On the battlefield,even though the cultivators had high morale at the start, their stamina decreasing as time pa.s.ses started to take a serious toll on them.

This was especially true for the battlefield where the first and second grade demon beasts are commanded by a low grade Demon Lord.

At the start,victory was on their side,just more pus.h.i.+ng and victory would be theirs. Now however,the tides have turned. At this point of time, they were nothing but weaklings struggling to survive in the face of a strong foe,not to mentioned fighting back and getting the kill.

Right when everyone thought that this is the end of the line for them,a command filled with vigour and energy made them recover the motivation to fight back once again.

"Azure Dragons,take out weapons and face the enemy!"

"Yes general!"

The Azure Dragons right now are different from the ones before. Right now,they are a elite army of a hundred which can be compared to a thousand.

Taking out their weapons,the azure dragon intent filled the air as they pressured towards the demon beast army.

In just their first charge,the demon beast army suffered heavy casualties and started to retreat backwards to regroup themselves.

Just then,a shockwave sent all of them flying backwards,all suffering injuries of different scales. The Demon Lord who is their commander has finally made his move against them. It could sense that they"re a serious threat to them and if he doesn"t kill them now,his side of the battlefield will lose.

Alexander took out his scroll and transformed it into a heavy sword this time. "Roaring waves!" Swinging the sword twice in front of him,a sword wave dashed towards the Demon Lord,the air splitting apart wherever it went.

Seeing this,the Demon Lord took out his axe and slashed towards the sword wave. As a demon beast still,he knows no fear and only knows how to attack with brute force purely.

As a result,it ended up flying backwards tens of metres away and got finished off with an arrow which had already been prepared for him as it pierced through its demon core.

Seeing this,all the cultivators started to cheer in joy as they rushed forward once again, stronger than ever without any fear. To the demon beast,it was a one sided slaughter that awaited them without any escape path.

The demon beasts with their low intelligence couldn"t think of a plan as all of them went into a frenzy and started attacking any human they see with attacks as vicious as possible,aiming to kill a human with them even at the expense of their life.

With this,the vanguard side of the battlefield has been won as well,leaving everything up to the right flank. If the right flank wins as well,they would have won for the very first day of the battle. With the number of demon beasts invading,it wouldn"t be a surprise if the battle drags on for a long time.

At the right flank,Lancelot and the other disciples who were undergoing training were there to help out with the exception of elder Isabella who had stay in the sect to take care of it.

Lancelot,Ray,Ayden and Little Black each took one side of the whole army to cover them up. Right now,all of them were capable of defeating a Martial Spirit at the early realm,the problem here is the Demon Lord commander of the demon beasts army.

As for Abby,she stayed in the middle as she fired rains of arrows towards the demon beasts army,causing them heavy casualties and making escape difficult for them.

The Demon Lord has noticed Abby at this time and flied towards her,it flapped its wings as it took off into the air and charged towards Abby with its razor sharp claws, it was a eagle type demon beast. It had to eliminate Abby right now, she"s posing too much of a threat to the demon beast army.

Seeing this,the whole bunch of them with Lancelot charged towards it,even though it might be a losing battle,they had to kill it if they want to win the whole battle here. This is their one and only chance to turn the tides in their favour.

Lancelot and Ray stabbed it from the side with their spears,while Ayden and Little Black struck it from the front with their heavy swords causing it to stagger backwards as Abby fired a arrow one of its eye,blinding its view from one side.

Even so,the Demon Lord wasn"t willing to go down as it sweep all of them away and made all of them tumble backwards while charging for Abby once again. Abby had taken one of its eye which will most likely never recover for life,the revenge is a must for it.

Right when Abby thought she was over,an arrow pierced through the demon beast"s head and ended its life.

On top of the city wall was a youth,on his robe was the token on a wandering cultivator. Not only that,he seems to be around their age,but much stronger than them.

Before they could ask the youth about his age or anything,he had already left towards other parts of the battlefield to help out.

Soon,the first day of battle had ended with the demon beasts suffering twice the casualties of the cultivators side. Even so,the demon beasts still had the number advantage since they had started with triple their numbers.

Furthermore,most of the Lords in this battle haven"t made their move yet with only the lower ranks one fighting with each other on the battlefield.

Back in the camp on the cultivators side,the commander gathered everyone near the city walls as he made his announcement for the day which raised everyone"s morale up. Even though they have fewer numbers,the demon beasts having twice their casualties means that victory is within sight.

After that,he made a special announcement "Today,there are a few groups of people we have to thank, I"ll have them introduce themselves next."

"h.e.l.lo everyone, I"m Alexander from the Azure Dragons which belongs to the Nirvana sect,the only reason I"m here is due to the orders of my master."

Abby represented everyone in the group,after a tough battle,who would want to listen to a man compared to a pretty and young lady.

"Everyone, we"re the legacy disciples of the Nirvana sect. If we win the battle,do make sure to give us all your support!"

"Yes I will!"

"Hey,are there more young ladies like you!"

"Can I join your sect?"

With just one sentence from Abby,the Nirvana sect had gained the recognition of the Breezy city.

Soon,a glowing ball of light started to rise from the east,bringing new light into the world filled with darkness. The new light seems to be giving everyone hope as they readied themselves once again for a cruel battle.

This time, they were surprised to only see about a thousand demon beasts on the opponent side. The Iron Hide Rhinos.

With their sharp horn and tough body and being half steps Demon Lords,they easily charged straight into the middle of the cultivators formation and caused huge damage that they"ve never expected.

By the time defensive measures were taken,all three sides has actually faced the same unexpected attack,yet this was only the first wave out of the many.

Soon,another wave of demon beasts once again appeared,Earthfire snakes. By going from underground onto the surface,they take down a human cultivator easily with each ambush attack.

Even though the human cultivators tried to protect each other,the synchronisation between the two demon beasts were just way too fast for them.

The mental pressure itself was taking a huge toll on them as they struggle to even keep themselves standing,not to mention fighting back.

Even though the Azure Dragons and Lancelot"s group were trying their best,their efforts were far from enough. The difference in number between elites is just way too much,while the commander is once again singled out by a group of demon beasts.

The worst thing is that the Demon King is still staying pa.s.sive and hasn"t make his move against them.

This was however,only the beginning of everyone"s nightmare. Every cultivator inside the Breezy City who are at the lowest Martial Apprentice realm are actually mutating into ferocious werewolves as they attack any humans around them.

Even though the royal guards left at the city can kill them easily, there"s just way too many of them various different parts of the city. Whenever they kill one,another case just happens far away, again and again without rest.

If this keeps up,the battle will end today without the Demon King of the demon beasts even making a single move against them at all.

All he had to do was strategize and make the plans for the demon beasts army. Obtaining victory with only the weaker elites while having minimal casualties which won"t decrease their overall strength.

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