of some legendary characters." One of the Elite soldiers replied while nodding his head in approval of his own idea.

"Elite Soldier! Have you forgotten about the teachings of our army?" Lionel interrupted in with his usual tone, causing the soldier to stand upright and face him. Lionel didn"t even give him a second glance before turning away, only asking "What are the three absolute rules I reminded all of you to follow?"

"We train to protect our loved ones and protect them from harm, we are the s.h.i.+eld of our loved ones and the spear of our lands and seas!"

"Resilience should never slip out of our mind, we can die with pride and glory, but never scamper away from the battlefield with our tails between our legs!"

"We should never jump to conclusions and should only state something when there is sufficient proof and evidence to prove our theory!"

"Repeat the last rule again." Lionel says coldly, shutting down the soldier mindset of disobeying him in the slightest.

"We should never jump to conclusions..."

Before the Elite solider could even finish what he had to say, Lionel had already sent him cras.h.i.+ng into the wall while signalling for the healers to recover his injuries. Making use of this chance to bring his dominance to the other level, he says at the top of his voice "I understand that you have your qualms and doubts about what he just said, but I can a.s.sure you that everything he mentioned was true."

The soldiers kept silent and half knelt on the ground as an army "Your words will always be engraved deeply in our hearts, General Lionel!"

So his name is Lionel. Lionel turns around and before he could get questioned, he tells Nightin "Pay attention to what I"m about to tell you next."

Once every ten years ever since that day, the hundred and eight first grade kingdoms will gather together at the heart of the kingdoms, in a mysterious floating island which only grants them access ever since the combined discovery. The few Supreme kingdoms in the open and dark gathered up and pressured them, forcing them to surrender the harvest they have reaped and almost started a war.

It was a blessing that they realised that they themselves were actually being blocked out by a mysterious barrier, those who attacked it suffer internal injuries of different degrees according to their attack power, those who attempted to charge through blindly while incinerated into ashes, those who were foolish enough to try sneaking in from underground or arrays had their bones absorbed by the ground and souls extracted.

During that unforeseen crisis and event, the Supreme kingdoms incurred heavy losses and a ma.s.sive amount of casualties, many weapons were lost including the legacies of some families which caused a steep decline in the overall strength of those Supreme kingdoms. Many arrays were wasted for nought in that futile expedition, some key holders of the Supreme Kingdoms had fallen there because of the pa.s.sageway before the entrance.

The pa.s.sageway appears to be created by a divine being which possessed divine abilities of necromancy before death, the undead warriors and soldiers didn"t just have cultivation comparable to that of Great Saints at least, hundreds of them were in the DemiG.o.d realm as well which wasn"t a force to be reckoned with even with their combined force. The worst is that they had to face off against twenty seven Overlord realms undead that possess intelligence, one of them was even at the 88th star at that time, wiping out their core armies due to the lack of preparation.

The Supreme kingdoms were caught off guard and by the time reinforcements arrived, the only thing they could do was wait until the Great General of a Supreme Kingdom arrived. In the Supreme Kingdoms, it"s a must to appoint a Supreme General at least of the 85th Overlord star, exactly thirteen stars above the first grade kingdom rules. This difference was more than enough to create a

unbreachable gap in strength.

The first to arrive at that time however wasn"t any of the Great Generals, but Lionel who was only at the DemiG.o.d realm seventh transformation at that time, his strength was average in the entire army but enough to be in the core army, if not for the injury which he suffered from a previous battle which sent him into the backup army.

When he scanned around after arriving before everyone else, he had apparently spotted a well concealed b.u.t.ton among the flowers and bushes before formulating a plan to sneak into the chambers and steal what he needs.

"Ahh! My arm! One of the cultivators cried out in a blood curdling scream before getting devoured by some puppet spiders wandering in groups of four. Seeing the same scenes unfolding before his eyes again and again just like a video on repeat, a nauseous feeling made its way up his gut, only after much effort then did he manage to suppress that terrifying fear and steel his mind.

To save them, I have to do it. It may not be beneficial towards the Voyager Kingdom, but hundreds and even thousands of lives were at stake here. The angel in his heart had won the battle and destroyed the spear of the devil with its glowing halo, making its way to a.s.sist them as a finger pushed down on the b.u.t.ton before landing on the ground.

"d.a.m.n you human!" A voice cried out from behind him as a spear pierced through his chest, which he soon pulls out after when all the undead finally turns into stone. For someone at the demiG.o.d realm, just strong physical attacks wouldn"t mean anything anymore and even the strongest of physical attacks would at most make them suffer slight injuries.

"So, what happened after you became the saviour of everyone. How did the Supreme Kingdom react, did they pay you handsomely?" Nightin asks when he noticed that Lionel was done narrating about his past.

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