In the cultivation world, it"s the survival of the fittest. The strong tramples on the weak, that"s the only rule in this world. In this world,your life is worth nothing if you"re weak. Even if you"re right,the strong gets it their way and things are always in their favour.

One can be a cultivation genius, but if one doesn"t survive till he fully expliots his potential and grow, then that"s no different from a man who"s sentenced to death.

In a faraway village,there lives a young child at the age of 13 with his family which has a strength of a few hundred and was acclaimed to be the strongest village around this area and yet..

Swinging his sword around on the Nascent Mountain, he could hear a voice whispering into his head. "You should return home now... They are waiting for you..."

He ignored the voice again and again, his movements turned faster and sharper. Get out of my head!

On that fateful day where the child finally turns 14, his family was attacked by a mysterious enemy and his whole family was ma.s.sacred. He was only lucky to stay alive since he was forced away by his family to the Nascent Mountain behind his village...

Nightin started to blame himself. Why am I this useless? Why am I this weak? Why wasn"t I around then?

Nightin knew that it wasn"t a coincidence that he was away, his family had caught wind of the impending attack and got him to leave.

Tears streaked down his face as he thought about his family, he wanted to take revenge, but held no qualifications as a mortal, he wanted to claim his own life, but doesn"t hold the qualifications to, wouldn"t he just be letting his parents and family down? But how... How can he take revenge without being able to cultivate?

"Father,mother,brother,sister... I promise to avenge all of you,even at the expense of my own life! Heaven why are you doing this to me! Just what have I done wrong to deserve this!" Nightin swore to the heavens as he knelt down on the ground, he wanted to cry but his tears wouldn"t do anything to change something that"s already been fixed.

Unable to accept the pain and the destiny which has been thrown onto him. His shoulders felt heavy, a great burden was thrown onto him. The need for revenge as a mortal.

Nightin knew that staying here to wallow wouldn"t solve the problem and the best he could do right now was to find a path of his, he had to place his trust into the sword he held since young.

Running into the nearby forest once again,he went to his usual spot where he trains his sword. Everyday, the young boy made it a point to go through the tough routine, eight hours of swordmans.h.i.+p training a day. One must not neglect the fact that he"s merely a mortal.

For a mortal to spend eight hours on swordmans.h.i.+p daily for seven years since the age of seven wasn"t a simple task, it was a miracle that his body didn"t even collapse, perhaps this holds the key towards him being a cultivation talent who"s restricted due to something... Maybe... There"s a way...

Getting into the cave which he occupies every day ,a sharp glare of light suddenly blinded his eyes. Yet,his eyes didn"t felt any piercing pain, all he felt was that the light was trying to guide him.

The light was making a huge attempt to pull him out from the shackles of chains restraining him in the darkness amidst the chaos.

He didn"t feel fear, but he somehow felt close to it. It wasn"t something he could explain, but the chains on his body right now just felt too surreal, knowing that it"s just an illusion wasn"t enough to calm him down.

Just then,something hidden within the bushes caught his eye. It was an exquisite long sword with majestic dragon carvings on it. It had a deep shade of crimson red. Out of curiousity he picked it up and then the next moment...

Just then,a sound popped out in his head all of a sudden. "Congratulations to host Nightin for being the first and only person in history who unlocked the Legendary Sword G.o.d System! With my a.s.sistance,you"ll definitely be able to stand at the peak of the world!"

Nightin was shocked when the sound appeared,the next moment a list appeared in front of him.

LSGS system




Inventory:Newbie gift pack

After a few moments he calmed down and thought about it carefully. Thinking deep down in his heart "Who cares what this system is,as long as I can get stronger with it?"

But oblivious to him, he actually knows how to use the system without any guide, it was like as though as if he was familiar with its usages.

The next moment, he thought to himself "Open the Newbie Gift Pack"

"Congratulations to host for unlocking the cultivation system and the foundation sword moves!"

At this moment,a set of foundation sword moves entered Nightin"s brain. Nightin was amazed and captivated by the sudden information he received. The foundation sword moves he were seeing,are no different from the ones he know now. They gave off a feeling of sharpness, impact and the speed to execute the move with the least strength possible.

Besides needing the least strength due to the change in the angle of swing, which in turn reduces the air resistance faced when swinging, it also increases the speed tremendously.

If the two were to be compared. No. The two can"t even be compared, it"s like trying to compare the heaven and earth to each other. If two cultivators of equal cultivation were to face off with the two different sword levels, the victor is obvious.

To be even more precise,even a mortal might be able to kill a Martial Master without any difficulty with just a single move at its peak. Can any cultivator not shudder in fear when facing such a terrifying foe?

This doesn"t mean that it"s a shortcut though, he still needs the resilience and perseverance to brave through the daily training. This was merely a guide path to a.s.sist him, if he decides to be lazy, then all this would be nought and end up down the drain.

Nightin looked at the system as a series of information appeared in his head. From what he knows now, the system wouldn"t be a.s.sisting him much personally. Its only job would be to a.s.sist him in the building of the sect. Such as giving out suggestions or paths to take; providing the needed facilities; providing the pinnacle cultivation grounds to his sect including the best resources if missions given by the system is cleared.

He didn"t know why, he just held all this information in his head and he felt a burning desire to start building up his sect, but this would until he seeks revenge and has the strength to create a sect.

With this,how would the life of Nightin turn out from here as he makes it to the peak of the world,through great effort and determination. If people were to ask him what brought him this far,he can laugh out loud and tell them "I made it this far though blood and tears, but all you guys paid was pain and sweat!"

The effort he went through would be enough to make him bleed profusely. Externally, internally, mentally, emotionally and even the pain of the heart. This however wasn"t enough to extinguish the initial small flickering flame within him, but it grew into the greatest flames in the world which can never be matched, a burning pa.s.sion within his heart which one can never hope to extinguish

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