After entering the cave,a divine beast actually appeared before their very eyes. The Azure Dragon,one of the four great divine beasts in the world.

The Azure Dragon opened its eyes as it looked at them "After thousands of years,finally some group made it here together alive. The bond between all of you have shocked me, especially your general,that talent can be said to be unparallel in this world. Right now,I have something important to request of all of you here.

The gates started to open the side as the whole battlefield slowly came into everyone"s view. On the battlefield, countless corpses of soldiers and demon beasts could be seen,these corpses while generated from the minor invasions of the demon beasts which come on a regular basis, still have large numbers.

A demon beast who had taken the form of a human slowly walked up the the front as he raised his staff,shouting to everyone "Humans,if you surrender right now, I"ll give all of you the privilege of becoming the slaves of us demon beasts! How about it,quite a tempting offer isn"t it?"

Everyone took in a deep gulp of saliva as they slowly advanced onto the battlefield,for a demon beast to have taken the human form,it shows that it"s at least of the fifth grade and a genius as well in the demon beast race.

Seeing that everyone was starting to panic after the Demon King on the other side intimidated them,he rallied back "To h.e.l.l we"ll surrender that easily! Victory has been on our side for the past few hundred years and the ending result will still be the same this time!Every brave cultivator,follow me as we take the life of these cruel demon beasts!"

Holding his spear,he charged straight to the front and clashed with the vanguard commander of the opposing side. A ninth grade Martial Lord only slightly weaker than him in cultivation.

In just a few short moments,the two have already clashed for tens of times. Summoning a portal behind him,he charged up all of his strength while borrowing the momentum from the previous few moves into this one spear.

"Raging dragon waves!"

With a sweep,he took the head of the opponent"s demon beast commander and claimed the first blood on the battlefield.

"Everyone! Charge!"

With this,the vanguard of both sides started to clash with each other. Aiden has already hidden his presence on the battlefield as he lurked around helping anyone in need.

As for Nightin,he stayed at the back as he continued to observe the battlefield, waiting for the perfect moment to join in and to prevent any unexpected changes

At this moment,the commander has been surrounded by four nine grade Demon Lords. Even though the four demon lord"s aren"t his match even when together,they have managed to keep his stuck with them in a battle,preventing him from causing any heavy casualties to their side.

Even so,this doesn"t change the fact that the morale of the cultivators is much above that of the demon beasts. Without any hesitation,they charged straight onto a demon beast and began the battle.

Before long,the whole battlefield was in chaos as the smell of blood started to fill the air, corpses could be seen lying everywhere.

The cries of pain and agony can be heard throughout the battlefield,from both humans and the demon beasts.

Even so,neither side was willing to back off at this point,giving up means h.e.l.l. Whichever side surrenders,will face total elimination. Right now, there"s only victory in everyone"s life,backing up isn"t a option anymore ever since the start of the battle.


"d.a.m.n it,demon beasts are rus.h.i.+ng in from the right flank!"

Hearing this,Nightin immediately advanced towards the right flank to help them out. If he doesn"t,the battle will soon be over with them losing the whole battle totally.

In front of him were hundreds of demon beasts of the third grade. Taking out his sword,the encompa.s.sing sword heart intent started to envelop his sword and body.

"Dancing mystic blades!"

Summoning out five mystic swords, they started to fly around behind him,just like as though as if they have came to live.

When Nightin successfully cultivated the fifth mystic sword and merged it with his intent,his sword came alive and were able to fly around him at his own will.

With just a single thought,the five swords started to fly towards the invading army. Wherever they went,the cries of demon beasts could be heard. Wherever they went,blood goes flying in the air. Wherever they went,countless demon beasts are killed.

Without any difficulty,the demon beast invasion plan was stopped by Nightin alone. At this time,everyone knew that there"s an expert lurking around them helping them out.

With this,the advantage was back to the cultivators as they struck back fiercely against the enemies, not giving them a chance to regroup themselves.

Nightin looked at the battlefield and the more he see and understand, the more shocked he is. The demon beasts horde seems to be protecting something more than their king.

Despite not being sure whether it"s a wise choice to check it out,he still decided to advance slowly towards the hidden part which no one has realised yet.

Along the way,he killed countless demon beasts as he advanced,until he was spotted and stopped by a demon lord as well.

A low grade Demon Lord is more than enough of a opponent for him at this moment,as for escaping, it"s even more not possible.

Behind him were three more demon lords as well,not only that,all of them were capable of aerial flight.

Left without a choice,he took out his blade and slashed towards the nearest flying demon beast,only for it to fly into the air and release a wind gust towards him.

Dodging it with phantom steps,what faced him was a razor sharp claw,raising his sword to block it,he was pushed backwards a few metres.

d.a.m.n it,if this keeps up,I would definitely die here. Gathering all the strength in his sword,he slashed towards the nearest flying demon beast,combing the strength of five mystic swords.

Before that demon beast could react,the slash had already cut his body into half cleanly.

At this moment,a demon beast appeared behind him and slashed towards him in fury,even thought they are demon beasts with low intelligence,they still have feelings.

The next moment,all Nightin could see was pitch black in front of him as he closed his eyes and fainted...

Back around the Cloud Moon city,the Azure Dragon army is currently trapped in a cave which they fell into when rus.h.i.+ng to the battlefield after hearing the news of a war.

When Alexander tried to get out by destroying the wall,what faced him was a strong rebound which caused his some minor internal injuries.

Left without a choice,the army could only advance forward. Straight into the pitch black darkness which devours them as they slowly vanished from the world"s view.

"Hey,will we really die here?"

"We might really die..."

"I don"t want to die! My family is still waiting for my return!"


At this time,a creepy voice resounded through the cave "Come to me little ones,my delicious meals. Hahahah!"

This sent a chill down everyone"s spine as cold sweat started to break out. The mental fear and pressure right now is destroying their mental state right now,if this keeps up, they"ll die from this.

At this very moment,a voice brought them back into reality "Don"t forget who we are,we are the Azure Dragons,we don"t fall this easily!"

"That"s right, how can we give up this easily?"

"All hail the general! All hail the general!"

At this moment,the whole army was sent into a state of high morale which they had never been in before. Not only that,a path seemed to have open itself before their very eyes as light started to s.h.i.+ne into the cave.

Seeing this,everyone mustered up their courage and made the final dash towards the exit,they wanted to get out of this living h.e.l.l as quickly as possible.

After leaving the the darkness,what appeared in front of them was a gigantic divine beast. The Azure Dragon,one of the four great Divine beasts who rules the Eastern continent in the upper realm,a legend that everyone has heard from their parents ever since a young age.

The Azure Dragon slowly looked at them,its gaze fixated on Alexander as he said "The co-operation and friends.h.i.+p between all of you have impressed me, I"ve been paying special attention to you since the start especially Alexander. Within your blood, there"s actually my bloodline."

Alexander stepped back as he got everyone to start falling back and make their preparations to escape.

The Azure Dragon laughed at them as he said "What are all of you doing? I"m planning to give your general my legacy inheritance. In return,you guys must make it to the eastern continent of the upper realm and free me from the shackles."

Before Alexander of his army could ask any questions,the Azure Dragon had turned into a energy orb and flew into he middle of everyone"s forehead.

The next moment,a spectacular sight happened as all the low grade Martial Masters started to breakthrough to the high grade Martial Master realm while all the Martial Apprentices started to breakthrough to the Martial Master realm.

Not only that,all of them actually skipped past the stage of cultivating the energies needed and jumped straight to the third cla.s.s. As for what they"ll be called, they"ll still be the Azure Dragons no matter the cla.s.s.

Not only that,Among the hundred of them (some joined in the seven days),their cultivation speed for the intent is shared,giving them an edge over others.

As for Alexander,he became a high grade Martial Lord with terrifying combat abilities,the current him isn"t any weaker than the average Martial King at the lower realms.

With this,this exit appeared in front of them as they made a beeline to the battlefield as quickly as possible.

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