According to Nightin"s orders,all of them will be going through different trainings as an individual,all made for each of them after careful thoughts and thinking. These trainings will fully bring out the potential of every disciple and speed up their growth.

So,to the first disciple of the sect Lancelot. Lancelot"s speciality may be his spear,but he had never been through weighted training. In the case where he"s in a tough battle,his opponent will just have to suppress him to win the whole battle or even take his life without much difficulty.

As such,Lancelot would have to be training under the waterfall at any time,if any object were to fall,he would be in charge of defending himself.

The purpose of this training is to ensure that no matter how much pressure he"s under, he"ll be able to fight back in his peak state and even use it to his own advantage against the opponent.

Without any hesitation,Lancelot followed Nightin"s orders,if not for him,he would still be a lowly beggar right now. It was Nightin who had given him a new lease of life,a chance to take revenge for his family. Even if Nightin told him to die,he would do so without any hesitation after taking revenge.

Seeing this, Alexander tried to escape again as he asked "Sect master,take a look I"m so skinny,I would die under that waterfall. To prevent my death,you won"t be letting me be under the waterfall right?"

Nightin smiled and replied "Of course,what you"ll be doing is gaining actual combat experience. To do that,I expect you to kill ten demon beasts two minor ranks above your cultivation every single day. You wouldn"t want to miss the criteria,hehe."

Seeing this,Alexander took a step back and hurriedly agreed to whatever conditions that Nightin gave him,unless he wants to suffer more hards.h.i.+p of course.

As for Ayden, he"s also the second person who is willing to serve Nightin with his life. Nightin got Ayden to stand upright against the waterfall which weighs up to five hundred kilograms(kg) at the moment,a weight that most martial spirits will be barely able to handle. Not only that, he"s expected to be advancing into the deeper parts where the force of the waterfall increases gradually.

The purpose of this is to increase his body strength so that he can further make use of his speciality and use it to its fullest potential. For people like him, techniques aren"t that important. All he needs is the strength to give his heavy sword one strong swing to defeat the opponent.

Abby"s training will be personally lead by Isabella as she"s the only archer in the sect after all. Even If Nightin wanted to teach her,he had no idea of how to do so at all.

As for Ray and Little Black, they"ll be following their individual masters for the same training,but on a lower scale. As for the reason, it"s because their trainings don"t differ much from Lancelot and Ayden.

With this,the first day of h.e.l.l officially begins. At the start,everyone was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with energy as Nightin sat there calmly to cultivated. Expecting their cultivation and strength to rise rapidly with their high cultivation talent that can out even the most dazzling talents to shame,or so they believe.

Whenever they fell to the ground,the gritted their teeth and picked themselves back up. Not willing to bend down to their limits this easily. Even if the sky were to fall,they still think that they"ll have the confidence to shoulder it.

However,that amazing pa.s.sion of theirs started to die off as time By the time the sun went down which signalled the end of the first day however, everyone including Lancelot and Ayden actually requested for their trainings to be reduced.

"Sect master, we"ll all collapse at this rate." said Ray who was sitting at the back behind everyone. Ray was someone who keeps quiet usually,for him to stand out and voice out everyone"s though right now is already an miracle.

Nightin opened his eyes, slowly exhaling "You guys don"t get it, there"s nothing such as giving up in this world. The moment you decided to take a step back,it will be the moment your life goes on the back track. You won"t ever be able to aspire for the top no matter how hard you try,this simple training will end up being your heart demon."

Hearing this,everyone went silent. If a needle were to drop right now,everyone would be able to hear it clearly.

Alexander laughed out loud "Haha haha,I agree with our sect master! I have already been backing out for a few times already! If I keep this up,how will I ever be able to climb to the top of the pyramid and stand at the top of the cultivation world. How can I have my own harem and riches..."

Alexander hurriedly covers his own mouth knowing that he had said the wrong thing at the weirdest timing possible.

Abby looked at him in disdain and splashed water on him "With those dreams and aspirations of yours,no women will truly love you in this lifetime. I may not be in a position to say so,but that"ll be something you regret for life."

Alexander raged and summoned out his scroll up and readied his spell while Abby readied her arrow,ready to fire it at any moment.

Just what do you two want,Nightin silently thought to himself at the side. Before he could step out to interrupt them,Lancelot took the initiative to do so.

"That"s enough! We"re supposed to be cooperating with other,what are you two doing right now? Do you two not have any respect for our sect master,even when he is directly in front of the two of you at this very moment? What a disgrace!"

Seeing this, Alexander opened his mouth as he said "That b.i.t.c.h started it first,what does it have to do with me?"

Abby opened her mouth only to get interrupted once again "Abby,take a step back. It"s not worth getting angry over a man like this." Isabella had arrived since some time ago and decided to cut in at this moment.

Looking at Alexander,she told him "I don"t care about what your dreams or aspirations are. But my disciple is right,if you keep up with this stinky att.i.tude of yours,failure will just be by your side,within your grasp with a single thought."

Nightin signalled Isabella with his eye,before the both of them took their leave at this very moment.

Nightin told Isabella "Isabella,follow me,I have something important to discuss with you right now."

Before he left,he turned around to tell everyone "Now is your time to rest before your second day of training early morning tomorrow."


"Boom! Boom!"

A wild demon beast actually appeared at the very moment their masters left...

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